Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Home Edwidge Mutale becomes 5th Permanent Secretary for Central province since PF formed government

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  1. On average (22/5)4.4 months each PS service in central province.this MCS has find a working team,the problem most of the PS now are pf cadres,promote the deputy PS to PS especially the youths who are non partisan.

    • I eagerly await my turn to be called to state house, swear upon the bible and after 8 months be unceremoniously sent packing.

      It would do my CV a world of good just to have “former PS, ministry without portifolio, but mainly accepting donor aid” written all over it.

    • If the Head of State understood how critical these positions are in his establishment he would do a thorough check and suitability assessments of his candidates. But as it is, all that matters is one or all of the following:
      1. Whether and how you are related to him, his wife and in-laws
      2. Your ability to mobilize thugs to support PF
      3. How much hair and NOT brains your head has
      4. Whether you can speak his “official” language
      5. Your ability to take instructions irrespective how they be in conflict with the countries laws, etc.

      In other countries, a serious evaluation of a candidate is done, with the understanding that they are to serve the government’s full term of office, for the benefit of the citizens, no trials like in soccer!

    • Again the president is doing an amicable job.
      If you are not up to the job the president will move or remove you.

      These attributes are rare brave and what are needed, we do not want to see people occupy positions for a long time if they are not up to it.
      The president has not moved the vice president, meaning he knows he got it RIGHT

      Another master-class by the president, I would expect people short sided deluded and misinformed to condemn this


  2. Yes my president works like Chelsea football club.He don`t care how long and how many people he employs within a certain time frame. He hires you expecting good results and if he doesn’t then you are gone as early as you came. Seleni tubombeko !!!

  3. Frankly apart from galavanting to campaign for by elections and ofcourse swearing in people I don’t see our head of state working.Its becoming a major concern-seriously.

    • ewe when delegating you don’t have to show your face or rant anyhow. The president is doing just that he shouldn’t just be appearing anyhow even on trivial matters like when some chaps went on fully to condemn subsidy removal without proper analysis. Leadership and politics need a combination of wisdom and some form of education including some learning, lacking any of these attributes leads to frustration and ultimate failure. I pity the opposition they have really lost it none of them is making good readable news or opposing properly or wrongly but properly they are boring

  4. Anne Sinyangwe was rushed into a PS position by her uncle, the president. Now her inadequacies are showing. She was in the process of being fired from Cabinet Office and was saved by the change in Government. She caused him to travel in economy class to Brazil and failed to deliver in Central Province. Her biggest success was introducing Charity Kaande to you know who.

  5. Great! E nchinto bengabombakofye bamudala. Things that need serious planning teti bakwanishe! kikikikikikikik owe……elyo lwanya, lwati na paaaaaaaaaa…..

  6. Mushota is insane again he is back on this article after apontela ifwe at unza,you need prays from TBJ IN NIGERIA

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