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  1. Squandered three very good scoring chances and gave away three silly goals. There was a time they should have been leading 0-3.

  2. You people ATTACKED umwaiche Nsabata, please don’t do that again to Muchelenganga. The Nkana game was has good as Japan vs Zambia.
    If you blame Nsabata and Muchelenganaga, then blame the Japanese and Etoei goalkeepers because all 4 goalkeepers allowed atleast 3 goals each.
    I think this kind of Zambian behaviour of loosing games after leading is because of inferior complex. Or fyaku bantu fye. Zambians carry themselves as if they will be the last to end heaven.

    • @Nostradamu
      is it you i have seen pa zambia reports facebook,,,, walking hand in hand na ba latino mulamu,,,, ku tampa supporting chipolopolo???…..if thats you then awe shuwa you know how to choose

  3. I mentioned that NKANA is finishe and even the Tunisian Coach was right when he said the TALK too much without Action its suprising they have no ACTION and yet we in pf are leading by example by emphasising on Talking less more ACTION

    • The Tunisian coach mentioned that he was in talks with Nkana management concerning prospects of coaching Nkana and not that Nkana talks too much! You must have had serious understanding problems in school!! Feel sorry for your past teachers.

  4. BA ANYOKO, UBUKOPO NAKUBUKALAMBA SHUWA!!? KEKEKEKEKE!! The coach frm Tunisia wanted to coach Kalampa naimwe!! Yaba, kekekeke!!

  5. And those Tunisian kept shining lazer beams on the goal keep and the Zambian attackers so as to distract them. I would why they did not lodge a complaint.

  6. We are week mentally and training methods are not up to scratch.Our football pitches are smaller.Our league is not professional.Change that and we can compete.For now lets enjoy being whipping boys.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

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