Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home Football Gets Zone 6 Games Underway

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  1. I m proud about the gesture Zambia has potrayed. The opening was nicely organised and our youths seems so ready so far with the exception of our She-polopolo who started with on a not very good note the they performed exceptionery well in the south african encounter which ended with a 1 nil goal agregate in favour of the youn flat assed south africans. Any way my word is Go zambia Go! We are all behind you. Professor Kalwisha.

  2. Kabimba is acting-vice president? Where is Scott? I am afraid that Kabimba will never handover that post back, as he did to Sebastian.

  3. Our she pololopolo have really improved and just need support. Was dissapointed with a goal that was dissallowed.. SA are a good team but we gave them a good run.

  4. I cant believe that the PF gvt has managed to host these games. We thot that the competition will be moved to another country. MMD left nothing in place. Bravo PF. Next, prepare for Africa cup of nations. We are building stadiums in Kaoma and L/stone, together we shall have 4 new and world standard stadiums.

  5. As someone living very far from home and depend so much on on-line current affairs to learn about what is happening back home, I, many times become so frustrated because the so called on-line news is not so up to date.
    Take for example the Zone 6 Youth games that are going on right now. Almost 3 days into the games, the only update I have got on most Zambian on-line papers are the football results. Some of the headlines that still appear on the papers have been there for over 6 months. How does this work in our country Zambia?

  6. St Truth if one offers advice and criticism it doesnt mean he shud be involved in doing what he is advising. is it too much to ask people to do their job well?

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