Sunday, June 16, 2024
Home UPND doubts authenticity of President Sata’s pictures

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  1. Oh, please UPND, will you please drop the under 5 tag and move on. Those pictures were authentic and you will get egg on your face on this one. In fact, if you analysed the pictures Kabimba’s seat was empty and that was in line with reality because I saw Kabimba here in SA yesterday. Please, move on to serious things please, you will lose your credibility on this one. Give the pictures to any forensic expert and you will get the same results. The Pictures were Authetic and new and taken yesterday as I said at 9:30 hrs in the morning. I don’t PF and everything they represent , but on this one they are right.

    • I second that the pictures were as real as live

      This shows MR HH is not ready to be president

      I dont like him at all, like all of you


    • On this one I agree with MMD chief whatever, this is unnecesary even if I know the pictures may not be authentic, this issue will take care of itself with time. UPND cannot win by making statements like these. If I were UPND I would assume Sata was well and I would wage a serious attack against his corruption , pour leadership and tribalism. Go hard against him now, since they say he is fine.

    • @MMD Boot Licker: No wonder you are a boot licker, so duft and dull that you cant differentiate genuine and manipulated pics. Tired of PF Nonsence

    • Bwana, why should important public media houses have still pictures obtained from a facebook page? What was so difficult with inviting them to state house (as has been the case)? I agree with UPND, something is seriously wrong here!!!

    • Caniscius banda walanda bwangu sana. HH said his party will not be saying anything about the health of president sata. And that is why He himself, HH, never said anything on that matter of health. Kaili UPND has been accused to be the driver of these rumours and so HH, in all his wisdom knows better than comment on this issue lest his party is accused further of wishing the president ill health. Ba band mwalanda bwangu sana!!! Your point is valid nevertheless, Caniscius Banda MD.

    • With the technology around he could have been “deleted”. The Prez should appear on national TV before we kill each other with words on the internet…..

    • Only loose canyons that choose to lie to themselves that all is well will believe those pictures taken in November 2012.

      A deadline has been set for Thursday for Sata to go to ZNBC and appear live there and answer our questions of hold a press conference. Failure to which we should go ahead and declare a funeral, so the Country moves forward.

    • @MMD Chief Bootlicker

      I find it hard to believe that you of all people can believe those file pictures released by PF as authentic.

      If Sata is fit as you would like us believe, why has he taken so long to swear in the newly appointed office bearers. Why has he not received the new Chinese ambassador , Malawian ambassador and many other new foreign envoys. What is he is waiting for?

      I can produce a motion clip of Sata chairing a meeting and tinker with his voice using a computer. Unfortunately, in such a case a critical eye like mine can decipher through that kind of deception.

      Well ,I would NOT be surprised to hear that you have recently been hired by the PF and as a result you have decided to wear a differently wired brain.

      PF lied their way into government. PF = Bufi

    • Talk with ACTION ba Opposition-Talk only is cheap!!

      The scheming in the Mmembe ,Kabimba cartel and the trinity ( Parliament-Matibini Speaker,Judiciary-Lombe and Executive) to take the country by surprise is alarming. Don’t say you were not warned. Time for ACTION IS NOW – A HEADLESS COUNTRY, SATA IS DEAD!!
      This PF nonsense must be stopped at every cost!!

      The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its LIMITS and is easily corrected. I don’t know about stupidity…….
      Its now Time for ACTION-PERIOD!!!

    • @ MMD Chief Bootlicker

      Pictures are not fake, actually they are ORIGINAL.
      However, those pictures were taken between October 2012 and February 2013. And that is a FACT. Evidence is on the table. Therefore, please do not bs.

    • Don’t give a care about your disappearing president anymore! If you think this is alright with you and a press conference is not needed to dispel these rumours then I will say let sleeping dogs lie. This is beyond party political lines! If you had any decency at all, even just a tiny winny of it as PF supporters and a little love for our country that is on its knees then you would urge your SG whom you hated so much to bring this circus to an end and drag Sata to the TV screens. We are a country not an Insaka. Do it for mother Zambia, do it for your country. Demand for a PRESS CONFERENCE now PF or non-PF please. Do not joke about this anymore. The world is watching….your children are watching and posterity will judge harshly as you have failed to stand up when it mattered most!

    • Let us see him then in motion. Why is he being hidden behind still pictures? Is that how a normal government is run. Be serious MMD Chief Boot Licker. I always thought you were very rational. The nation deserves to see its leader in action. You cant rule a nation in camera. GRZ is not a farm.

    • You are 100% correct. UPND has not substance. This is trivial and I dont know why they should be so forceful on irrelevant issues aba kulu bonse.

    • The president looked healthier and much better than the last live pictures we saw and have of him in our minds. I wonder why the better looking posture of him was not shown to Zambians, even just when he was walking into the meeting.

      Strange. But then stranger things are wrapped in donchi kubeba!

    • Bootlicker, don’t you think they would have known that posting a pic with Kabimba in it would raise questions? Don’t you further think that they searched for old pics were kabimba was not present in order to portray their realness? At the moment I am trying to find out when Kalaba came back from Turkey coz pa Sunday I watched him on Muvi TV talking to the Directors of Turkish Airline in Turkey. If he was in Turkey on Sunday and then he appears in a photo taken at 9:30 the next day in Zambia….. well you do the math.

    • First of all, welcome to the UPND our dear defectors, i can’t wait to receive Bowman Lusambo on the next batch of defectors. It is interesting to note that in the still pictutres, camera-happy Kabimba is missing…at the Cabinet meeting!

    • I believe Bootlicker is being sarcastic here and does not mean what he says. For a man of his intelligence he just wants to provoke debate on the issue because no sane human being can believe Sata’s pictures before the cabinet meeting but none during or after the meeting. All cabinet meeting pictures published in the past have shown Sata at the table standing or sitting and not walking to it.

    • Mistaken analysis of my post. Somehow not all the pictures showed up on my tablet till I went on the computer when I saw the other pictures. However, why was the official broadcaster ZNBC not invited? Why doesn’t the president address the nation on such an important issue that boarders on state security instead of addressing only the cabinet? Something isn’t right here. Only my opinion.


    • @PETER

      I think you forget like a chicken. Sata is the one who rides on copses. He taunted Mwanawasa , Kunda and Mazoka to their grave. Now these guys have called Sata to join them.

      HH has always maintained that he wants Sata alive so that he show him how to develop a country.

      Its me who does’nt give any monkeys if Sata dies because I desperately want him out of government. He is a vile dictator.



      Fr Bwalya ‘s chumbu mushololwa case has been thrown out by the court and Fr Bwalya is a free man.

      If this does not convince you PF minions that SATA IS DEAD then I dont know what will.

    • @MMD Chief Bootlicker,naiwewine u’r not authentic,how can u claim the photo’s are genuine when u just came across the pa net…tell us which forensic tool kit u used to support your claims,check your facts b4 misleading the masses.

  2. I am also a doubting Thomas. Can’t believe that the entire PF government is taking the entire country for a ride. Why send still pictures to ZNBC? But anyway this will soon come to an end as international media is joining the doubting Thomas’ and the lies will be exposed.

    • True to the tag of being useless and dull, the PF is at it again. Only a dull individual that chooses to lie to themselves or live in Fantasy will believe those pictures.

      The nation needs to declare a funeral by this Thursday so the Country moves forward. We have lived in deception for far too long, this has to come to a stop.

    • @Pretty #1.7 Kill yourselves over what. The trouble is you chaps have nothing to do in your lives and just spend days on end speculating. Do something tangible for yourselves and stop day dreaming. Before you know it, you will be over 40yrs and nothing to show for it. Yaba.

    • @ Chabwera… Just because I participate in these discussions doesn’t mean I have nothing to do. Grow up!!

  3. HH needs to take another trip around the country sharing his vision for a new and prosperous Zambia. This is the time to visit the copperbelt and the Bemba Territories of Northern and Luapula provinces. He also needs to go back to Eastern Province. Once he captures those areas, it is over. Let the Dead barry the Dead, concentrate on the living.

    • Unfortunately Poko Faram wont allow him. They amassed immense quantities and quality of Pangas for anyone who dares to visit the mentioned Provinces. They have become Chibok of Zambia

    • Indeed UPND need to campaign beyond their traditional stronghold ( southern province) where they enjoy a massive 71% popularity. As things stand right now the party only has 18%(2011) national support which has drastically dropped from 27%(2001) during the reign of late Anderson Mazoka. HH (Haleisa Haleya) must not pretend that all is well especially that the new constitution will require 50%+1 votes and so the shift from tribal to national politics is the way to go for the party.

  4. WTF, if the president is fit as the say he is, why not shut the doubting Thomas’ by coming out in the open and addressing the nation. Ba PF Sata is not a king, he is a civil servant working for all Zambians and paid by every Zambian who pays Tax. Even his so called working holidays where he just leaves like a thief in the night are paid by the Zambian people. How are we suppose to know that he was actually meeting investors in where he went??? Are we just supposed to take his word for it??? That’s how African leaders end up stealing and abusing power, because they expect no one to challenge them. I wish him the best health but he is a strange leader followed by numbskulls.

    • Debo – Kinda funny that instead of talking about how the President was in Shangombo, Kaputa etc the other day or week all we talk about is how sick or not sick someone is.

      Why can’t we move forward by getting in a fit President? We do it now.

  5. UPND can’t believe the pictures because they are in opposition.It seems now this party is a haven for rejected failed politicans because it might form the next goverment.

    • Mrs Kaisala……..

      Uuumh…. just watch out UPND. This lady……Uuuumh. Just watch out. Anyway, it does not matter. As long as she does not hold an influential position.

  6. PF has got an uphill battle with the media and so far, it’s 10 all in favour of the media. PF wawa… Lol

    • Which media are you talking about? Ou mean the social sites! Come one spare us the joke, people’s go to social sites to pass time and hear a few rumours here and there. They don’t take them serious, although I must admit that LT has tried to be as professional as possible and they don’t delete anti-comments against them and Hichilema the way the Watchdog do. If I may ask a question, how many people visit these sites per day, especially that Internet access is very limited in Zambia? But I will tell you that ZNBC is a mass media, The Post has the biggest circulation (60%) of all print media in the country, plus Daily and Times of Zambia. So going by this people in Shang’ombo who can’t access online sites have already heard that Sata is alive and chaired cabinet through ZNBC, The Post…

    • @Kaimine Kaimine

      You are typically another deluded bigot. Just shut it if you have totally nothing to say and stick to your bigotry.

    • @Kaimine Kaimine am surprised you laugh at people accessing social media. For your information Pres Sata uses the so called social medias you laugh about

    • You believe the propaganda while the rest of us think otherwise. What made PF win was the same media you are doubting. Is it because the shoe fits and you desire a new pair?

    • You idioots what made Sata win was not the social media, it was himself, his party and papers like the Post. In fact during the 2008 and 2011 the Watchdof was there as usual in their narrow mind supported UPND, mildly MMD and die-hard against Sata. ZNBC and the other Dailies, times and Mail, were also against Sata. weren’t these the same media Chanda Chimbwi used to defame and slander Sata? @ Wanzelu there is what we call reasonable social media like facebook, Lusaka Times and the irresponsible ones created to forment lies, hatred and tribal divisions like Watchdog. They even hallucinated in 2011 that the election was between MMD and UPND only for the latter to get 18 percent while the former lost power. still the fact is very few have access to social media, due to limited internet acces

    • @Kaimine Kaimine. Let’s agree to disagree. Your the gutless ***** that believes in still pics and Facebook posts to believe that an entire president avoids the public eye and prefers to govern a nation through Facebook. If you can be that gullible then how gullible are those without social media to make up their own decision after assessing both views. It’s people like you with your tribal thinking that put him there and refuse to accept that not only has he failed, but they continue to mismanage the highest office. It’s a democracy not a dictation ship for pits sake. With educated people like sanctioning what is obviously wrong, further back we go…

  7. Ku butuku luli to see the direction this country is taking! Nyambe A Ngula! Chiuta! Mwami! Keemba Mutalabala! Namakungwe! Jehovah God, please hear us.

  8. Caniscius banda walanda bwangu sana. HH said his party will not be saying anything about the health of president sata. And that is why He himself, HH, never said anything on that matter of health. Kaili UPND has been accused to be the driver of these rumours and so HH, in all his wisdom knows better than comment on this issue lest his party is accused further of wishing the president ill health. Ba band mwalanda bwangu sana!!! Your point is valid nevertheless, Banda MD.

  9. Now I see so the UPND is behind those innuendos that have been circulating on the social sites wishing President Sata dead. When is Underfive Hichilema and his Underfive party ever going to learn that you can’t be a merchant of death and survive politically. He believes in taking over what the dead have left. He took over UPND after the death of Mazoka, even when he was not supposed to be the one to take over. His campaign mainly hinged on the fact that he was Tonga and that only a Tonga could lead the UPND. He then entered into a pact with PF believing that Sata would die soon and then take over the pact leadership. He is now wishing the President dead so that we could go for another election, which he can’t even win. 25% in 2006, 19% in 2008 and 18% in 2011. This chap won’t go…

    • Just get your head out of your own arse and face the truth!!!
      Read the tea leaves in the tea cup!
      Go hug a mukwa tree!
      Go jump in to the lake ! Just go and do something that will wake you up man !! You are just too dull and asleep!
      Face it SATA is gone !!! Dead!!! The PF are too selfish to tell the country!!! They are buying themselves time before the presidential by-election is held!!!

    • My brother you very correct what we need as the nation is to have a leader with good traceble experience in running the affairs of our country not trying under five people like HH who just know the administration of kantemba, this is a country bwana it needs the Brains of people like, Magande, Bob Sichinga, Felix mutati and our lady Nawakwe. if you followers of HH can not see this then we have a problem in our country.

  10. Meanwhile, Former Foreign Affairs Minister in the Chiluba administration, Kelly Walubita Senior, has joined the UPND stating that he is troubled to see the way the country is being run. Others who have joined the UPND include; former ABZ Vice President Patricia Mwashingwele, former MMD Kabwata constituency Chairlady Mary Kaisala, former PF Lusaka District Chairlady Shell Mulyata and ABZ National Chairman Dexter Moono among others.

    • Why is it that it’s mostly political failures and yamunyokola njala who are joining UPND eg Cannicius failure in Mandevu elections and ordinary MMD member made Vice-President of a party that claims to be popular and is ready to form government, Mutale Nalumango failure in Kaputa parliamentary elections and was even then deputy speaker goes to UPND and made chairperson. Kelly Walubita finished politician of the Chiluba era and joins UPND. William Banda failed to maintain MMD in power, goes to UPND and made special presidential advisor. Edwin Lifwekelo failed NGO member and made deputy spokesperson. Hichilema tribal presidential failure 25% in 2006, 19% 2008 and 2011 18% still maintained as president of a serious party. Underfive Party indeed. Mistaking ethnic commitment for popularity

  11. This debate. What does a Lay man like me believe? Which is the truth about those pictures? Please help us.

    • Shepherd. I share your views. Please who is telling the truth and how can we get the truth? Why cant for once be told what is the correct position regarding those pictures? We are not progressing like this at all.

    • Nenani why do you hate HH so much,even when he did not say anything concerning sata’s illness.It was your Bululu Banda who said the picyueres are not real.If HH is not a factor why do you panic each time he talks.

  12. Sata is sick, there is no second opinion about it. But the way HH is going about is not correct. If he wants to be President of Zambia, he shall learn to differentiate between a Statesman and a Politician. Zambia had politicians all along and that is why we have become a country with sorry state of affairs. From KK to Sata we never had any statesman, greedy, selfish, ego-centric boxed politicians with no vision, no thinking beyond today, party, supporters, relatives and those against them.
    I personally feel that Zambia is better off with Sata out and HH back to his farm. (with no apology). Zambia needs a vibrant, forward looking visionary and not a yapping politician. People shall look beyond the names on the table. Look outside and amongst business community, diaspora with exposure and…

    • @Nenani

      I see nothing wrong with the way UPND and all us are going about the disapearance of the president.

      This is totally nothing compared to what Sata subjected Mwanawasa, Kunda and Mazoka to when they were ill.

      Remember last time, it was HH ‘s comments that brought Sata back from where he was malingering.

      Please HH say more about Sata ‘s disappearance maybe he will come out because it seems he only acts on your word.

      If he does not appear after your comment, the SATA IS DEAD.

  13. is the picture above authentic? The claim its canicius banda in that picture is not true, those are boko haram militants been radicalised by al-queda leaders. If you look carefully there was also al shabaab terrorists recruited to effect Hakabwamba Hakanono’s plan B when he loses in 2016.

  14. Meanwhile, Former Foreign Affairs Minister in the Chiluba administration, Kelly Walubita Senior, has joined the UPND stating that he is troubled to see the way the country is being run.
    Others who have joined the UPND include; former ABZ Vice President Patricia Mwashingwele, former MMD Kabwata constituency Chairlady Mary Kaisala, former PF Lusaka District Chairlady Shell Mulyata and ABZ National Chairman Dexter Moono among others.

  15. The least ZNBC could have done was to show the proceedings of the Cabinet meeting instead of showing the nation still pictures in this day and age of digital technology. Anyway how long you gonna hide the man. Only Chitimukulus are hidden until mwalule

  16. Knowing how much our dear Charles Kay Katongo loves swearing in ceremonies, I dont think that if he was fit enough he would not have sworn in Musa Mwenye and any other Bembas and or relatives into diplomatic office. Think about it, since his purported return from Israel, our dear beloved Mwango Katongo would have sworn in at least 20 Bembas and or relatives into some government position or other and publicly insulted some foolish ministers if he was not in a vegetative state. Even the fat Kasebanya with her nauseating smile is nowhere to be see. Did she meet the British minister who was visiting campaigning against child marriage.

    • At least you should celebrate the fact he is not fit enough to swear in your so called Bembas. As for me, I don’t give a toss what happens to him as long as the issue with my Chitimukulu is resolved.

  17. It’s really only in Zed where real issues r never taken seriously. After 22days of missing in action even Shaka Zulu appeared in public to address the nation, Zambians r really duft and back wards.

  18. I will continue supporting HH, the only hope for mother Zambia. We don,t want exhausted and tired leaders since 1964.

  19. From word go i have been ati-Sata and i used to warn people that he had no agenda for the country. The same goes with HH. DONT SAY i never warned you. This is a guy who made a fortune out of the misfortunate of the countery. The chap plundered. It may not be criminal but what he did is unethical. HHHH is a greedy fellow. You can insult me a million times for this i dont care. Na IMWE BA KELLY WALUBITA SURE- it all explains why i can never repect a zed politician .

    • @ZP, I regarded you as one of the bloggers with some clout but your statement on privatisation and HHs involvement is far fetched. Education is a great leveller and sees no class in society. HH was paid for the work done. He did not force the government to privatise the mines or any other institutions that were privatised. You should use your computer to research more and get enlightened on issues especially those you don’t understand very well. This is synonymous to blaming Wayne Rooney for England not progressing further to the knock out stage in the just ended World Cup because he gets paid £300,000.00 a week! He cannot apologise for the money he got paid for the job rendered and I hope you don’t have to apologise for the wages you get paid for working if at all you do. I am Non-UPND

  20. @MMD Chief Bootlicker,
    Please take it easy and slow down, it’s like you now have answers and expert solutions to all problems, from NIKON D90 cameras to spots in RSA where you see Zambia’s big shots like Kabimba.
    The issue here which is of concern to Zambians is ‘where was Sata in the past 3 weeks?’ Can you solve this one by detailing his movements from day 1 to date?

  21. Wanzelu comments on every political issue on UPND’s behalf. Does he have a job or is campaigning for HH his job? I now believe those who say he is part of ZWD.

    • So what’s your point? You want us to hate him? Will that make him stop do you think? If we all rose as one and said ‘Wanzelu, we hate you because you always support UPND!’ he would go away and never bother us again? Will that make you happy? Will you be ecstatic that you only have Mushota and bene Saulosi here singing Sata and PF praises? Will that calm you down and put a smile on your face? Will it? Well if it will then good for you mate! Good for you!

    • Dudelove, you are right Wanzelu will always be Wanzelu possibly the same for Mushota and Saulosi. I however have a problem with Wanzelu’s ZWD where only pro HH and anti Sata views are published. It is not right and it is off putting. I salute LT for accommodating Wanzelu, Mushota, Saulosi e.t.c.

  22. @ 1.0 MMD Chief Bootlicker

    Your reputation is at staked in confirming as real live photos of Mr Sata officiating his family tree committee when in reality are Sata’s still fake photos duping Zambians. Dont forget the trade mark of PF as ‘Donchi Kubeba’. Surely, has Mr Sata not addressed his PF committee before and live pictures beamed to the nation to see, so what has changed now. Bwana, recall the deceptive political journey of Sata and his PF, these chaps are riding on MMD development legacy left behind. Theirs was to assume power without any agenda and continue to deceive Zambians including the health of Mr Sata is hidden to the public. That is what defines PF and Mr Sata.

    • They will never grow, they will remain an underfive party with an underfive leader. Expecting UPND to grow is like expecting to drain milk from a stone or a tree

    • Why is everyone asking for a PRESS CONFERENCE????

      Since when have VEGETABLES been able to talk?

      King CABBAGE is finished. DEAL WITH IT!

  23. Looks like at today’s press briefing HH did not criticise his fellow opposition. If that is correct then I will maintain his name on my list of potential candidates to consider, the top three I mean. I urge him to use his energy positively and not to be deceived by numbers and noises, polling day can be a different ball game if you allow voters just a slim chance to build a negative perception, particularly this time around.

  24. copy and paste politics what was making political sense to sata cant make political sense when said by conerious banda becouse the two are different so mr banda what you said might be true but but its not everyone who can talk or do thing like malema if done by others people will say you are mad politics is a social science

  25. Things are disappearing these days. Malasyian airliner has disappeared, the Nigerian girls have disappeared and Sata has disappeared. Miracles! Who is next?

  26. Where is the president? It Mr Banda and notm HH asking bout the old picture state house showing us.

  27. UPND you are de campaigning yourselves, you don’t know how much people will hate you when sata dies , you will not replace him some one from the same party will be president of Zambia , because you are so childish and it is well known that you that your party is only for a tonga president , well that point is the most critical

    • This is the point being missed! It’s best to redirect thier energies into telling voters their programmes, instead of wasting time on things that matter less!

  28. Let’s b real here we all that the big man is not well but the best pf can do is to put it’s house in order let them choose the successor not winter of course.people still love pf.

  29. This is what UPND can do. Even a learned Doctor is quickly becoming irrelevant to Zambian politics. How does the president’s illness or death for that matter help UPND win elections? This is clear sign of lacking a vision.

    • That learned doctor of yours who lives at the filthy Mumana pleasure resort. Whatever pleasure he has found there, I will soon find out. He should also learn to shave his beard and cut his hair. The character looks shabby to say the least.

  30. Pa Zed sure. Sata is not coming back in the Stream light forgive and forget him Move on Zambians.

    Viva UPND Viva Dr Banda.

  31. You dwellers of Z(one) of W(orldly) D(evils), the likes of WaNOzelu. Keeping yapping your masters voice in the wilderness. HH and UPND will never rule Zambia. Get it?

  32. They lied with a doctored photo that Sata chaired a meeting. The problem is the photo that was supposed to quell our fears that Sata is sick showed the opposite, a frightening caricature you find in horror movies. Where is he today? Unfortunately some people are of the view that it’s not important where or what Sata is doing. But these people are wrong, they must remember that it’s vitally essential he accounts for each and every action he takes, he is public property, sustained by tax money extorted from Zambians, some of whom can scarcely afford to be robbed like that, but have no choice but to pay.

  33. You dint just see the picture of me in the newspapers.You saw me scoring the goal in your T V sets. So it is important that pipo see Live pictures on Tv.

  34. Whether the pictures are fake or not, reality is that President needs to make physical appearance and contact with people who put him into power. He has a moral obligation, mandate, ethical requirement and transparency to adhere to. Enough time has passed for Hide and Seek.

    The highest office on the land and now risks being reduced into a mere kantemba! There is a time for everything; a time for jokes and a time to show leadership. This ain’t a joke no more.

  35. How many lies and twisted half truths has PF told and how did Sata arrive back? Now you see why there are many doubting Thomases.

  36. For sure how does the death of the president help ,upnd win elections that is how dull some politicians can be , and how does this go with the voters view this , try to think again , you better change your stance of wining peoples hearts not the way you are doing it , we speak loudly because we like opposition, may be there could be a more sensible party some where ,

  37. Wicked people indeed. Muchili muledabwa. Wait and see HE MCS completes his term. Long live Sata, Long Live Zambia.

    • How cruel to say ‘long live’ to chafwakale! Long live on a machine stinking out Nkwazi house so Bembas can say ‘nifwe tuleteka’! Carry on burying your head in sand – am sure Katongo Kays will join you there soon.

  38. @WANZElU


    Wanzelu : If Sata is fit as you would like us believe, why has he taken so long to swear in the newly appointed office bearers. Why has he not received the new Chinese ambassador, Malawian ambassador and many other new foreign envoys. What is he is waiting for?


  39. @WANZELU


    Wanzelu : I can produce a motion clip of Sata chairing a meeting and tinker with his voice using a computer. Unfortunately, in such a case a critical eye like mine can decipher through that kind of deception.


  40. Lets move on people,pictures no pictures, we are seeing development.
    Kabimba is acting illegally you saw the letter of appointment you kept quite and bitten 10:0. again SATA is died ,they have shown you the pictures of him addressing the cabinet meeting with the name of the person who were taking the pictures still doubting. you are bitten again 10:0. it will happen again in 2016 if you continue your campaign basing on SATA’s health. try issue based campaign

  41. You mean the same MMD Canisius Banda who stole health money leant for sick children to feed his fat mouth and those of his fat useless family? Well this HH is certainly surrounding himself with good honest people. Keep it up! Mailoni brothers as defence spokesmen next? Or a relative of Savimbi

  42. When Sata wins the next election (again) and is televised internationally by all major news agencies (again) they will still say “no! that is not Sata! it is someone else!”

  43. Yes the pictures could be real, BUT why is the President failing to talk to people? Why is he afraid to swear in people in key constitutional offices. This is where people like myself want to see the “nail wounds” in Sata ‘s hands before I believe that he has truly resurrected. Please excuse my unbelief.

  44. This is PR disaster and UPND zpr team should be fired. First of all, from a professional point of view any PR event should have a singles-minded purpose. In this case, this story has diluted the entire event by covering 2 issues. the Presidents health and the so called defections.

    In his Hunger for power HH is losing direction. He had a press conference last Friday, another one today. He is even failing to sleep.

    He should be clever enough to leave the PRESIDENT’S health alone by now because he is alianating himself from potential voters who are currently PF supporters.

    Secondly, in this day and age, the issue of defections is so old-fashioned and Zambians are tired of it. We know that professional defectors like William Banda, Lifwekelo would be back to MMD once in power.

  45. If I were HH i would be quiet at this time seriously, and just busy visiting 1-1 constituencies, especially where people think HH is disabled.

  46. Free advice for HH and the group of mine. Please, speak through your instrumental organs. Let all organs/positions have a voice; how come your Party Chairperson is quiet? and Lusaka Provincial Chairman is quiet? Your General Secretary has been quiet like at home usual. Let them speak for HH on matters of this nature, let them speak for HH, and let HH go for a beach holiday in Samfya or …

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