Monday, June 17, 2024
Home PAZA president urges political leaders to tame their cadres

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  1. Very disapointed with the behavior of PF carders. Mr SATA should not turn a blind eye to the violence and lawlessness perpetuated by his carders. These are some of the things which made RB unpopular.Sir ,you will have a tough time in 2016, mark my words.
    Just yesterday around 15 00hrs,coming from town, i almost had a head on collision with a bus load of carders in independence avenue just near Kamwala shopping center. The *****s defied traffic rules and were driving on the wrong side of the road. They were coming from Intercity bus terminus and joined independence driving into town
    Bye Bye PF

  2. Don’t waste your time PAZA!
    PF is like a headless chicken with no capacity to get good advice!
    We just need to impeach Sata and PF in 2014 before more damage is done to this country! Look at the rate at which Chikwanda is borrowing for consumption! There is a smarter way to borrow than what we see under PF.
    We need to put an end to this madness in 2014 otherwise “happy 2014” will just turn out to be a nightmare!

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