Monday, June 17, 2024
Home Government to spend K52bn on expatriate medical workers

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  1. l bet this place will be swarming with people living in diaspora slamming this govt move when they themselves are earning a living outside the country.Living outside the country has made me more compassionate and toleremnt of foreigners -So welcome to all you who will be recruited

  2. If you currently have pre-existing conditions like me that have prevented you from being able to qualify for health insurance for at least six months you will have coverage options under new health care. Check “Penny Health Insurance” to find how to get quality insurance for dollars.

  3. #2 what are you trying to tell us? Can’t you just train as a nurse and go and get a job n Zambia, that selling heath insurance to people who don’t understand you? If your family has health problems, that is not everybody’s problems.

  4. good! now i can go back to zambia as an expatriate with all the conditions and perks!!! inducement allowances: housing, entertainment, inducement, education, leave and travel, car and fuel…. want to hear more? this is really good news!!!

  5. Another Policy Blunder.What is wrong with these so called leaders?Hiring expatriats is not a sustainable solution mwe bantu imwe.That is why kuya bebeleeeeeeeeeeeeee

  6. why not recruit locally first? Am sure its much cheaper.By the way, am still waiting to be put on payroll after returning from unpaid leave 2 years ago!
    What can i do to get my pay when the minister says the money is there?

  7. Can that money be used to staff and stock our local hospitals and hold on to our own doctors instead of bringing in expartriates?

  8. Zambia doesnt need those expartriate doctors , there are so many Zambian doctors who have been frustrated by govt, hense have left Zambia to go where they are respected and paidwell pay our Zambian doctors you have them come back

  9. I too know a number of Zambian doctors who left Zambia because they were not paid well. Work conditions were bad. That is something we need to fix and bring our doctors. A foreigner is a foreigner no matter how much you pay them. They will go away.

  10. Simbao have you really given serious thought to the problem of Medical Staff? I don’t think so. Please stop wasting our resources.

  11. 10th blunder of Zambian government. Its all about good perks and all. After all some Zambian doctors are not even well looked after if not all. You can have your tumabillions of kwacha we shall never come. Mwailasha. I end here!

  12. Calling a spade a spade, I think its time we stopped using the term ‘EXPATRIATE’ and simply say ‘foreign workers’ as is the case in most Countries around the world, including here in UK. This is because it rhymes with ‘EXPERTS’ which these foreigner workers being brought in are not. Its just free movement of people seeking greener pastures as enshrined under human rights. Excessive use of the term ‘expatriate’ is a carry-on from the colonial days when the European wanted to maintain dominance and subdue the local people by paying them peanuts. Those days are long gone.

  13. So called expatriates are ill-qualified Congolese doctors and medical officers and cheap Chinese, Indian and Cuban doctors!

  14. @5, who told you that it is a sustainable soution? the minister has stated that this is a stop gap measure and that the government is focussing on increasing the training of local staff. any nation of people who think has no problem with that approach, botswana did it and many other nations do it all the time. as one blogger said, you have to be pf to understand nonsense.

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