Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home Seven year old boy escapes death after a crocodile attack

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    • Yes because of PF government. Children still walk that far, and system for those children. Can’t the government even buy a tractor and trailer to ferry children to school?

  1. Seven year old alone around 18 and 19 hours? I would be dead scared walking alone in that described area, my word…., children are brave in Africa! not only would i be afraid of the crocs but also strange men, lucky that he survived.

    • You misunderstood me, am not mocking him or his situation, i dont understand how elderly people would let a child walk in the night alone, there must be someone to pick him up even bring him to school if need be, there several accidents that can occur, not just through dangerous animals but also it can be that strange bad people can attack or steal him, iwe ulefimwena mukuyumfwa, this tells me what kind of a person you are, i dont look down upon anyone, thats how gifted iam.

  2. PF who decided that they run in elections, those thugs behave like crocodile or is it crocodiles now behaving like PF thugs? Your hero was in video saying go and attack them, aim-fire!! Now they are attacking, including crucifying children.

  3. 19hrs?? This boy must be a witch. what ws he doing in the bush this time and alone without any of his friends. was he coming from night sch? please find out more.

    • In rural areas some kids walk more than ten kilometres just one way to school. It is possible this may have been the case. And the young ones will not think like you, they may be playing on their way home. These are real issues in our villages! Thank God he is alive!

    • how dare you call the innocent boy a witch? Its because of careless talk from people like you that african children these days are being branded as evil, when in the actuall fact they are just young innocent souls born in a country of supersitious illiterates

  4. This has nothing to do with god the boy escaped because he was brave and the croc did not have a good hold of him.

  5. The two men who saved the boy deserve to be decorated at the next Heroes and Unity awards. Instead Ukwa awards people like Wynter and dobo smoking Dandy Crazy. What a shame!

    • You are right. It is not an easy thing to fight a crocodile. We have heard of incidents where some people have lost their lives for trying to save others from the jaws of a croc. It requires courage, love for fellow human being and above all a sense of justice to perform such an act.

  6. The government should spend money to build more decent bridges across these streams country wide to allow our children access the education they need not wasting our resources on poaching opposite MPs and by elections at the expenses of national development.As we are talking we do not know whether our children in Lusaka’s Ng’ombe shanty compound who cross the Ngwerere stream are going to school. Build more quality foot bridges for the community not by elections please.

  7. iyee, attacked by a crocodile on your way from school? imagine that. Thank God the little man survived thanks to those brave guys. He will have a story to tell his own children one day about how he suffered to get an education.
    Government and its institutions seem only to care about the wildlife conservation than the well being of human beings. How many people have been killed so far by crocs, elephants and hippos in these areas? this should not be happening.

  8. Stop calling for exstra culling of wildlife, or that this is the wildlife (specifically crocodile’s) fault. Humans and villagers have all but decimated suitable habitat for wildlife, humans are overpopulating the environment and pushing animals to the extremes of survival. When will humans stop multiplying, especially in area’s where they cannot sustain themselves an depend upon outside help and allow wild animals and wild habitats some space to survive? If a human kills anither human, does this mean that all humans must now be eradicated?

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