Saturday, July 27, 2024

Feature Lifestyle

Rev. Maureen Chileshe Shonga: An Inspirational Beacon of Faith and Determination

Reverend-Evangelist Maureen Chileshe Shonga stands as a testament to the power of faith and action. Despite using a wheelchair, Rev. Shonga has achieved remarkable success as a farmer and...

Living on the Edge: The Impact of Power Outages on Dialysis Patients

Living with a chronic illness often presents unique challenges, but for those on dialysis, the struggle is compounded by external factors beyond their control....

The Societal Mental Challenge: Normalizing Abnormalities

In contemporary Zambian society, there exists a troubling trend where behaviors traditionally deemed abnormal are becoming increasingly normalized. This shift poses a significant societal...

The Other Side of a Side Chick: They Solidify Marriages

Disclaimer: I don't believe in cheating and I follow what the Bible says about marriage. Most marriages are affected by extramarital affairs, yet there is...

A Note to the Youths

This is me 27 years ago. I left the University of Zambia in November , 1995 after studying for four years. I graduated with...

Message For Today:Be Renewed

Today's Scripture …and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Colossians 3:10, NIV Be Renewed Friend, you...

Message For Today: Open the Floodgates

Today's Scripture “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty,...

NKONDO YAMU BONGO: The Battle of the Extremes and the Stigma Associated with Mental Health-Part 1

Men's mental health is underrated and overlooked, most think they are strong but they are not. This personal account highlights the author's struggles with mental...

Dry bones lure toddlers into the streets; are we failing to address conundrum of street kids?

We were perambulating the streets of the city of Kitwe checking on the street kids, as we normally do Tuesdays, when we got attracted...

Harrowing tale of Street Kid gang-raped by thugs!

Since Sundays are sacred days, we shall try to refrain from political topics and take time to interrogate real issues affecting mankind as a...

Message For Today: By the Spirit

Today's Scripture “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of...