Monday, June 3, 2024
Home BOZ employee arrested for money laundering

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  1. The headline indentifies BOZ, the main story gets vague,however, and talks of ‘from a named bank’, just what kind of journalism is this?

  2. bankers have been a great source of trouble and pain. Ba mulembe wa Nsofu, ubushiku usheme ne chimbala chilocha.

    If this is happening at BOZ, how about in commercial banks which are run by ethically questionable management. Invested in personal luxuries?

  3. Please LT, what kind of reporting is this. which is which, BOZ or “a named bank”. You cant have a definate artucle befered to by an indefinate article in the same paragraph. Its just wrong construction of english. How can BOZ be a named bank again??????

  4. @Narrant that is exactly my sentiment……….These guys are such a disgrace to the journalism fraternity…..

  5. If you expect proper English and logic from journalists, then you are the one who voted for CNP hoping for more money in your pockets in 90 days. These things are mutually exclusive. Only dunderheads go into journalism.

  6. Did you mean named bank as in named in the title or is there another bank involved? Be clear or better still rewrite the article.

  7. ba clueless hyena, please comment consistructively, not always using hate speeches against the president. before you know it, you will have a cardiac arrest. be real and tackle issues not always talking about one man. it only shows that the president is your pain in your a…..hole. just wait for 2016 since you have singing about throwing the president out of power. no wonder you are being called wizards. such hatred, you can even poison the president. i dont blame him for excluding you tribalists from the cabinet.

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