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Home Bemba Queen defends Chanda Sosala as the legitimate Chitimukulu

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  1. Whatever Chieftainess Mukuka may say is not more important of what Bana Sata (I forgot her name, ohhh Christina Kaseba, I miss her), has decided.
    The best is to set a debate between that “Bemba Queen” and First Lady

    • What has lady Kaseba got to do with this? It is purely the responsibility of the Bembas to choose whom they want to be the their preferred chief. Sata as president should be behind the BLE instead of dictating things for them.

    • Look who is talking! What have you done about the new constitution which Sata has refused to give you? I would have thought that was more important the Bemba internal differences.

  2. Sata will pay for the confusion he is creating in his bid to shift the authentic Bemba Royal Clan from Kasama to an artifial royal clique in Chinsali.

    Besides, Sata is fermenting his own brand of Ukraine in Muchinga Province. He has appended the Tumbuka-speaking people of Chama to prop-up his dreamland in Muchinga Province. Very soon the Senga people will starting dissociating themselves from Muchinga Province.

    • You have shown your ignorance by claiming that the Bemba Royal Clan is only from Kasama. Ulubemba covers Mporokoso, Luwingu, Kasama, Chinsali and Mpika and it is ruled by Abena Ng’andu i.e. your so called Bemba Royal Clan.

  3. How true is Sosala’s confession that he never past through the initiation ceremony when ascending to Chief Mwamba?

    • @AMUNA ONZUNA initiation is not what makes a king among Bembas, they have clearly told this nation that a king is born king, these appointments, initiations are just formal details which do not interest the masses unless those interested in the same royal powers such as Nkandu Luo and her pone Sata, who are not even Bembas perse but Bisas.

  4. ba Sata should just come down to earth and accept that uluBemba has spoken with finality that Sosala is the Chitimukulu. Abusing govt machinery to intimidate Sosala and the Bemba people just proves how inferior he regards himself. He doesn’t realise that bashi Lubemba and the entire Bembaland are resolved that Sosala, not ba Chewe, is the Chitimukulu. The choice he has to make now to achieve his lunatic objectives, is to order the army and the police to massacre the entire Bembaland, perhaps then, he can proceed with installing Chewe as paramount chief. To expect abaBemba to bow down to Mr. Chewe as paramount of the Bemba isn’t smart thinking. It’s

  5. The issue with Chanda Sosala is who his mother was. Was she from the Bemba Royal family? That is where the argument is. There is no doubt about his father. There is a matrilineal system of ascendancy which is the basis of this argument, initiated by some members of the Royal establishment in Bembaland. It is not Sata who started it, by the way. Let’s be factual.

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