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  1. A father zambia gracefully needs.A man who is able to forgive and help people rebuild their lives.A man who has a heart for his people.The man RB.Vote Yes Decision 2011.

  2. Infact RB is supposed to release everybody from jail and rehabilitate that prison b4 his friend Kafupi goes in. Otherwise, it wil be terrible for for kafupi..

  3. RB at it again. as much as we appreciate this, its very difficult to really believe RB has done this in good faith. knowing RB with criminals, he has a very soft spot for thieves if not this then its a political strategy

    Dont be exited RB. The law will follow you

  4. May the God lord bless RB. You have made it possible for the families to reunite after humiliation and anguish imprisoning their beloved ones… I hope they wont break the law again

  5. …they do not commit offences similar to those for which they are convicted….

    Does it mean they can commit other crimes? Ala komeni kumayanda mwebantu!

  6. So they can commit other offenses except they shud not be similar to the ones they were convicted for. What about mongu treason suspects? Anyway RB is using his powers vested into him as Presido..no problem , but isnt their a limit in the number , pantu nabafula?

  7. Exactly, No. 6 (and 8) ….. as long as they do not commit offences similar to those for which they are convicted…. Say what?

    Again it mainly seems, ZNBC has done a pretty awful job of explaining the story. This can’t be true about only committing similar crimes (….LOL) so why can’t ZNBC say something more sensible (and informative!) about the actual conditions of these peoples release?

    And who was released…..? What kind of crimes were these people convicted of – I trust these are not violent criminals, but again ZNBC does not say. Nor do they say what facilities these people were released from.


    Does anyone else here know the details?

  8. No. 9. The meaning of the sentence is that if they commit the same offence, of course they will be convicted again AND also this means the earlier sentence will be activated. The President hopes they be “Law abiding Citizens” (check last sentence), meaning they should not commit ANY other crime mwebantu simple!!!

  9. This is an election year and dupping criminals on the streets is not safe for the public. Why is the president in a hurry to let them go out?

  10. Y shud u free criminals, am now told the guy who raped my sister as been freed by RB honestly pipo of zambia is that fair? Where is justice then? How will my sister feel when she hears the news? I don’t know what 2 think but if any thing bad happens to my sister I promise to take yo life RB even at the expense of my life

  11. That is over half a million crimimals going free? can the public deal with these guys from the prison? are they coming out of prison with any trade? if this is done as a political move, then it is wrong.

  12. I’m in favor of making sentencing more about rehabilitation and fairness, in addition to only imprisoning the worst cases of repeat violent offenders, but I’m wondering if this was done merely to buy votes or worse, build up the ranks of cadres. I beg the president to see to it that these people are given the skills and resources to change their lives, and not use them as political pawns.

  13. Giving criminals a second chance is not such a bad idea, but not at this moment of time, this is another way of buying released prisoners votes and their relatives votes too lol

  14. This number is too much. Not even in Australia or any country. It is just the corrupt regime of RB. No prisoner in Zambia has ever stoped stealing after prison life. I bet you if each of the steal 10 chickens then 5pin chickens will go missing plus 500 young girls will be defiled. Viva my. Brother HH

  15. One thing that you must keep in mind even before you make your comment is that no one is indispensable.As long as Jesus christ died on the cross and shed that blood we are all wiked and very sinonimous to sin.Please never call a prisoner like that because tommorow it might be you.Some of you even say that ah me i can not go to prison.Remember that where ever you are anything can happen.Lets grow up and contribute positively.

  16. joe core,
    save your sermon for someone else. a prisoner is a prosoner, thats why we have the justice system. what do you mean never call them that? we are have a choice in life

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