Monday, June 3, 2024
Home Government reaffirms qualified health workers recruitment

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  1. a lot of reassurances in an election year..conditions of service in the health sector are pathetic

  2. Any young Zambians who want to be very rich should grab this chance. There is a lot of money in dentistry. All those lawyers and politicians as well as business men and women would like a colgate smile after abusing chokoleti!

  3. I think that if positive developments and news continue coming at this rate, we will soon see some heart attacks from the opposition. RB, slow down a bit, Sata has a patched heart….please napapata.

  4. Recruitment alone without other accompaning better condition of service will not solve the human resource crisis for the health sector

  5. It has always been a dream of mine to become a dentist and if this fails then I have failed in life but I know I won’t fail when I become a dentist I ll have achieved the greatest goal of my life

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