Saturday, June 1, 2024
Home Women’s Lobby is pleased with Jacob Zuma’s cabinet gender balance

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  1. Bushe bana mayo tabakweti ifya kuchita shuwa?? Of all things you want to waste time talking about Jacob Zumu’s cabinet??? Will any South African even give two cents thinking about Zambians and our political environment??? Let’s be serious abena Zed..our women right here in Zambia are facing problems in the rural areas they need empowerment and that’s where such lobby groups should focus their efforts on, not on Jacob Zuma’s cabinet please!!!!

  2. Women are important to the development of Nation Zambia.Let them involve and support each other for 2016 zambia needs i woman president who is not just a woman but someone was the First Finance minister in this Country ,Energy minister who electrified all the markets and other areas,and political experience than men who have not been branch or ward chairmen .what mangic are they going to use for them to perform.Viva women it is your time to work and show men that you can do it . Yes you can and yes you will do it.VIVA EDITH and FDD state house is for Women

    • So putting up fi Nawakwi at markets is something to be very proud of? I can just imagine campaigning: ‘vote for me and i’ll put up lighting at all markets’

  3. He wanted to increase more women for his fuukking appetite. Of all the presidents you praise Zuma iyo mayo tamwakwata fyakucita. You never know maybe he has already hammered them hahahahahaha

  4. Yes, Zuma may have his weaknesses, but gentlemen he has realised that we women are a big resource in development. Rwanda is an example. Please dont get your biases in issues of developing our country. Women oye, we will get there. We in Zambia have well educated, capable women. Stop your discrimination thinking women are for bed only. Shame on you!

  5. AIKONA…women are easily crooked…thats why they are womanised EASILY….That man is known for serious womanising in that zululand bakashana…mukumbwa ne fya ku milya!!!!!

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