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Home CSOs to hold mass demonstrations to press for Government to release the final draft Constitution

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    • ACTION, ACTION needed we have talked enough.As Mao famously said, “a revolution is not a dinner party.” But if its leaders are as wise as Mandela, at the end of the day they can find a way for everyone to sit down at the same table and deliver the constitution. Its time to change the strategy, mobilise the people and resources and deliver what is rightly our own- Our Zambia, our constitution

    • Negotiations can only work if we have a listening president. The president knows that in 2016 he will not stand for reelection, therefore he has nothing to lose. To him the constitution means himself. Let us just put everything in the good hands of the almighty God, we had Kaunda and Chiluba . Today is the day of Sata but for how long?

  1. It is sad development that the ruling has continued breaching its promises it made in the 2011 run-up to elections. It is also time to pay tribute Chanda Chimba II who in no un compromising terms warned Zambians about putting Michael Chilufya Sata as a republican president. As Guy Scot once said it is difficult if not impossible to teach an old dog new tricks.

  2. Zambians are not good when it comes to mass action!
    Too many cowards!
    What we need is to just impeach Sata and PF!
    Nothing good will come out of PF.
    Even the roads and other infrastructure they keep talking about are just substandard and will prove costly to maintain. These are also conduits for enriching self and friends.
    Sata did swear to uphold the constitution. He has now suspended the constitution and perverted justice in the land. What is the reasonable thing to do to such a president? Demand for the release of a doctored constitution or to have him impeached?

  3. Please let us learn from Kenya. Sata does not know what we want but we know it ourselves . so let us get what we want through mass action. To those in areas where there are bye elections do not vote for PF because doing so is denying your self a constitution that will grantee you your rights including economic social rights . we have the power . Viva peoples power .

  4. Time has come for President Sata to release the final draft Constitution. We the people of Zambia have appealed to President Sata, and the minister of Justice to release the final Constitution several times, but they have hardened their hearts – like that of King Pharaoh. MMD was in power for 20 years and failed to give us a new constitution. We SHALL NOT wait for the next government to give us a new constitution, PF will give us one. If the draft is not released this January, we have no option but we shall hold mass demonstrations throughout Zambia. We can no longer stand lies from PF government- 90 days, now is 2 years. Zambians stand for what is right. God has not given us a spirit of fear to demand what is right. No one will do it for us. Lets cry out to the LORD.

  5. Its time to show that peolpe’s rights are not inflinged. That’s the best method to go as the whole country and region Wll hear.
    I will join you

  6. NGOCC key activity in their 1st quarter workplan is a demonstration over the release of the draft constitution the second activity will be a demonstration demanding the release of the Final Constitution.

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen, Sata became president in September 2011, since that year that year was already gone, we gave him 2012 to turn things around. 2012 came and went and things got worse. 2013 is now gone and things were at their worst. And we are hoping for a better 2014 under him? C’mon this man is incapable of changing anything for the better but for worse. He has antogonized everyone. Look western, eastern and southern provinces are on fire. Now he has even put matches to northen province. What next? Sata gave up ruling years ago, he just wants Zambia to go down with him. Whoever heard of a committee he chose himself go up against him like this, I mean the constitutional committee. Now even GBM has abandoned him. Sata needs to be stopped in 2014.

  8. This is important and every well meaning Zambian must take part in the demonstrations. This president has gone too far. Zambia will soon be like Zimbabwe if we keep hoping for the better without demanding change.

  9. The GRZ will no listen. Too many Ministers, PSs, Directors, Service Chief’s and their immediate junoirs six-deep have too much too lose. They will crush whatever protest with the utmost prejudice.

    Taxing NGO’s means taxing the people funding you. The people funding you are governments and they won’t want double taxation so they will refuse to fund. This will lead to reduction of funding and less CSO “Noise”.

    Also this action will play directly into the hands of the “anti – peoples constitution” gang. You NGOs will be so busy fighting for your lives in court and the streets that they will sneak the “ammended” constitution right by your faces. Just wait…

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