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  1. People are being brutally killed but no Police,Winter kabimba with a case but nothing is happening.Cry my beloved country.
    15 months of governance but the coountry is still on Mute.
    PF no one is interested in this.Kindly full fil the promises you made.90 days is long gone.
    wake up Zambia. we need development news not this none material issues.we are tired PF

  2. Yaba naibipa, so its today 14hrs & not tomorrow. Ba mumba just avail yourself there is nothing to hide or run away from. UKWA must be fuming in state house he must have been expecting good news by now

    • Police in Lusaka have locked up MMD leaders Nevers Mumba.

      This is the the third time the police are detaining Zambia’s former envoy to Canada in a space of two months.

      The police working under pressure from State House told him t report himself today or be picked up by force.

      ‘Yes I am in the cells now at Woodlands police station,’ Mumba told the Watchdog.

      His lawyers led by Sakwiba Sikota were frantically trying to get him out on police bond by 16: 30 local time, but the Watchdog has been informed that president Michael Sata has ordered the police to make sure he spends at least a day in cells.

  3. Really badly written and edited story eg

    “Dr. Mumba was expected to unveil himself before the team of investigators ”

    By LT you better push up or pull out.

  4. @ 5 Home of the brave??? Its Africa which is land of the Brave. There, everything is laid out in advance for you, who shall fund you, insuarance in case of injury, medical care, pension, who shall come and rescue you in case anything goes wrong etc GOD BLESS AFRICA!

    • self afflicted persecution is all in vain. he should find a better strategy to draw peoples attention. if i were him I would wait for PF guffs which are not far in sight and then hammer. otherwise, he should concetrate on organising the Movement for Mad demagogues.MMD

  5. SATA is fearing NEVERS MUMBA that is why he is going through this no sense. he seeing that ANDELEKI game it wont work SATA squeeze MUMBA UNTIL HE SURRENDER but us Zambians who loves this country are saying MUMBA plz dot give up this just passing. u will be the next President. Plz DOT FORGET SATA want weak BEMBA opposition leaders not you that is why yo fellow BEMBAS like Mutati, Chipimo, Nawakwi anf\d other he is not bothered bcoz he knows that they are weak souls plz twapapata ba MUMBA hold on to the fight u are almost there.

  6. Never dare the Police, never dare authority, never dare the state, never dare those bestored with authority especially if you have done something wrong. The son of Lupiya will never see mther Zambia because of daring the state when there i when s a case at hand involving him. HH tried to dare the Police and her knows how far he could go before the long hands made him realize something. The state never sleeps with closed eyes. Nevers’ Canadian case is vivid. Some money was misapplied, misappropriated or misused. Lets hear more. Authority has always a long clean or dirty hand. Just be wary of this plain fact.

  7. This selective justice will take PF nowhere. What happened to Simon Miti, and what will be the fate of the guys that have cases in court but are now bed-mates with PF?

  8. Ba chituwo wat was he doing ku woodlands police station. These guyz ba mmd are now disgruntled elements. Ukwenda echendeyende.

  9. Police in Lusaka have locked up MMD leaders Nevers Mumba.

    This is the the third time the police are detaining Zambia’s former envoy to Canada in a space of two months.

    Mumba was was summoned to appear before the Task Force today but told the police that the notice was too short and that he should be allowed to meet them on Wednesay.

    The police working under pressure from State House told him to report himself today or be picked up by force.

    ‘Yes I am in the cells now at Woodlands police station,’ Mumba told the Watchdog.

    His lawyers led by Sakwiba Sikota were frantically trying to get him out on police bond by 16: 30 local time, but the Watchdog has been informed that president Michael Sata has ordered the police to make sure he spends at least a day in cells.

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