Monday, June 17, 2024
Home Books still a major information source – Sata

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    • In-fact Mulenga tried to say that books are not a real source of knowledge, he compared himself who studied as a civil engineer but ended earning a living from breeding & selling dogs. And his father, a standard 2, to a constable in shorts, and now a President of a Zambia.

    • Absolutely: developing mealie meal queues, developing by-elections, developing lack of services, developing filth and urban congestion, developing forced labor in the guise of ZNS training, developing FRA debt, developing isolation, developing lack of investment incentives, developing floods, developing water and electricity shortages, developing bloated staff structures at parastatal companies, developing dependence on China, developing fear, developing Judge Chikopa’s retirement plan, developing one-party state, developing double standards, developing cronyism. The list goes on!

  1. Just go and die with hunger in that floor you call bed iwe mambala. I am also in diaspora and being in diaspora shouldnt result into the country not developing imwe bachuula (frogs) meanwhile weldone MCS jr. Like fathe like son indeed

  2. There are so many charity organisations from Europe,America and the developed world donating books to developing countries. Why don’t libraries in Zambia take advantage of this opportunity. Further publishers in Zambia can enter into agreements with major book publishers like Wiley, Mac-GrawHill etc to reprint low cost editions of popular books used in the universities. Countries in Asia like India and China are doing that.

  3. His Father and FTJ ‘sired’ Kaponyas to champion the third term agenda for Chiluba, by ensuring those youths never came near a book in order to control their minds. Zambians extinguished the 3rd term dreams but this army of illiterate and ignorant mainly Bemba Speaking youths, coined “office of the President” by FTJ, remained roaming the streets of LSK and CB. Sata once again exploited their illiteracy, ignorance and violence to move the “don’t kubeba 90 day” clap trap which eventually took him to State house. Now his son a deputy mayor wants books, yes? Who does he want to fool?

  4. @ Nostradamus living in a diaspora is what you are looked upon as
    any group that has been dispersed outside its traditional homeland, especially involuntarily, as Africans during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. come back and save your relatives from dying.

  5. Some of yo jokes are pathetic u *****s. Ngabashinwe ,wat have dey done? Wat are u doing yourselve .Actually some of u seem 2 ‘ve read books only de time u were studying 2 write exams. Who told u dat books can only b read by u who claim 2 b wat un’t

  6. More libraries, more books, this would be a good thing! How many times have I thought how good it would be to take my son to a library there, with quality children’s books. Even the bookstores, they don’t have a good selection of books, it’s frustrating that I have to buy books in the U.S. instead. Librarians, books, and libraries cannot be overestimated in their importance. The number of books in one’s home has the strongest correlation to how well a child does in school, stronger than factors such as income, education of parents, location, etc.

  7. I would appreciate it if someone could let me know whether Zambia’s University and college libraries are well stocked. I’m trying to understand where students go if they wish to purchase books for medical school, engineering classes, IT courses etc

    Would it be expensive for Zambians to buy a eg a book required for medical school for 80 ZMW?

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