Monday, June 17, 2024
Home Today’s Message: As You Wait

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  1. Trust in the Lord without doubting. Do not let your selfishness drive you to despair. Remember that there are many others who might be facing more hardships and difficulties than you. Let God attend to them first. We have women who are being raped and humiliated in the DRC. Babies are dying from hunger and disease every day in Syria and other war torn places. There are sick people who have no one to care for them. There are people who go to bed hungry. There are people with no homes. Surely that marriage and that new job can wait a bit longer?!!!
    Take a step back and think of other people’s suffering. Pray that the ones in dire need may have a shorter wait than yours. In thus giving , you shall receive.

    • serious misconception. I do not think there is anywhere in the bible where it is stated that all those who need a favour from God should stand in a single queue, they shall be attended to one-by-one and those with bigger problems shall be in front of the queue.

  2. “Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return…”.The waiting is about the second coming of Lord Jesus its not about your greed (what is in store for you). Read it again Joel Osteen is good at twisting scriptures.

  3. Yes and Amen EVERYTHING is gonna be alright, in my life, family, job, and my beautiful nation Zambia.

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