Saturday, June 1, 2024
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  1. Well done ladies.
    You have shown everyone life can change if you want it too
    Wishing all the ladies a success in whatever they choose to do in the future

  2. The underdogs among the six contestants carried the day.Iam not supprised infact iam happy that P.A won the top prize.She was the only one who was genuine and showed true transformation.The others just went there for the money.As for Jane Mutale,her lies finally caught up with her.Iam certain the enstraged husband is having the last laugh.

  3. Very unfair game how do you change rules just to fix Jane? Even if you made her lose, one thing is clear she was the most popular contestant countrywide.

  4. I beg to differ: the change is temperoal without their souls not being transformed..they must be convicted in thier conscience and repent of the past…character is character weather with or without money,avoid being cheated and misled..mind you those women have mate different men before and that has a bearing on their marriage life.Any one marring them should be aware of a comparison fact which may in turn work to their disadvantage…the issue can only be contented by The NEW BIRTH…God help this Adulterous generation!!! Remember feelings are part of the flesh which can never be born again!!! Shalom!

  5. A step in the right direction. As a nation,ie church leaders, govt and non-governmental org, we need a practical compassionate ministry, to help us reach out to the broken-hearted, the rejected, abandoned, and less-fortunate.With proper rehabilitation centres for prostitutes, drug-addicts,prisoners..etc, done in an atmosphere of love and respect for the individual person, many lives have been saved. My work in a number of African Countries( in hospitals, schools, prisons, and communities) has taught me a lesson, that Human life is sacred.

    • You are bringing bad omen to your self my brother. Everyone deserves a second chance. May god bless all the ladies that took part.

  6. I am so proud for Amukusana for flying higher the flag of blessed land of Barotseland. Keep the fire burning we are getting there soon. May God bless barotseland (the land of plenty)

  7. Congrats ba Precious.Umm kanshi i will come back for more.Munda wakale issues kabili,the only diference is that i won`t dig deep in my pocket for me to get some, this time around.It will be you digging in your handbag.I know i don`t have to worry about amuboizi.Vintu nikutandizana.

  8. it is a lesson taught to all that voted for Jane MUTALE”S stupidity and thats to all the counsellors to their wish decision. congrats to the top three.

  9. hahahahahaha..he who laughs last,laughs the best..Precious Amukusana..may you utilise that prize ..Jane Mutale learnt your bitter lesson..the donch couldn’t save are silly..!the rest of the gals..all the best!

  10. Don`t let others to discourage you,guyz you have tryed your best but it just came upthat you bacome a loser there`s time to win or lose.:o:o

  11. As a fan of these girls, I would like to meet some of them at local motel just out of lusaka, we could have some snacks and drinks etc….!!!! we can discuss there futures.

  12. Why are reformed people still called prostitutes or sex workers?

    A correction needs to be made.

    One more question, are some of the people commenting here male prostitutes?

  13. Amaule with a reality show, this is a new Zambia and may God bless y’all. I bet 100% of these maules are HIV positive so men think twice before you make a move on these highly celebrated bana Mangwengwes. More AIDS for free on TV.

  14. Congrats Precious, You were down to earth and truthful .Your life story was touching after the demise of both parents. Please seek God’s guidance in your new life.
    My appeal to the new government, lets find a way of curbing the rampant immorality in our nation by looking at the root causes like the nakedness that  we are made to see everyday in buses, streets, shops etc. Some dressing is meant for night clubs and bars but is brought to the sight of all. Dress code can do. Even office wear is no longer there. Something must be done. The gender ministry must help us, we are tired of seeing pornography everywhere. ATAAA!!!! TOILETS !!!!

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