Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home Mozambique President Chissano arrives for a three day visit

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    • Don’t worry George Chella will post the pictures on face book. The good thing is Sata can be propped up to take pictures and look good while doing it. Just don’t expect to see a video.

    • @Namona, your know Chissano is a very happy and fun man. He may crack some joke which may discomfort ba patient Sata, he better stay with KK and RB.

  1. A misleading headline for those who will not read the rest of the story and do not know that the President of Mozambique is Guebuza.

  2. I will stop reading your artlcles very soon. You can have shoddy headlines which does not reflect the body of the article. You need to respect for some of your very critical readers. In the headline you state “President of Mozabique” yet in the body you know and we your readers know that he is “former president”. Call what the subject is–a spade a spade.
    If there’s no seriousness on your part, you risk becoming another sensational tabloid!

  3. Even in the body of the article the former head of State is erroneously referred to as President of Mozambique. Be serious LT.

  4. This article is misleading; former MUST be referred to as former not otherwise. After all, since Sept 22, 2014 Zambia has only been visited by One Robert or Robber Mugabe Dictator of Zimbabwe, any other sitting president around the world is not willing to visit due to ……………..??????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by the PF leaders and government.

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