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  1. My condolenses, but I don’t understand the meaning of, “the remains of the late Hamir, were scheduled to be buried at the Leopards Hill Cemetry this afternoon”. what religion was he and what do they do with their dead beloved ones?

  2. #background
    When a human being dies,what is left is his/her remains(the body) so it has to be gotten rid of,it’s either by burial of the body or cremation(burning) of the body leaving only ashes behind which the family then decide to either scatter at a place the dead person loved,in the sea,river,wherever or simply leave the ashes in a container of some sort & put it wherever they like.In the article above it is clearly stated,the late Deputy Minister’s body(remains) will or have been buried at Leopards Hill cemetery.

  3. survived by two wives umm ba mudala benze kuvela mushe ka…….(R.I.P)

    manje iyo nkani ati “his remains” nishi he was cremated.
    # 2 i think he was hindu.

  4. Brother in law, malik looks a good cadidate for heart attack. Fat in wrong places. Can malik inherit the wife who is not his sibling?

  5. #6, Hamir had 2 wives… let Malik, the brother in-law inherit (kupyanika) both wives.

  6. Cry the beloved country called Zambia,when the hidden truth ,becomes,wonder of all and eventual truth…..wonders never cease . Can RB attend the funeral..

  7. Can his ashes , go to the holy Zambia River in the King Of the Lozis….,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    What contribution did he make for the poor Zambians……….,Who , was he ?

  8. #16, you are right…..chachine tatwabeshiba..
    kanshi nga ulelosha ifililo fya soo, ne filamba filakana ukufuma. MHSRIEP

  9. There are good grammarians and yet good silozi speakers , yet commonality not fleakly is not the norm…

  10. Its sad , there is nothing done to heart attacks patients in z. You never know the chap could have been saved had he been in another country. With more people getting FAT in Z its really worrying.

  11. #19 & #20 Wiseman-reborn: You are free to use Silozi, English is a foreign language! Am sure many Zambians including myself will know what you are saying.

  12. #21, yes, if the govt knew of his sickness, they would have flown him to RSA Morningside clinic/Garden City clinic/Milpark Hospital… maybe ,because sadly it was a heart attack…..MHSstillRIEP.

  13. This man owned a Filling Station in Serenje on Great North Road and a shop called Tusheni. He was a very cheerful man.

  14. Killers of highly productive Zambians: Road traffic accidents, Heart disease, HIV/AIDS, Stroke. All preventable. What a sad waste of life!

  15. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    Impressive stuff and I will, not would, miss him following “Kunda said when joined other mourners at the funeral house to pay his last respect to the late deputy minister that President Rupiah Banda had also learnt the death of Mr. Hamir with deep sorrow. What happened to his remains though?

  16. A joke, a dream ,a filling station not a constituency ….I may be wrong tell me something ,I am at loss…

  17. Maestro and Mulenga in the Newcastle what are your takes ,was he really am PM? what unites us is stronger than what divides us . what was the merit of picking him as deputy Minister of Lands if that is true? Is he better than Hon Dora Silya? Hon Magande, ….stranger than fiction . what would be you guess comment coming Teta? I rest my case

  18. MHSRIP. Most people are asking why he wasn’t known, am trying to look at it from a brighter side, maybe he wasn’t talkative like the ministers we know. Some of us know our ministers because of the bull$h** they say. I never knew this minister and i hope i never knew him because he was a more work and less talk kinda minister.
    Am proud of him because he died in his country, in the hands of the people that he represented, rather than dying in foreign hands. I know some cynics will question why he was sent abroad, well i think its time our leaders started leaving this earth in the hands of their people. My prayers go to the late ministers family and friends. God be with them

  19. Point of clarification ,lest am being misunderstood, LT ,cleverly as per custom ,made changes in the postings slots . There were a lot of bemba language that I could not stomach and bear as a Zambian hence my response with specific reference to being a Lozi, given the fact that we can all communicate amicably with one language

  20. A by election may in waiting unless nominated . Clarification is needed for the Zambians, as govt is of the people,by the people and for the the truth should be told

  21. LT, Kindly make correction on Malole Member of Parliament, Hon. Emmanuel Munaile.He is not PF but independent MP for Malole.

  22. A husband, a father, an uncle, a nephew, a son, a brother, a friend…all of these are but a few of what this sweet soul is…what a shock, we his family are shaken by this tragedy, we pray that God blesses him with peace, we pray for patience, strength and unity at this time especially for our mother…Uncle Nasim’s Mother, Our Grandmother…and his wives, his son, all his brothers including our dad and his only sister and all other members of the Hamir family including friends. He is best described as a generous loving soul with an open heart to everyone that never hurt a single soul…may he rest in peace forever…This loss has greatly affected all our lives . You will always be loved , missed and remembered . . .

  23. Two wives can put a strain on any heart.
    P.s. Remains refers to a dead body not necessarily ashes.

  24. Thanks LT for clarification , Magnanimous is a sign of nobility, I wonder though where being craft,skewed and slippery lies in journalism…..

  25. Ba LT since when did Emmanuel Munaile become a PF member of Paliament? He has always been an Independent. Are associating the Northern Province to PF or what, Please do your home work before reporting.

  26. How much money will be involved for the by election ,if he really was an MP? The Speaker will pronounce the seat vacant. And the parties participating should be , MMD, UPND and PF

  27. note – he was a muslim and was buried on saturday afternoon. the sentence about “remains” – ask the author.

  28. #6 Nyama Soya, you cracked me up.You are right he’s fat in the wrong places (belly). Hamir was not very known because he opened his mouth when it mattered, rather than just being a yap box like other politicians just so people can know that they are alive.

  29. #36 woman of substance, i agree with you two wives are a good receipe for heart attack: This man was having stress, left, right and center…although he was a bit lucky he did not have many children at age 44, so he probably had his act together.

  30. #45 I agree with you. This guy never yapped even when not required to e.g Teta, Ronnie na ka Mike

  31. #6 have shame on yuor comments you sound like you have no religion or moral, #7 at least he was legitimately married to two wives unlike other zambians having mistress #10 He is dead does tribe still matter you – he had moral and character you sound like you have no character, #13 you are probable a relative of Mr Malik who has something against the guy and probable jealous that he made it in the papers and you didnt – look at yourself pathetic and disgusting…….#17 you are questioning who is he in Islam we do not publicise what he does he made water wells in Serenje and built mosque for the poor what have done please?

  32. I am, as are all the people who’s heart Hon Hamir touched- still mourning this great loss. As was the case with nasim – I am proud to be Zambian for many reasons – and one being because of the peace loving, God fearing nature of our people – your responses to reading about the death of a fellow Zambian makes me want to highlight that your lack of morals distinguishes you from the majority of the people in our country. Nasim was an absolutely incredible man -a man of integrity – you may not have heard about him – and this is something i remember most about him – his modesty – Nasim gave to his constituency more than you can imagine – He lived and died for his people-( literally – he refused private care and insisted on going to UTH) A man to be proud of and a man that will be missed

  33. #18. Thenji Stevens(Mrs). I know of a lady in Lusaka who claims she can only feel grief and shed tears at a funeral after she has taken some alcohol. She wont go to a funeral before taking a few pints, ‘pantu kuti bakumwenamo ati tabakwata ne chikonko.’

  34. Hey Stripper #45 &46 you living up to your name with your comments – shouldn’t expect decent comments from a person with such name. by the way who do you strip from apart from putting derogatory stripper comments!!

  35. Outside parliament an MP like Mr Munaile is just Mr Munaile, MP. Inside parliament he may be referred to as Hon Munaile or the hounourable member for Malole.

  36. A note to Malaika no 53 – DEFN: honourable – worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect; “an honorable man”; “led an honorable life”; “honorable service to his country”
    honourable………….i think we are entitled to call him honourable in or out of parliament – its a choice!

  37. I cannot believe some of the comments. Do we have shame? Zambia is a Great Nation and it greatly unfortunate we have backward conservative minded people who embarrass this great progressing nation! They are the ones who lag our Nation behind. My Family have known the Honourable Hamir family since Zambia’s independence days which they patriotically gave there all. You cannot question their allegiance to Zambia.
    Anyways until recently I used to deal with Hon Nasim Hamir,he spoke Nyanja and Bemba fluently. He was a very successful professional yet modest man. His nature was very modest and kind to all around him.

  38. Before he even came into politics he went out of his way to support all those around him whether it be family , friends or even total strangers. He built a well for locals get water from every day .He built a Prayer provision and I understand was building another one too. He found any excuse to employ many people- I once asked him why he employed so many people he said to me “how will they survive otherwise” , He even donated a vehicle to his local constituency. All I can say they aren’t many people like him ,Zambia has lost a great one .Honourable MP Nasim Hamir ,Deputy Minister of lands may you rest in peace you will be greatly missed, he was a treasure to Zambia .May god make it easy on those dear to you, Rest in Peace , Your Friend !

  39. Dear family members of the late Nasim Hamir,May The Almighty Take care of you all.I pray that you may find the comfort in knowing he was an inspiring and unique individual who has fulfilled his time here in this world.May his soul rest in peace and May you as the family find the strength to carry on with the life ahead,although it will be impossible to fill the hole that has left in the family.Those who are dear to us all are also very dear to our creator and it is with His order that we must accept this loss.My heartfelt condolences to His mother brothers and sister and Family in the UK.Although i did not know him i do work with his sister-in-law in the uk and his praises and loss has made me write on this forum.

  40. My dearest cousin passed away, I don’t know him as an MP or a Duputy Minister but as a brother and he was one of the most prized possession in the Hamir Family. I have read the comments and all I can say is the reason you never heard of him is because he valued the 3H’s Honesty, Humility and Humble, a very rare quality that some lack. We have lost a very dear member of our family and to the people of Serenje “remember my brother and thank you for supporting him” Serenje will always be close to the Hamir family’s heart. Nassim I love you and will never let a day go by without remembering your beautiful smile.

  41. my uncle was da best person it was just a shock how he passed away till now we cant belive it. it like it all a dream… we all loved him so much. we miss him so much. he was always there for us.serenje will never b da same again. gani kaka we love n miss u soo much.. n will awlays be ther for nur and gani. we all think of u all the time ul never be forgotten..:((.. hes in a much beta place now

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