Saturday, June 15, 2024
Home Keshi Welcomes Pitroipa’s Return

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  1. I wonder what is the capacity of the stadium.. 90 000 fan from Nigeria will mean no other soccer fan will enter the stadium. I wish they limit the number from each country to allow other citizens to attend and help make an neccesary noise.. also taking part in blowing the infamous vuvuzela ..

  2. imwe ba kanjimaano, its the capacity of the stadium , not the number of nigerian fans. Keshi is a good coach who even wishes his opponents well, as we all know that Petrol (Pitroipa) guy is a world class player who cannot be compared to the makulas of chipolopolo like chansa, kalaba etc so for keshi to be happy on his return is good sportsmanship.If it was zambia, they could have even boycotted the final match until the referees decision is respected, like they did on Sudan, thus why you were punished in the group stage all fake teams eliminated WOOOOOOOO….VIVA BKF though, MY BET IS BKF 4 – NIGERIA 1

  3. Who can trust Nigerians, if they loose they will use that Pitroipa case. Burkina Faso shouldn’t play Pitroipa, let them use all card free players to beat the pompous Nigerians 4-1.

  4. @spoiler, where is the pomposity in Keshi’s comment? Why do you have to show hate even when the opponent of the Super Eagles is showing good sportsmanship? Some of you should just not be allowed to make comments on blogs! Please learn to respect other people!

  5. Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. An examine conducted by Dr. K. This manifestation is unashamedly about the vesture|habiliments|clothes} of the affluent. The Messel household progressed from a delectable|grateful|gratifying|acceptable|welcome|comfortable} upper-medial regular arrangement|class} existence to the ranks of the disposition|rule of the higher classes|aristocracy} so there is no form of make and retouch or Sunday best. But their posture to clothes, with items being passed down through generations or used to impress specifical occasions, is not that different from that of the most customary of families..

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