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Home President Michael Sata Michael Sata’s full speech to Parliament

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  1. Christine Kaseba – Odi apo! She looks good but a brighter color could have been better.
    Chi Hora Siliya, 40 going on 60, trying to steal the thunder from Christine.

  2. In FIVE years???? But, HEY, give it to him. The guy’s blood is boiling to develop Zambia. Good news indeed for every Zambian. We shall now start analysing the speech piece by piece and advise him on what is possible. Sata is a great guy!

  3. Good speech. The man is doing his best do help Zambians have a a better quality of life. He deserves our support. The speech also makes you realise the problems Zambia has are immense, not for jokers!

  4. The man has made a great speech and it is up to us to support him. all he said can be done in 5 years, the catch reduce corruption to minimum levels. Every contract should be looked at very carefully before being awarded. Contractor is Zambia ask for a higher price cause they have to pay some middlemen on the route to that contract. Also, address the time it takes to finish each project. the country waste a lot of money by taking too long on project that can be done in a few month but takes years and we continue to pay contractors for no work done but interest or some fake increase in materials. We have the capacity to develop, don’t just be an armchair critic out there in the diaspora.

  5. Zambia is a laughing stock here in Scotland , we think the country is beng run like a club

    If you ask me, hand on heart, I think Zambia is really a timebomb ready to explode to Zimbabwe, as you read tis the clock is ticking

    Tick, tick Zimbabwe

    I dissaprove and refuse to award a country independence that clearly has now allowed the Chinese currency to be traded in the country. No where , this happens. I am told some people are treated as ‘whites’ like Indians , Chinese and mixed race, as my children will be.
    I am tured of Zambia and reading stories about it, I am afraid Lusaka Times you will lose me, I think we need to protest

    people living on $1 a day, Aids, being rampant, I can go on and on, refuse to accept this, I may never come back to this country


    • There was a time you promised never to blog again on Lt, what happened. You keep on tormenting your poor soul with rubbish comments as if you haven nothing else to do. Remember Zambia does not need you but you need Zambia!!

    • You need to come back home and immediately see a psychiatrist! What has your comment got to do with the topic at a hand? You have highlighted the problems which we are all aware of, you need to offer solutions. Grow up woman and be “leasonable”!!

    • Ba Mushota (@14) be optimistic for your own country and dont just read western literature and base your comments on them. Zambia will never be like Zimbabwe. They may have shared a colonial name but have different histories. The chinese investors are everywhere including scotland where you are forming “laughing stock clubs”. How can you possibly say Zambia is a laughing stock? Then which country in Africa is not a laughing stock? I would say Zambia is not.
      Are you sure most people live on $1 per day in Zambia and aids is still rampant in Zambia????
      We all must work together to put our country forward. It starts with you being optimistic that change can be there and act appropriately in that regard.
      Sata’s speech is good and it makes every Zambia reading this think optimistically

    • I guess you are married to a Scotsman and are at home breastfeeding – no work. I believe, like a leach, you suck on more than your husband. I have heard stories of people like you. From your proud words I cannot be surprised that you turned your back even against your relatives in Zambia. Be warned. Zambia maybe whatever you think it is but your treachery will show in the way you relate to your husband. Don’t be fooled, all men despise people without roots. You are cursing your roots and think the Scotish branches you are hanging to will hold. It is sad that you cannot even contribute positively in any society – failed in Zambia and failed in Scotland. Your husband and his kinsmen however much you speak with that ugly scotish accent will always say- “My wife is from Zambia”.

    • Don’t be fooled, all men despise people without roots. You are cursing your roots and think the Scotish branches you are hanging to will hold. It is sad that you cannot even contribute positively in any society – failed in Zambia and failed in Scotland. Your husband and his kinsmen however much you speak with that ugly scotish accent will always say- “My wife is from Zambia”. She was born and bred in Zambia. She failed school and I picked her from Addis Ababa drive. She has been sucking me since”. So what is your pedigree? What kind of dog are you? Why don’t you consentrate of dog shows and leave human forums alone. How about your children, are they mongrels?

  6. Very good speech and timely. Lets get down to business especially Mr. Kupe who is fond of just reporting for work without an agenda. All those experts in the ministries should go out there and translate what has been said into reality.

  7. This is nice speach reaching out to all including RB at the same time promoting PF agenda..nothing wrong if u ask me… So far so GOOD..

  8. Good evening

    Basically a good speech. I don’t agree with everything he’s said but I wouldn’t expect to with any politician. There are certain things that every politician has to say, whether or not they mean it. What matters is not what they say but what they will do.

    On the background of what we’ve seen so far, I think that our president is a doer and not just a talker. There are those that still widely despise him because they think he does not have what it takes academically to make Zambia a better place. They’ve probably never read the Bible verse wich says “God chose the simple things to confound the wise”. They will be amazed.

  9. It is very unfortunate this man was prevented from leading this great country  in 2008.Had he been in plot 1 that year, Zambia would have been a better place. Let us all give him the support. 

  10. Zambians will rise to the occassion with good guidance and that is what we hope for. Every new Zambian president has a chance to make an impact on the country because so far most of our former presedents have been wanting. However, transforming institutions like Chalimbana and Palabana into universities in 18 months gives an impression of a lack of understanding of what a university is.

  11. Mr Sata if  Tourism important sector in the economic development.Then why, did you merge it with the Information Ministry, just to appease the masses. The money saved from slashing those ministrial positions is nothing compared to what can be generated from this Industry in terms of forex when it’s a stand alone Department which by far more focused. Zambia is still light years behind South Africa,  Kenya and Tanzania in terms of tourism promotion yet we have among the best virgin safari parks in the world.

  12. Let us all support our govt to develop our country, regardless of party, gender,age or tribe 1 zambia 1 nation

  13. indeed good speech and lets support our new government, give them time to deliver and judge them by the end of five years in office. good sata and PF.

  14. Sensible plan.

    If PF stick to these plans no doubt it will translate into more money in people’s pockets in the long term.

    However, there is no mention about people living in diaspora? Ways to attract talent back home or encourage business investments through various programmes? The closest mention to this emphasis on foreign investors and not Zambians living abroad?  

  15. # when things get better you shall see that what u re earning abroad is as good as being at home. Then u shall intergrate yourself in then situ

    • You missed the point. Not all people living abroad do so because they earn more money than those at home. I am on about PF’s policies on Zambians living abroad vs. Foreign investors. Did you know that approx. 23 million African migrants around the globe have an annual savings of $30 billion+? That is huge untapped money. Converting this into ‘diaspora bonds’& market them like any other bonds at different denominations from $100 to $100,000 could even be great than donour aid. In Nigeria alone remmitances exceed $500m per year via Western Union and Money gram. We need our leaders to visualise on this. This is not about integrating ourselves. Zambia is home. The majority of Zambians living abroad are well intergrated with the exception of a few Mushota’s. 

    • You missed the point. Not all people living abroad do so because they earn more money than those at home. I am on about PF’s policies on Zambians living abroad vs. Foreign investors. Did you know that approx. 23 million African migrants around the globe have an annual savings of $30 billion+? That is huge untapped money. Converting this into ‘diaspora bonds’& market them like any other bonds at different denominations from $100 to $100,000 could even be great than donour aid. In Nigeria alone remmitances exceed $500m per year via Western Union and Money gram. We need our leaders to visualise on this. This is not about integrating ourselves. Zambia is home. The majority of Zambians living abroad are well intergrated with the exception of a few Mushota’s.

    • You missed the point. Not all people living abroad do so because they earn more money than those at home. I am on about PF’s policies on Zambians living abroad vs. Foreign investors. Did you know that approx. 23 million African migrants around the globe have an annual savings of $30 billion+? That is huge untapped money. Converting this into ‘diaspora bonds’& market them like any other bonds at different denominations from $100 to $100,000 could even be great than donour aid. In Nigeria alone remmitances exceed $500m per year via Western Union and Money gram. We need our leaders to visualise on this. This is not about integrating ourselves. Zambia is home. The majority of Zambians living abroad are well intergrated with the exception of a few Mushota’s. 

    • Just admit it you’re proud too. Just because I live in diaspora doesn’t make my statement any different as any other Zambian who is proud at home. I have always been proud to be Zambian, but more so with the MMD gone.

  16. Being the first speach by Mr Sata and his PF govt. has gone well to most Zambians. It has spelt out some of our worries which could not be identified in any PF manifesto or values and beliefs of PF. However,the speach is no different with others we have heard in the past both in presentation and tone. What remains is the manner of implementation of what is contained in the speach. This brings me to the ambitiousness of it and huge undertakings PF govt has givem itself as a pldge to Zambian people.

  17. The task before PF is huge if it has to honour all what it has to do within 5 years and am afraid that in itself is not possible. I may sound quite persimistic here but have been trained to analyse developmental undertakings critically in order to achieve its objectives. The setting up of extra province alone and work that goes into it is not done in 1 or 2 yrs. this where you see 1 or 2 buildings and call it provincial chakuti. The roat networks alone will mean the rest of urban road rehabilitations suspended in order to achieve a fraction of the set roads in speach. The shifting of provincial HQ to Choma from Liv’stone is huge. The president estimates 2 years but could take 4-5 yrs. All these

  18. ambitious programes will require resources and political will at the moment not quite understood by most PF ministers and others. We are lacky Mr Sata has served in various govts and perhaps these were/are his dreams but to realise them he can not supervise everthing as he is only human. My advice to Zambians is lets not be over expectant as we have heard these speaches before and will continue to hear them in future. But lets take each one of them at their own merit and their authors before risking our confidence and trust in the systems and party in government.

  19. The speech is great, but we are looking for implementation, we need pure action.Don’t kubeba is gone, you have to say it.

  20. As expected from PF cadres —-this was a very good speech! Any way like minds think alike! My rating of this speech is D. If a president or a government expresses ignorance on key sectors or components that anchor or drive an economy, then it is a disaster for the country. Sata fails to mention a single thing about a sector that controls 90% of the economy—mining! How does PF plan to deal with the mines? the answer is —-zero! And somebody says it was a great speech! On manufacturing Sata fails to mention how he is going to leverage the sector to curb dependence on copper. What sectors in manufacturing is PF going to focus on? On energy , he calls energy development yet he fails to outline how his government is going to develop alternative energy sources in rural and urban.

    • Keke we all noted that the Mines have been left out. Do not think for once that the key PF players are not aware of the importance of mining. This is a sensitive issue and has a fundamental bearing on our economy, it calls for a more measured approach and I believe its work in progress for the benefit of all stakeholders.

  21. @ Muna Dekhane you have such negative aura around you. Every time you comment your blogs are so negative. If you think you can do better why are you still in the UK go home and lets see what change you can contribute to the country. or else…..on your bike!
    @ Nine chale I concur with you yes God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. I’m not rubbishing education, but look at the wise men the have left a mark on this earth. I always give examples of Richard Branson, the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates the list goes on…..

  22. only a person who has not travelled around ZAMBIA can dispute how big northern province is and uncordinated in terms of road network.The provivnce is too big to attain meaningfull developement. Just Mpika its self is bigger than tunisia or togo.The idea of dividing it into two provinces is wellcome. economist talk too much and do a little no wonder they have not been good leaders.look at Mutharika is a well polished economist but he has failed to transform malawi and he will end his term with high poverty levels.While books work but to be realistics and considerate of what is obtaining on the ground is good.


  23. #39 ECONOMIST – you ***** economists are the ones running ZRA, Ministry of Finance and Bank of Zambia. Whatever Sata does with these institutions there is no way he will choose someone clueless from Kalingalinga. Stop being over the top and lose your senses, keep the ball on the ground. Don’t insult other professions over nothing. And who are you anyway? The world is ruled by economists. If you can’t see that, check your IQ!

  24. Continuation from 37——- on infrustructure, Sata does not seem to understand what constitutes infrastructure from a national development perspective. Sata narrows infrustracture development to 5 rural roads. How about our airports? How about IT infrustracture? How about bus stations? How about railway infrustracture? On education —–very vague. Right now our universities cannot make it in the top 69 universities in Africa—–how does his government transform this sector. Even on a few proposals that Sata read out he couldn`t attach an actionable time-frame. If a leader makes promises and no time frame, its just a wish list. The question is will Sata deliver on some of the few suggestion in his speech? I have doubt it—because the man cant even talk about his 90 days.

    • Keke, from your weak spill on the speach, I am convinced you are not qualified to make analysis of such high profile issues. You may consider personal development – night school can do for now. Sorry but this is true.

  25. Mushota smokes weed, am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt, probably even worse, but whatever stuff she takes must be very potent.

  26. Well spoken Mr President !! Well thought out especially on Universities in each province and the opening up of the National Service facilities for non military skills training. Trust the Mumbwa to Landless/Chisamba route is among the priority roads to open up the productive track of land.

  27. good speech mr president wishing God’s blessings.pipo lets give pf a hand as it prepares to transform our lost glory.

  28. you speach shall be used as a checklist for your performance in 5years. if you get less than 50% am sory you will be fired in 2016, no votes ba PF.

  29. Every journey begins with one step. How the hell do people expet MCS miraculous implementations now? Be objective people. For all I know the pf is for looking into the plight of youths who are the future. 

  30. #14 mushota sounds like a female dog, and you can betray your country for a loaf of bread:-? so dont return to Zambia and rot in peices you *****.

  31. The President’s speech is hollow and seeks to create pseudo cycle of prosperity not based on hard work. With high levels of youth unemployment, Mr Sata’s speech writers must have concentrated on promising people utopia. Like Prime Churchill he should have promised the youth and people generally toil, sweat and tears. Cheating people that he will their pockets with money within 90 days is utter nonsense. He has fired the governor of the central and commissioners at ZRA without explaining why these people had to go. Mr Caleb fundanga was in charge of monetary policy and indeed zambia’s inflation is 9% and one of the lowest in the world.

  32. Well stipulated .well aligned,well considered,well studied,well felt and well received.
    Action.Lets us work for the betterment of our nation.We will build a better Zambia mostly for the future generation.God Bless Zambia

  33. The tone on education is really good, its time people in Luapula learnt that education is more important than go fishing, don’t get me wrong, Luapula has the highest number of school drop-out because of fishing activities.

  34. On agriculture, I sincerely hope the food zone will work, I have seen it done in Swaziland, it does help to direct resources were they are really needed, no need to grow maize when rice zones, crops should be promoted according to suitable climatic and enviromental conditions. Agriculture officers please get to work, infact the study in Swaziland was carried out by a NGO with support of UNDP.

  35. On health I would have loved to see more emphasis on health promotion and prevention, I think it does pay off in the long run and its cheaper, I have in mind the Cuban Health care system that looks more at community health systems and structures were groups of population receive care from antenatal to old age under the supervision of a community doctor or health practitioner.

  36. The infrastructure issue linked to cholera at local government development is not adequately addressed. Cholera in Lusaka is a shame to say the least, its all due to poor town planning and envirnmental sanitation. While I can partly understand cholera in Mpulungu and Luapula, I just choose not to accept cholera in the capital city after 47 years of independence, could more resources be put in improving the so called townships that breed so much ‘poor’ man’s diseases, can we have tougher by laws that will encourage house owners to build toilets and use them properly, even at markets and other public places.

  37. Some roads listed for development are not real priority in the first 5 years. I have travelled on the roads between Kasempa and Kaoma and Mununga via Kaputa to Mporokoso and I just don’t see the urgency in developing these roads, just my observations.

  38. Having said all, it is a great speech from our President, It is my sincere hope that the man of action will see to it that implementation takes place. I pray for wisdom and vision to realise the dream of having a better Zambia for all, long live Zambia and God bless our motherland, our heritage and our President!

  39. Waiting for MMD to deal with Senior Chieftainess Nkomesha of the Soli people since MMD said (RB & Kachingwe) they would deal with her after elections.

  40. Fellow beloved Zambian citizens, has any one got a recorded version of our President MCS’s speech during official opening of parliament? Pls let me know me and we can agree on how I can obtain a copy, will greatly appreciate.

  41. It’s a great speech, he has made a number of promises that should be concluded in 18 months.  He was careful enough to not over-promise as Obama once did.  I am certain, at the pace that things are moving on the ground, it is only a matter of weeks before there is even more clarity on other key areas of development.

  42. 7. I have been trying to find this infomation. Just so you know I established your blog when I had looking for weblogs like my own,my blog someday and post me a ideas to let me know what you think.

  43. ba sata has started looking human, he used to have a scary face thoz days eish.. nice speech and everythng seems to be going well. kwati balatu sunga bwino mwe. first lady iyo mulebika

    • Icikwanka,bacimwena kumampalanya.Muli ba sata mwaliba amaka,balebacingafye kuli bamukukulu,bapompwe mushibila nsala.They are stupid people & they will face it.Babo kulya imbeba.

  44. Mushota! who cares even if you dont come! You are lozi by tribe and your skin is black nothing will change that. You think by marrying a white man you have the audacity to insult Zambians or maybe by being in scotland you think africans are not people. I guess you denied your parents at one time in your life and therefore you are just shamed of coming back now that you are suffering in scotland. You are a disgrace to your family. Your man has turned you into a slut to earn money. To hell with your stinking prostitution and leave our peaceful zambia alone.

  45. Nice speech Mr. President, we as Young Zambians are here to help you move our country forward. Let us show MMD that a lot can be achieved in developing our Country. We pray for your good health to wipe the Evil spirit of Corruption that infuriated our Leaders during MMD Leadership.

  46. Is it true that Mushota is a prostitute in Scotland? I guessed so. No wonder why she can not even articulate herself properly. Shame, shame! Empty bucket!

  47. Over heard that some of your workers where not given a chance to go voting. What were you upto Mr. President for South Luangwa???????????? Information can go a long wayyou see? THis what voters were expecting. A president that would bring change. Its good that even without some of your workers votes WE have as H.E

  48. Mr President, how come your cleansing exercise in the media has only stopped at ZNBC? does the buck stop at Mr Mupeso? Was mr Mupeso worse than Mr Davis Mataka of Daily Mail who was coordinating the Stand Up for Zambia and the Zambian merceneary publications? We also know that Mr Mataka contributed company funds to the MMD convention where he was a delegate. He also contributed company funds to the MMD at a fundraising dinner. What is the ACC doing? besides, he has been threatening workers who celebrated PF victory saying he is not leaving cos he is from ‘special branch.” That not impersonation?

  49. #38 A critical mind is better and usually acts as a safety net to re-align departures and achieve its intended objective. We appreciates some initiatives and new avenues opened up for developments in Zambia. These without doubt are quite ambitious and some may be unattainable. Realists focus on mode operandi and estimate chances of success in that fashion. Showering and piling up of praises as though we are incapable of analysing issues raised critically defeats the rationale of studying. This is the premise on which we base sound opinion.

  50. The patients i was attending to at UTH refused to take medication only to tell me the wanted to listern to the presidents speech. i think his speech was healing to the soul..

  51. President Sata’s speech was great. I doubt that he’ll not implement what he has spoken. Lets just support this man. Wow! Its good to have you as our President Sir!

  52. truely speaking I have heard better speeches than this on opening parliament. This one lacks in very important aspaect…maining is the major factor in our economy yet nothing has been mentioned.. imargine?? hahahaha… he talked on very trivial issues like you talking in kitergarden kids… most of those who are impressed should have been born in the mid 1980s.This is a country not kathemba……try retrive speaches of RP,FTJ,KK and LPM then compare. Tax issue wasn’t mentioned clearly if it has been mentioned at all…..The kwacha is falling how is he going to address this issue…On manufacturing looks like its a good idea but levy talked on that before…..This is not a rally where we cheat pipo and not get caught.. 90 days are ticking

  53. Well done President Sata,
    We are proud of you and your past track records. Please relax the immigration laws so that we can bring savings to Zambia and set up small scale farming and manufacturing ventures. In the process, we experienced foreigners will be creating employment and transferring vital knowledge which the youths are lacking. PLEASE ANNOUNCE A MORATORIUM BY WHICH WE CAN ENTER ZAMBIA WITH OUR $100,000 SAVINGS TO COMPLIMENT YOUR EFFORTS. Looking forward to being in Zambia soon. Together we shall win!!!! 

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  61. Our boys are playing very well in the pitch. Zambia will scoop the cup for the first time. This is all because of PF’s good governance and encouragement to the Chipolopolo boys. Nice speech H.E

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