Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Home Nchelenge records five cholera deaths

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  1. Eastern, Western, Southern, Northwestern provinces have always been Cholera free. Why do Cholera outbreaks occur in the remaining provinces? Filth, unhygienic environs or what?

  2. there is need for a water treatment plant in nchelenge, pipo jst drink raw water frm the lake as the water is jst pumped and supplied direct to the community without doin anythin to it. kuti yapwa shani cholera. pipo drink water with worms inside. leteracy levels of the pipo is very low and poverty level vry high as they cnt evn mange to buy a bottle of chlorin . the Govnt shld do sumthng about this.

  3. Sata once said if any person dies of chorela when he becomes president then he is NOT fit to president of zambia. Now I see why the bible says we shall be judged by each word we alter. Thanks

    • Mwanamayola,

      You’re spot on. Yes I remember too. It’s unfortunate. In these developed worlds we live in politicians are always made accountable for the words they uttered and promises they made. Sata has turned out to be the biggest dissapointment that Zambia has and will ever see. Mark my words people will want to vomit if they hear the name Sata in future. I hope all his children have plans for name changes or immigration to the north pole. Its a shame.

      Its truly sad. So much hope lost. What a shame!!

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