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Home Zambia makes significant progress on the 2012 Corruption Perception Index (CPI)

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  1. Cooked figures,lies,damned lies and statistics.Put Fred Mmembe ,Nchito and other hidden buddies of Sata into the picture and you’ll be asking for a puke bucket.

  2. Clearly, Zambia deserves a big ass F for fail. With people like Kabimba acting like they are above the law, our rating should really be a minus 2 right now.

    I wonder what the Justice Minister has to say about these numbers.

    • You are so correct. Zambia is a corrupt country. That’s the way it is. We are not different from the usual suspects, like Nigeria and DRC. But we like to cheat ourselves that we are a little bit better than others.

  3. Defective tools of analysis and what was the sample size? I am sure that excluded representation of croocks like Winter, Fred, DPP, GMB, Zamtel ***** MD, The ***** Kambwili, Ukwa and Kaseba to mention but a few. Its a pity Z,ambians have not taken research seriously no wonder results always reflect personal opinions, jaundiced results.

  4. 37 % ??? I never give anybody such a grade, unless he is extremely useless, and I attach a 2 page report why he should change the career.

  5. This is an improvement compared to the time of RB were Zambia was rated below 20%.In the next few yrs,it will be 50% and am pretty sure!!! This Government is better that any other in the history of Zambia.

  6. Its only a CPI afterall which means perception,discernment ,judgementor observation.Anything based off perception could also miss out a lot of reality.In essence corruption in zambia could be worse than before or just slightly lower.The accusations surrounding Sata’s confidants of course do not inspire confidence even with this “improved” report.

  7. the fight against corruption is hogwash…
    Big shots will never set an example, they are in power to line their pockets…

    day before yesterday FTJ, yesterday Rupiah and his sons Jimbo and Henry, Dora, Mwale, situmbeko and today Winter , fat Godfrey,…

    Watch the video “Why poverty ?” and you will understand…

  8. @10. Paolo di Canio. RB under 20%? Did you pass your comprehension lessons at school? Remember those class lessons when you were given a passage or more to read and you’re then asked questions centred on what you’ve just read. I doubt that you learnt anything! Sad!

  9. The important information in this announcement is that Zambia was ranked 11th in Africa in 2010 and is now ranked 12th.

    Zambia has dropped from position 11 to 12 and that should NOT be called progress by any well meaning person.

  10. If you were looking at percentage points only without considering the position would you call an improvement from 32% to 37 % , significant progress?

    We really have too many ffools in Zambia….

  11. These guys have no clue what’s on the ground in Z. If the Minister of Justice can behave the way he did only to be defended by the president by castigating the hard working Zambians who thot the president had zero tolerance to corruption, how can that ever be improvement?

  12. Considering that Zambia got only 3 out of 10, along side Malawi and Swaziland, what is there to be proud of? And what significant progress is that?

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