Monday, June 3, 2024
Home Mines Minister concerned at the delay in issuing a Chines Company a mining rights license

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  1. mr minister, this is exactly what your predecessor used to do, bulldozing his way in the issuance of licences to his preferred companies. where is he now? frequenting the courts over the same.
    hope you are clean in your dealings otherwise, …… katwishi mwandi.

  2. u advise yo president HH to come here in muchinga en tell us want he wants to do for zambia..we v never seen him en how is he going to become leader of zambia..

  3. #4 How can any opposition leader go anywhere let alone Muchinga if the PIG (Party and its Government) are arresting the opposition even when they hold closed door house meetings. Tell us how you propose this happening as permits are no longer beeing granted by the Police.

  4. I really concur with #1 & 2. This Yamfwa will end up ‘afwa’ if he gets engaged in corrupt mining license issuing with the chinks! Your predecessor is in hot soup over the same licenses. If the 2 Zambian firms have licenses, you need to give them support through CEEC to develop their own mining activities instead of always supporting the chinks at externalising our wealth.

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