Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mufumbwe hospital completed


Construction of the first phase of additional infrastructure at Mufumbwe district hospital has been completed.

And the installation of medical equipment in the new hospital is expected to commence next week.

The hospital has been upgraded with the additional of a children’s ward, kitchen, laundry, mortuary, operating theatre and a maternity wing among others at a cost of 4 Billion Kwacha.

The second phase of construction at Mufumbwe district hospital is expected to commence early next year.

This came to light yesterday when Northwestern province Permanent Secretary Fabian Mumba toured the hospital.

Provincial Medical Officer George Liabwa told the Permanent Secretary that most of the equipment is already on site.



  1. I really don’t know what Zambians call development, but to me, this is what development is and my vote goes to RB because of what he is doing to Zambia. I will not live on Sata’s unrealistic promises. 


    • Wake up man, uku ndiye kupwalala, you finally have something good in hand, you still want to find reason to complain.

  3. Zambians are easly woodwinked. So people believe that development is taking place.
    This is not the reason I would give RB a vote. People want meaninful development, employment creation with improved conditions. Not this what we are seen happening in Zambia. Come 20sept, all this development will be no more. With RB next 5 years Zambia will be dead but living. They will be too much poverty. This man has no plans for zambia. We will see

    • No Zambia will surely die if we vote Sata in, it’s that simple. Do you actually read or hear the empty promises Sata makes, or can you not see past those dirty teeth that the man is full of it? Well if Zambia dies I know I have you to blame.

  4. The debts will rise back to $7USBillion so quickly under MMD.

    All for votes.
    Who is paying for the 100 cars and utes that MMD is using?

  5. To number 4, Mr Chimuka, this does not look like development. However, he should ask the people of Mufumbwe to tell how they percieve this. The same goes for employment creation. Those few that have been employed to run that hospital look at that as employment creation. The whole thing is better than operating under a tree.

  6. Thank you MMD for the accelarated development,you did not plan that thses developments will be completed just before elections.I for one that every infrastracture to build takes time to complete and the onus is on the contractor to determine the completion time.For those who have a problem this massive development in the country can indeed re think what they want from mother Zambia.MMD has never ,ever lied to the people of Zambia that it will ever be an easy road to rebuild the country>those who are old enough to remember that was the message FTJ preached from 1990 onwards,through LPM and now RB .So for me a realistic person it is nafuti,nafuti RB,MMD beyond 2011.Amen

  7. Why do PF people get upset when they see development in Zambia. I don’t understand it! I thought this is what we all want. Why do get worked out of shape whenever Zambia does well through RB. Sata, your guy, was once in office and he failed to build these Hospitals. RB is doing exactly what we have been crying for in Zambia. Why can’t we just praise him for a job well done. My horse this year is HH and the real change team, but I wouldn’t mind if RB continued one more term. I think he deserves it. Sata is a clever liar and it is time to send him to retirement. PLEASE!!!!!

  8. #4 Chimuka there is no hoodwinking here i can see that you are somewhere in Australia and you know that in Australia the amount of pledges ,financial wise ,which the political parties make in an election year is massive compared to some of those developments we are seeing in Zambia.I live on street which just benefited from the recent election promise which was fullfilled to the delight of the residents and the councillor / MP for the area was re elected.While on the other hand Chimuka you know that the Libral part of John Howard believed in budget surplus they never spent the money but kept in government coffers and we know what happened to them in the last elections they lost Kevin Rudd came in and spent the money some of which i got part of the stimulus package and government is broke!!

  9. MMD cadres are full of damn dead brain cells. Why you are praising Ruphia for? its like crocodile tears. Anyone on this blogg being to Solwezi General hospital? When you visit the provincisl general hosp, it will remind you of why building gost buildings whilst failing to maintain already established hosps. The Provincial medical officer was just told to support this rubbish announcement as usual. Not even UHT which is just less than 600metres frm State house and cabinet office is fit for the purpose. Let me remind some loose cannon MMD cadres to recall this man they are worshipping Ruphia, No good historian will say when he was a minister, governor and MD for Namboard excelled. he has been a failure and if he loses the election people will see how is has morgaged this nation- corruption.

  10. MUVI TV please declare you affiliation, are you allied with MMD because your manager is from Eastern Province or WHAT!!!

    This hospital is not finished but you put the headline, “Hospital completed” WHAT A SHAME!!!!

  11. This gost hosp will get Xray machine from the mobile hosp on openning day, mortuary from a near by hosp and the following day people will see workers removing the machines as in Chongwe. If this is true development as our beloved MMD cadres with dead brain cells think, why Solwezi provincial gen hosp has no X-ray , modern threatre, doctors and nurses, drugs, ambulances, beds, clean linen the list is endless. Then Mufumbwe to have K4 billion gost hosp. Clearly there is lack of sincerelity by the MMD govt run. If $57 million loan for mobile hosp was pumped into up grading all the provincial and district hosps. That could be the best way. You have 2 Chinese technicians on each mobile hosp paid in $ and many Drs and Nurses want to go on trips in mobile hosps leaving hosps with no staff.

  12. If you are not resident or come from Mufumbwe just shut your ass. Twasanta bingi pakipatela. No more going to other hospitals. NAFUTI NAFUTI. Sata was in UNIP, MMD for many years without considering us in N/Western in general.

  13. Mwasanta bingi? Try going there or taking your relative there. Clinical officers and nurses are the doctors. Panadol is all you will get. My cousin died a few days ago from meningitis, which they thought was a stroke. Twasanta bingi? Speak for yourself!

  14. A building is completed and all the *****s are calling it a hospital. They have said it themselves, the equipment has not been installed, so until the equipment is installed and operational, this building structure will remain to be just another building not a hospital. Cosmetic development will never develop Zambia, we need serious projects which are well planned. 

  15. For your own info mubanga (obvious supporter of pf coz its a bemba party) there is an existing hospital a number of new buildings were added to expand the structures. i dont think this was unplanned but properly thought out have facts before you show your ignorance

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