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Home New Zambian wholly-owned company to build $20m Lime plant

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  1. Independent Observer…this is what Zambians must be doing, and not trying to brag about it.
    Shall we continue with this spirit, but lets not forget to make sure that Gov’t is also doing its job.


  2. “He said good investment policies have resulted into increased investment on the Copperbelt, and Ndola in particular, adding that Government has continued to attract both local and foreign direct investments.

    “We commend Government for ensuring that there is a level playing field in the country by coming up with policies that will advance investment in all economic sectors,” he said.” end quote.

    I feel sooooo vindicated. I have stated that Zambians have to make a path for themselves economically. I have always argued against govt doing everything for you. Govt owns Ndola Lime Co. and they have failed to optimally supply the market with high quality lime products amidst such high demand. tbc

  3. cont from #3

    Now Mr. Sampa has seen an opportunity and is investing. Watch how he is going to efficiently run his company. Ndola Lime will be relegated to second place.

    This type of investment is what Independent Observer has been advocating for for a long time on this blog. He has been very vocal on Zambians investing in their own country and has even talked about sources of finance like venture capital funds..etc.

    Opportunities are abundant. It is up to us Zambians to use initiative and invest.

    Congratulations Mr. Sampa on your new business venture.

  4. Headlines on ZWD are a let down. This plant belongs to Italians and not to Zambians let Sampa deny this with shareholding registration documents. Not that there is anything wrong for foreigners to invest in Zed but let us not mislead the public perception of events. Second, what is the logic behind 20m$ only creating 50 job opportunities. Ok, better than nothing but we need labour intensive investment to create more wealth amongst us

  5. Congratulations to these sons of Zambia.

    This is very encouraging and I hope rupiah will accord and extend the same investment conditions, support and concessions he gives to his Chinese financiers.

  6. RB wamuyaya Rb wamuyaya RB wamuyaya!!! This is real development at its best. Zambia is surely heading for development.!!!!

  7. Zambia, land of opportunity. At 32, Iam set. No pressure. Good luck Kelvin my man. If you work harder than I did, you could surpass me in 10 years time. Donchie kubeba.

  8. No Way says:
    March 29, 2011 at 11:52 am
    Mr. Capitalist and Senior Citizen watch out, I’m back now. Closer to where you are you kids.

    If you believe that those two I.D’s live in Canada and America you are naive.
    I can have a Japanese flag during the day at work and i can have an australian flag at night when i post from home.
    Also if i use my cell phone to browse L.T i can have an american flag just like you.
    So Sh.ut up and stop thinking like a child who just learned a new game.
    I.P address’s do not link to countries anymore so give up.

    Senior Citizen lives in Lusaka.

  9. #8, see this
    “He said good investment policies have resulted into increased investment on the Copperbelt, and Ndola in particular, adding that Government has continued to attract both local and foreign direct investments.

    “We commend Government for ensuring that there is a level playing field in the country by coming up with policies that will advance investment in all economic sectors,” he said.

  10. This is excellent news and as for the source of capital, let’s just all assume they borrowed from the bank and stop asking about where they got the money. At least they are employing others, if they wished they could have used the muzulu on self gratification and other silly. Well done lads, now stay clear off politics.

  11. How can such a big investment create such few jobs? Am wondering. By the way, Kelvin Sampa is just an employee. This company is owned by thoz same crooks running Zambezi Portland.

  12. $ 20 million to create 50 jobs. something aint right. Any way its a good sign if Zambians can take up investing in real things as opposed to being just suppliers to the indians and chinese companies.

  13. #2 2025 Movement

    Do your homework before you say anything, you might find yourself on embarrassing side.

    Would it bother if INDEPENDENCE OBSERVER & MYSELF are among the people that have invested into this venture – by the way, INDEPENDENCE OBSERVER has never bragged but encouraged everyone to participate in developing Zambia

    Similarly, I am a UK based Zambian that worked for Night Frank Estate Agent (UK) back in the early 90’s – I learnt the trade and now have a Property Portfolio in the UK and Zambia – Night Frank Estate Agent is now in Zambia involved Commercial & Residential Properties.

  14. cont..

    # 2025 Movement

    He (INDEPENDENCE OBSERVER) introduced me to a Bank Manager at Lloyds Bank UK, who helped me with my First Mortgage Loan. Since then I have never looked back. This is how I found myself in Property Development in Zambia & UK. In the UK, I buy repossessed houses, develop them and sell them. In Zambia, I buy land and build apartments and houses

    Now, if I start encouraging others Zambian to do be pragmatic – does that mean that I am bragging about it? – Over the years, I have helped a number of Zambians to buy property in the UK – I guess that is what INDEPENDENCE OBSERVER preaches all the time. Some of these comments just come from Jealousy

  15. #16. Modern production technologies do not need a lot of employees. Many processes are automated and hence there is no need to have a lot of employees. Other related employment opportunities are what may blossom. E.g.Suppliers of raw materials, maintenance of technical equipment, canteen.e.t.c. and generally the economic status of the area(Ndola) as the buying power of the citizens may improve.

  16. This is the best news that i have heard in zambia for a long time now instead of globe trotting politicians who are busy being bought by Chinese and other foreigners Cmon support your local people. Well done!!!!All zambians must be behind you

  17. Our professors have always said that the future of Zambia lies in the hands of Zambians whether black or white…

  18. # 21 we are looking at the amount of money spent just to create 50 jobs. I have knowledge of what is involved in mining and processing of lime. Unless it will be a katemba mining operation, the numbers are too small. why not reduce the autamation process and increase manpower

  19. #17 Dont be Xenophobic.Those so called italians are very much zambians just like the boers of South Africa are to south africa. You people are so tribally minded in everything sure.

  20. This is the kind of investment needed in Zambia not ba KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken) elyo you send ba First Lady and Minister of Commerce to officially opening the joint which will probably only have 4 staff,the Mayor should have been sent to open KFC !



  22. It is encouraging to hear of Zambians being interested in investing in their country and indeed society. Shall we continue with that mentality. May I mention however that in any society we must endeavour to bridge the rich/poor gap and for the 90/10 percentage to favour empowerment. We shouldn’t have a country where the majority (the 90) are suffering, ofcourse we cannot achieve utopia but even as we are investing we need to hope and work for maximum impact. Like an individual above has cited that 50 jobs is on the low side. As we are investing, we must also be ensuring accountability in our Gov’t and practicing sincerity. If Zambia must change, if our country must be better and if we must get rid of the rot in society…we must start with the systems!

  23. And when we say systems we are talking about how we do business everyday, how parastatals are run and so forth. We are currently defending a very wrong tax regime…but the reason we are in this position is because their is so much outside influence and indeed we need to appease “super powers”. We must as Zambians fix our systems and build wealth! We should be at a point where we can provide education for all atleast at Primary Level and in the districts if theres upto 20 children not going to school, the authorities should be required to step down. Our copper is exported and fashioned into all sorts of ornaments that are then sent back to us, some powers from time to time offload some of the copper they’ve stored away onto the market so that prices reduce and that directly affects us

  24. We may not be able to change this entirely but we can create more market in Zambia and in Africa. Gov’t should have long time ago ensured that we are saving some of our copper, that we are using a lot of copper and producing more profitable items that can be sold locally and internationally. Look at FRA, they have cheated farmers year in year out, but how often are people sacked?? Look at RDA, and even ZAMTEL, our Gov’t was even proud to give reasons for selling which included the old redundant workforce. There should be some competitiveness guaranteed by Gov’t through repacations in various sectors.

  25. #26, its not xenophobia. Thoz Italians are abusing & violating workers rights with impunity all bcoz of their Plot 1 connections. I wud take the same stand on worker’s rights regardless of the employer’s race or nationality. I guess u’re out of touch with the realities in Zed.

  26. True – we Zambians must lead by example. we should not shoot down anyone that attempts to stand up and be counted. i agree with other Progressive thinkers like CAPITALIST 3 E’S and INDEPENDENT OBSERVER who has lead by example and keeps advocating about working hard, networking ideas and helping the poor.

  27. I have nothing to say but this, 50 jobs is better than sending money to the middle east; at least south Africa is a great trade partner, as for Zambian employees that’s because the government apolite not labour laws to their maximum effect. This is a plus for Ndola as a city and Zambia as a nation.

  28. Great, this is the news we want to hear. Retain the hard earned forex locally as we cut down on imported lime. Create employment and give consumers a wider choice. Congrats Mr.Sampa

  29. What i don’t realize is in fact how you are now not really much more neatly-liked than you might be now. You’re so intelligent. You understand thus significantly in terms of this matter, produced me in my view imagine it from a lot of numerous angles. Its like men and women don’t seem to be involved except it’s something to do with Lady gaga! Your own stuffs outstanding. Always care for it up!

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