Monday, June 17, 2024
Home Revised: Zambia Beat Jomo Cosmos in Training Game

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  1. Gud but play with bigger teams. Nothing to celebrate yet. Take the opportunity to meet the HE President MCS and KK for blessings. Bravo!!!!

  2. Attended the training, it was great to meet up with team. Great spirit in camp, Herve is a fantastic man, ba Great an inspiration to the young lads. The players also put in a lot of energy into the training and look confident  and full of energy. We can win this Afcon without a doubt, we just need clinical finishing in the final third.

  3. Attended the training. The lads look sharp,confident and motivated – ready to get the job done. Go Chipolopolo and make Zambia proud

  4. Attended the training match and I left the stadium as an impressed lover of Zambian football. The lads retained the ball with admirable skill as they seemed to play ‘chusha’ with their opponents for long spells of the game. The opposition perhaps was not the strongest but nontheless splendid display from the team who are in the process of finalising the squad. Renard clearly knows what he is doing and is quite the gentleman in person. Fortunately ran into Kalusha after the game and I must say he is a humble legend. Few should be surprised if Zambia brings the cup home.

  5. #8…ha hah! nice..but how about the goals against us with nigeria and then angola..? senegal’s demba coming to check the defence and lets hope your darlings are up to the task to stop him..wat about evans goal… cold feet now???

  6. Would have be good to see the line up, but whatever set up, as long as Clifford & Mbesuma are in team results will be seen.
    I always doubt the Katongo brothers, at same time its tough to find faults in them.

  7. Cosmos is not at this moment doing well even in the SPL. No pride in this one as i might thik they are in the same league with a Goa select team. Next time Faz should show more seriousness in organising these friendlies. We should be playing with the big guns. As at now, i have my hands crossed and waiting for AFCON 2012 to kick off.

  8. This is a training game. We aren’t even supposed to know about it except that our nosey reporters have no story to write home about. Cosmos are a Yoyo team who spend one season in the premier league and the next in the second division. They are right now at the bottom of the league So let’s keep all our opinions in check. FAZ can’t be faulted for organising a training game. The team has to train and spicing up that training with a game is part of the regime otherwise players could get bored of doing the same things

  9. #9,10 clearly you wud be licking your lips at the prospect of facing giants like Spain, Ghana or club giants like Barcelona or TP Mazembe. Many others would be just as thrilled to see Zambia in such duals. The need for sterner tests is there. FAZ, who cant be blamed for the fact that some of the planned friendlies have fallen through are looking for suitable suitors to test the Chipolopolo. Nevertheless dont underestimate the need for such morale boosting low profile games. Take time to ponder why Brazil would consider facing Zimbabwe on the eve of a world cup appearance. As #13 has mentioned, this was merely a training game. The squad is still being tweaked as deemed necessary by the coaching stuff who last time round guided Zambia to the quaters. This time, expect more

  10. Guys be reasonable,it was just training. Rather hope for the best than shoot down people who are helping us. The same club was a launch pad for our captain and his brother. We are at the cup finals and we will play the best of Africa that’s what matters. Focus ur energies on the team winning instead of friendlies which just rob teams of their best players through injury before major competitions.

  11. The writer of the article should have said IRONICALLY instead of COINCIDENTALLY. I believe that is the sense that the writer was trying to protray. Chizungu, lol.

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