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    • please someone must learn to seperate political party speech and national speech… theres is a difference between patriotic government and the government of Zambia (which is the elected people`s government of Zambia which includes HH, Nevers Mumba and all zambians)

    • Looking at your issues; mobile communication services, affordable financial services which will in return improve agriculture, high priority on educational and vocational skills, quality health care services (really! quality = firing qualified nurses), employment and corruption. There is something seriously wrong here. are we talking about the same Zambia under PF? The Zambia found on coordinates 14.1167° S, 27.6333° E
      I rest my Case.

    • Why is SATA writing in capital letters even New Year message is SHOUTING? Why so erected words?
      I wish SATA another worst of all years.

    • This nostrodimus must be an adult illiterate who must criticize the president on anything. I wonder if this chap has a job or he is paid for this nonsense he posts.

  2. Managed to turn in to ZNBC TV1, just to see what’s happening there on New Year’s eve. Ala’s Zondwa was there.

    What I saw was a shadow of himself, though highly edited, Zondwa was but gusping for breath. His dying!!!!

    Zondwa – you will be the last of such kind to ever get my vote. You’re such a waste od space.

    • I also saw that mudala and am not exaggerating! He looked like he was desperate to go back to bed! I have a feeling if he had his way he would have refused to even do the message but his tuma people must have started pleading from yesterday that mudala this is tradition. The chap is SICK and be rest assured there is no way he is standing mu 2016 even if he wanted to. bye bye PF.

    • It’s time for a reverse DONCHI KUBEBA on PF!
      2014 is the time we should save this nation by impeaching Sata and PF!

  3. Is the keyboard used to write this speech missing some punctuation mark keys such as the apostrophe? Why else should ‘PEOPLEíS’ in stead of PEOPLE’S be used again and again? This speech does not say anything about the govt’s vision on the constitution in 2014, is this a deliberate or an accidental omission? What a hollow speech?

  4. This has to be the dullest, most hollow, most uninspiring speech from a Head of State ever. No proper reflection and postmortem of 2013. No unifying vision for 2014 and beyond for the citizens, Just empty verbiage and nothing more. Sata and his advisers take dullness to a whole new level.

  5. He is entering the new year with his party in tatters and a rough time ahead of him.
    He keeps on talking about fight against corruption when he is the main culprit and his administration is the worst ever. What does he call the appointment of his sister-in-law, a nurse as ambassador to Turkey and within days of each other the appointment of his wife’s niece as ambassador to China or wherever?

  6. Even the next President will be the same.No one should expect to be liked by all.You expected to receive things on a silver platter no.Work hard and improve your conditions.All loopholes for thieves have been sealed.

    • BK, the next president won’t be the same. NO ONE can match Sata in terms of having no vision and being dull. Name a potential candidate from the other political parties who have questionable academic credentials like your Sata.

  7. HH can do better, i hope in 2014 90%+ Zambians will wake up from their slamber & see that Ukwa is taking Zambia into a bottomless national economical mismanagement & collectively all citizens to take corrective measures to save our only beloved country Zambia. HH thanks very much for being our fearless mouth piece in 2013 & beyond especially for the vulnarable & the poor.

    • Hon. Njati yo HH has a long to go to even be near the Wall fence of Plot one. If you were to objectively and fairly analyse yo HH’s political journey is still of the level that begs for MUCH, may be for 2027

  8. Good message. And we are praying for you that you become more tolerant to those carrying different views thanks yours. You works are seen but your tolerant heart will win many

  9. Why use Capital letters? Are you desperate like the characters that blog for you? It like you are screaming. See how your fellow gledi fili wrote.

  10. Welcome back INDECO from you 20 year forced leave!! Liberalisation and open market you left behind are still around though uncertain about how long they will be tolerated.

    Just saddened by the GBM saga. This breach of contract will cost FRA twice what was budgeted for the job. FRA will pay GBM the contracted amount plus penalties and then pay another transporter who would replace Arizona for the same job. And then you have heaps of bye-elections coming!!! And the poor taxpayer has no say in all this… How I love democracy and its institutions. If only they could be given a chance in Zambia.

  11. How Sata give a speech about 2014 yet he has sight but no vision? Any forward looking bloke has to have vision to make things a reality .

  12. @dudelove and Old rugsOut, Its very disappointing to see that some people rejoice in the sickness and “death” of others in this era. That is tantamount to witching. May God forgive us. sometimes we need to put ourselves in the position of others before we judge them. You can hate or criticize the policies of government but I wish above all that people can get involved to change our country for the better we want to see practically.

    • @ Kamokamo, Sata’s dark heart invites negativity to himself. If he was humble and listened to people and took advice, I would not wish him ill. When it comes to hate, I usually hate people’s actions but not the people themselves. Sata is a different character and he invokes feelings of hate in me which I do not enjoy. He is the only person, apart from terrorist group leaders especially Simon Koni, that I have wished ill and will continue wishing ill because I know his demise will be positive for the country. Think of all the children that are going hungry now coz they cannot afford food coz of your president’s lack of vision! He pre-occupies himself with fighting chiefs when there are bigger social problems to sort out and u expect me to like such a man? To hell with him!

    • @kamokamo, remember the Golden rule: – Do unto others as you would wish others to do unto you. Well, now the time has come for the people to do unto Sata as Sata did unto Levy Mwanawasa when he was unwell after that accident. Sata taunted Levy and wished him bad. Quess what, what goes around, comes around, and this is just the beginning.

  13. Atleast our current president has shown commitment to the fight against corruption by firing some deputy ministers.Whether one likes Sata or not,the man is not a thief and i wish him good health so that by God’s grace he can continue ruling our beloved country beyond 2016.Lets not be cheated,no single government can change things completely in a short period of time but atleast our president has tried, most especially in infrastructure development and the lowering of interest rates.


  15. Awe we thought that may be if we vote for you kuti mwabako nga mwanawasa umwaume paba ume, bakaamba live a legacy and the time is now. There is no harm in consulting abena Mutati, Chituo,Miyanda and Nawakwi they are still alive please consult them how to run this govement or lekeleni abakashi benu bakaseba. Mwansakabinga twalafwa kunsala ubunga bwakosa umutengo too much.

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