Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Home Prosecution team admits to duplicity of charges in corruption cases against Sam Phiri and the others

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  1. Stop the persecution! You’re giving the country a bad name! Intelligent leaders aspire to be respected . Only despots aspire to be feared! The time of the Amins, Bokassas, KKs etc is long gone. Its time to join the civilized world!

  2. This government and their Director of POLITICAL Prosecution (DPP) have no shame. When will we stop all these hate filled persecutions? In the meantime bigtime crooks like Mahtani are given Nolle Prosequis.

  3. I can predict that come 2016 mutmbo nchito won’t be staying in zambia. The guy is just busy hammering big deals which ukwa does’t know unfortunately

    • I was about to comment same, but me in a more powerful way which always moves the state house from their eating tables. Unfortunately Sata doesn’t understand law or justice.
      The Justice & Home Affairs are in a mess. Mutembo Nchito (former Mutomba Nchito), DPP has never achieved anything, apart from continuosly robbing the government. Kabimba should be concentrating at putting order in his Injustice Ministry, but he is busy organising street cadres to attack innocent Lubinda.

  4. All thieves world over get prosecuted, what would Zambia be if such abuse is ignored. Check Serious Fraud Uk website ignorance is a curse.

    Guilty pleas in £16 million corruption trial
    21 February 2012

    An investigation into the corruption of civil servants has concluded at Belfast Crown Court after all four defendants admitted their involvement. The case centred around payments to show favour for the tendering and continuation of CCTV contracts in Northern Ireland.

    Their guilty pleas mark the conclusion of a joint investigation by the Serious Fraud Office and the Ministry of Defence Police, into bribery allegations, which began in 2002.

  5. What more can Zambians expect from this evil autocratic devil worshiper Dictator Sata?

    These are trumped up charges which has just been framed because Sata wants to get revenge against innocent Zambians who exposed the TRUTH about his evil side.

    I look forward to the day Sata will be frequenting Courtrooms and paying the bills for his lawyers. That is if he reaches there!

    This Dictator Sata wont even survive immunity removal just from his day 1, paliament will remove it from him.

    Zambians hated Sata even before the elections & you can see even now instead of him comforting people like Mangani & Phiri in Eastern Province who paid a political price to support him (to the extent helping in exposing Rupiah BANDA’s Malawi’s parental connections), evil Sata has hurt them the…

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