Monday, June 3, 2024

Members of Opposition political parties mock farmers


Farmers in Serenje have urged politicians to desist from politicizing  the fertilizer issue.
The farmers who have been spending nights at the bus station waiting for their allocations of fertiliser complained to the District Agriculture Coordinator (DACO) Kennedy Mulenga, that some members of the opposition political parties were mocking  them  over the delayed arrival of the commodity.

Mr. Justine Mwape of Muchinka area said politicians were laughing at them saying they deserved to suffer  in order to obtain  agriculture inputs  because they  have  allowed  the MMD to continue ruling.

He said it had been unfortunate that the fertilizer issue had become political when it was a cross cutting issue.

The farmers appealed to government to quickly clear them with their allocations so that they could apply the commodity in their fields.

Another farmer, Mr. Noble Chita said the delay had adversely affected the crops in the fields which would consequently  affect the yields.

And district commissioner Stanley Chibwana, has said some more fertilizers have arrived to cater for the farmers who already paid for the commodity.

Mr. Chibwana said 2000 by 50kg bags of top dressing and 4000 by 50kg bags of basal dressing arrived by a Tazara wagon and was  being offloaded at Tazara railway station.

He said the 2000 bags of urea completes the allocation for the district while 500 more bags of D-compound was still being expected to complete the allocation.

Mr.Chibwana appealed to the farmers to allow Nyiombo Serenje office off load fertilizer today so that distribution can be done.

Meanwhile the DACO said over 4000 farmers in Serenje had so far received fertilizer since the distribution started this season.

Mr.Mulenga said his office received money from farmers according to the allocation given adding that no farmer who paid for the fertilizer would be left out.



  1. Bloggers muli fast…I looked at the screen and there was no comments…tried reaching for the mouse…awe sure bana clicka kale anyamata! There is no ladies first sure? :d

  2. **==**==**==

    the picture realy potrays mockery,please farmers dont down tools,its you and your family….although RB’S GVT is still below par!!, Problems everywhere;soccer,copper,agric,tourism,airline,police camps,courts!!! name it….

  3. Ba LT where is this news coming from ? No mention of the town whatso ever only towards the end a serenje based firm is mentioned so we dont know this DACO which district he heads. This is very bad reporting please improve twapapata.However these are the true followers of RB so let them have a test of what RB is all about.

  4. as if the opposition were going to do something different. some of the fellows in opposition have being in government before and did nothing for the poor. who do they want to cheat. liars and large mouthed. [-([-(

  5. A Indian boy goes to his mother one day with a puzzled look on his face. “Say Mom, why is my bigger brother named Mighty Storm”?

    “Because he was conceived during a mighty storm”, she said.

    Then he asked “Why is my sister named Cornflower”?

    “Well your father and I were in a cornfield when we made her”, she replied. He then asked “And why is my other sister called Moonchild”?

    “We were watching the moon-landing when she was conceived”, the mother replies.

    The mother paused and said to her son… “Tell me, Torn Rubber, why are you so curious”

  6. Very funny #22, here is one

    Many Zambians have been travelling abroad to seek
    greener pastures. Many are nurses who eventually take
    their husbands with them. Unfortunately, these men
    can’t find decent jobs and find themselves doing the
    rat race or funny jobs just to make ends meet.

    So one of them finds a job as a zoo attendant.
    But as there are not many wild animals in UK zoos,
    the institution decides to hire people and have them
    pretend to be zoo animals – dressed in real animal
    skins so as to keep zoo attendance figures up.

    Our Zambian friend happily takes up one of the jobs
    dresses up in a monkey skin doing all sorts of
    acrobatics swinging from tree to tree.

  7. As he is busy entertaining people, he accidentally
    falls in a lions den. The lion roars so loudly that
    the “Monkey” shouts Mayoooo, Mayooo nafwa ine! Then
    the lion approaches the ALMOST DEAD “monkey” and says
    ‘Witiina sana, naine ndi wa pa Zed!” Bonse twaba muli
    imo ine.

    It was such a dramatic event that on that day ticket
    sales almost doubled!!
    Yet till now, nobody knew that those animals were
    well and trully Zed guys!

  8. Come on if there are no details then don’t report the story, who is mocking and how, it’s not enough to say “opposition politicians are mocking” ala that sounds like paranoia

  9. “Mr.Mulenga said his office received money from farmers according to the allocation given adding that no farmer who paid for the fertilizer would be left out.”

    This is what we call poor planing other people have started harvesting and you are talking of distribution of fertilizer now. What are your priorities?.. Tours!!!!

  10. Its not easy to amke an informed decision when you are in the rural area.You are cut off from so are not expossed hence taken advantage of all the time.We must forgive our colleagues and hope bit by bit they will learn their lesson.

  11. Iwe Lisa. I can not understand you think a story highlighting suffering should not be on LT. Please help me understand than just saying this is a poor story.

  12. The laughing by the oopposition is very alright and healthy. It is meant to help the said farmers to vote wisely next time.

    Why must they continue queuing for fertiliser by sleeping on bus stops when a would-be efficient possible opposition political party GRZ can do a far much better job.

    LEt the farmers not deviate from what is at hand, but focus on getting President RB Banda’s government to give them the fertiser.

    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  13. HONESTLY speaking can you vote for nyamasoya icinyamunyamu.Thats why i chased i relative who came from the village who voted for nyamasoya.He dont know how to read and write but iam an accountant with a good job

  14. It is unfortunate that the government is failing the people who voted for them. My dear MMD you are in office because of these same people who are spending nights in the cold!

    Have mercy on there poor families. Oh, It has just clicked my mind that it is the straightedge that the govt has so that farmers do not send children to school and produce grade 7 farmers instead of maize, who in return will give them votes in 2011. Come 2011, MMD will have votes in Serenje. You will not remember me but my words!

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