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Home Zambia’s AFCON 2013 in Pictures

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    • Your bitterness, envy and jealousy about Sata’s success will choke you to death one of these days. You think the president in this picture was there to buy and sell cows for you TONGAs. The president went to AFCON where he met the players and so the heading is spot on and leave our president alone and keep choking with bitterness , jealousy and envy ..2016 ili katali baba. Hope you make it , if your survive your spirit of bitterness because it will kill you

    • I.D.I.O.T.I.C thinking typical bitterness can you revert to the ZWD where you display this kind of behavior with impunity ………be civilised for once and let others engage you nicely….everyday its …….bitterness uhmmmmmmmmmmm this is soccer you ……

    • Great picture, still interesting AFCON. Problems you Zambians wants to have everything to yourselves, why not lose sometimes?
      Thanks Kalusha for organising all.

    • Please let us not be tribal about our comments, if you have issues with any particular individual attach him and not the tribe we should be above tribal thinking, in any case Mr Sata is president for Tongas as well .

  1. LT Thanks for spoiling my lunch!

    I don’t care about these people who are mostly immigrants and not pure zambians SUNZU in particular



  2. It is like failing your Grade 12 exams and then showing people the pictures of you studying?
    Beats the logic doesn’t it?

    Anyone remotely interested in this is a hypocrite, and I am saying that because I mean it
    Well they should apologise for fooling the world that they were worthy champions and also for disgracing everyone Zambian who has known the champions to be so for 2 years and only become as such for less than a year, well 11 months to be precise

    If you cant throw up, you clearly need to see your local GP. And please I don’t mean your African Doctors, saying that it may be your only choice


  3. MWEENE, I salute you, you deserve all the respect. Goalkeeper of the year. Mr. President thanks for supporting the boys, unfortunate that they are out overall, We ZAMBAINS Really supported them. Let’s learn from these mistakes and build from there. We need to win 2015 AFCON. Also let us get the 2017 Host from Libya to Zambia as Libyans’ still has their security issues. START BIDDING NOW it will boost tourism. Sports Minister, put up a committee we need AFCON in Zambia in 2017.

  4. Just wondering why someone who claims never to be interested in what Zambia is doing always seems to have time to post comments. My advice to you ‘Mushota’ is if you hate Zambia so much pls give up your Zambian citizenship and claim that of the counrty you seem to love. Zambia is a loving country, we help promote each each in whatever endevours we may face. There is no place for negative bitter people like you in Zambia. Lastly if you dont care that much why do you waste time reading and posting your negative comments. Grow up and learn to understand that success comes with time.

  5. we are under going “change management’ We are currently in Denial, by tommorrow will be in” resistance’ when two remaing team are booted out today.On the weekend when either Nigeria or Ivory Coast is booted will be in “acceptance stage’. The time it will be semi-final and final will reach the commitment stage and then explore other avenues and opportunities. So what is happening to most soccer fans today is normal in human life. What is dangerous is to commit sucide or give up.

    • Ba fyatile fyenu you dont even have a wink of sleep thinking about Sata. It does not matter how much you insult the president because you WILL NEVER reach his status as head of state, not even your under-five.

  6. mushota where u are u are just slaving around us zambians we home sweet home enjoying life to the fullest u an immeigrants trying to swendol your white boy,

  7. Apparently the Zambian president has gone missing.Does anyone know his whereabouts? Is he sick?why all the secrecy? Why didn’t he land at KK international airport after leaving Ethiopia.

  8. LT, i know what you are upto….., why havent you shown these fotos earlier? adding water to burning fuel ee? Let people work out their grief properly, provoking wont take you anywhere! you have managed with some bloggers i see, but you failed with me, good luck LT!

  9. Now its time for Kalu to tell us what happened for him to go and print the RUBBISH Jersey on the Black Market in China ???

  10. I rushed through these pictures thinking I’d find a different result … That a miracle may have come to pass, but ….

  11. That is real football for sure, when it time to draw a game you will surely===QPR0mancity0
    BUKINABE0 ZAM 0 yesterdays results doesnt shock me

  12. There was nothing wrong with the Presidential visit, if anything it was motivating. If the President ended at attending official openning and came back, its you the same people who could have criticised him for failing to go and encourage the boys. We just need to re-structure this team and bring in fresh blood, especially upfront, the midfield and defence is quite good but we need finishers. As for Mushota, she appears very bored where she is, hence commenting on every Zambian posting, come back home girl and get your street career back!!!

  13. nice pics ….but, uku iwamya aba lumendo baciliko apatali. Im using venacular : Nati limbi kuti baumfwa ba mwisa ati naba mwenamo abesu. Its just an observation.

  14. Ba LT Free journalism lecture: A news picture always goes with a caption. The caption explains what is happening in the picture. It is usually written by the photographer or the editor AND it is also edited. Please get someone to write captions for you because the following are trash;
    President Sata trying to wear the Chipolopolo Jersey by First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba as Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili looks on
    Mbesuma shields the ball against the Ethiopian Defender
    Zambia’s goes down for Zambia’s infamous soft penalty against Nigeria
    Mbombela Local Municipality Executive Mayor Cathy Dlamini came around visiting the national team etc etc etc
    Chisamba Lungu in Zambia Vs Ethiopia Match

  15. Watch this space in couple of days I will be revealing to all LT readers who this mushota is. Got full information again watch this space

  16. Mr. Sata caused our early exit bcoz he visited our national team wit a curse of army worms. He rebased ‘kwacha’, now he has rebased national team, he never visited our boys in Gabon tht’s why we won. He’s now reported to be in London for treatment, ho, ho…..l

  17. I am seeing a pattern in Mushota. Every time she learns a new English word she posts it on LT. When she doesn’t get corrected in her usage of that word by a majority of bloggers, she knows she has used it correctly. Since the start of the AFCON I have seen the word ‘abysmal’ in a lot of her postings on Zambians’ performance in this tournament.
    And guess what, she learned from a cleaner in a council library, in Glasgow. So much for a PhD research student! I may have been invited (expelled) never to,come back to school in grade five but I am sure I can do better than Mushota. Nakambako chabe!

  18. Ok team Zed come back home and lets now turn our attention to the W/Cup…something needs to be done in the striking department urgently.

  19. The loss of AFCON and the string of losses leading to it revealed what zambia was all along- our knight in shining armor was a loser wrapped in tin foil.

  20. come on kagelo u mean to tell me that sata has no weaknesses , that he is a perfect man all round and that he should not be criticised , please give us a break . If sata is so perfect i believe he should be in heaven.

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