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  1. This goes to show that no research has been done by the companies, cos if they know their target market, the the next thing they need to know is the right media to use. If they dont understand atleat they must use the basic rules of ,marketing.

  2. ok i havent read the article but Zambian adverts are an apology of adverts. if i had to be the head of the advertising or marketing association, i wouldnt be approving certain advert. i was home a month ago and was so irritated by an advert which was done in english but sounded nyanja and where there is an R they will use L eg what is it that eats flom the glound and has wings….nkunku what is it tha Frys and has wings…….. nkunku buy bla bla bla chickens they are the best. talk less of the boom adverts d is boom no boom is d iye…….

  3. This is massage is also misplaced here. Good points for the classroom somewhere. Its meant for advertisers and companies. find their medium.

  4. Whenever I see and advert, whether in the print media, electronic, bill boards or on TV I ask myself a question. Do these companies have Marketing departments better still, do they have advertising departments that should either engage qualified advertising agencies? The answer to these questions is that “cheap is expensive” Look at the ads by Trade Kings (especially those done by Bikkilon and Diffikoti), they are pathetic. But the guys are busy milking the company. An advert should persuade a prospective buyer to at least think about the product or service in question. I personally can not say i have come across an advert in Zambia that made sense let alone persuaded me to buy it. I even think the role of the ZACCI and ZIM should be rechecked. Anyways our economy is a dumping site.

  5. Wow at least I am not the only Zambian that has noticed how these adverts are a share waste of space, time and meaningless. Zambia people generaly go for quantity rather than quality. Cheap is costly ka!

  6. I hate those bathing soap and washing powder and nyama soya adverts on TV. Its like you are watching play house or a nigerian movie. The adverts takes forever only to realise at the end that it was actually an advert…..mama!

  7. Nice write up! I am in the marketing,publishing and advertising industry and a lot of these Zambian companies really need to do there research. Branding should also be considered very carefully. Look at those boom adverts, they spend so much on them yet the product is looked by many as one you buy when you are broke. They need to be more creative, make it short,simple,preferbly funny and straight to the point at least the consumer will remember it well not where when you see Boom in a store you feel irritated all over again. If the brewers of Chibuku had clever spin doctors and creative sassy adverts from launch,that would be the drink of today! Thats how powerful branding is!
    Also talk about customer service, in zed its zero! All this goes hand in hand as you can advertise and rebrand…

  8. and do all the works but if there is no customer service customers will run away in doves and take their spending habits else where!
    Looking forward to reading your next related column.

  9. and do all the works but if there is no customer service customers will run away in doves and take their spending habits else where!
    Looking forward to reading your next related column.

  10. The Adverts done in Zambia are so pathetic, no professionalism only jokes all the time especially the ones for trade kings, the company just wastes money when it comes to advertising. Botswana, Zimbabwe and S.A have better adverts thatn us i think we should compy and learn from them.

  11. I don’t really understand what you think you have achieved by writing this article. There is no pictures of the so called bill boards that you have an issue with, therefore makes it impossible for me as a reader to relate to your article. Please bear in mind most of your readers if not all are abroad and have not been to Zed for a while.

  12. Can someone please refer me to the leading advertising agency in Zambia? I need to discuss a potential new advertising idea. Its currently in RSA, NAM, BW and Zim.

    Please e-mail to [email protected].

    Thank you.

  13. I am Zimbabwean marketer,have read your published article and it did a great job in tarnishing the image of your advertising companies in Zambia. What you wrote could be true but i think it is biased and it needs to be balanced for it to portray the true picture. It could be that some the adverts target consumers outside your segment so, to you this becomes pathetic but to the targeted audience the objectives have been achieved.

    For the boom advert i don’t know how they are in Zambia but in Zimbabwe am actually a user of boom because of their adverts.

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