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Home PF can win general elections today even without president Sata standing as a PF presidential candidate-Lubinda

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  1. what a wierd statement bo Lubinda,,,,,,what exactly are you saying indirectly,,,, is president Katongo too ill to reach 2016???,,,, inside information kaa… or is it inside hints?

    • ndondo….thats the problem u pipo are always in denial about what pf is doing. The way to beat your enemy is to acknowledge his strengths and then you can plan well. i tell you there has never been this level of infrastructure projects in zambia from the time of independence. thats the fact. accept that fact or deny it…..its still a fact.

    • @Kenny
      iwe mwaiche,,,, get you heard srewed up properly,,,it saturday today and i have a hangover from the japan-zambia match, i dont want to talk too much,,,,, whats is there to deny?? what?? infrastrutre projects left by MMD,,, are you in denial that the kwacha has lost value??,, inflation is high,, there are no jobs for the youths,,,,,,,,life is rough in Zambia today???

    • Good thing to continue the good thing MMD only resumed in 2010 as a campaign strategy but people did not take it hook and sinker. MMD only worked in 1992/94 and then stopped to concentrate on enriching themselves until Mwanawasa came. Mr Banda only started a massive infrastructure projects when he realised he could be a one-term president which he did.

      For PF the problem is political strategy of killing the opposition using the colonial Public Order Act and refusing to give Zambians the constitution. Who told you that only the PF in opposition was civilised enough to be allowed to organise itself and talk to the Zambians countrywide?

    • Lubinda do’nt just yap, let some radio stations conduct an opinion poll in a free and fair way, then you can start mouthing off if the polls favour PF. More over stop the PF intimidating the opposition when they try to mobilise and energise their members.

      As it things stand at the moment, you are behaving like the UNIP vuvuzelas in 1991 who were using the same mantra about infrastructure, because the cost of living issue was beyond their understanding and control.

      Lubinda dream on as the Kabwata seat has already been earmarked for Mulenga Sata to take. You will very soon swallow your vomit. Watch the space!

    • #KENNY-You are based in America, so what infrastructure are u talking about which have not even witnessed. Baba, if you are one of those president Katongo’s nephews enjoying diplomatic status in the USA, just keep quiet and enjoy the few dollars u receive from the broke Zambian GRZ quietly while your term office lasts.

    • You are a nonentity in PF! General Election winnable without you! Lubinda tells off Ailing Dictator


    • lubindo, you should be ashamed of your self. if you grew up during kaunda’s era, you will appreciate that he is the only one who brought unprecedented development in zambia, not you ba pf. by the way who are you trying to cajole? you winning elections? even with sata as your candidate the story is no longer the same mwana. just continue bumbling, its your right

    • Kenny is right apa pena. Let us give credit where credit is due.

      I was in Zambia in May, the development activities are there for everyone to see. One can also see people working on these projects. Yes, there are other issues that need addressing, and the Presidential presentation has a lot to be desired. The free-fall of the Kwacha needs arresting and correcting too.

      Nevertheless, it is not all doom and gloom.

    • @Ndobo, I kept quite… because I knew you are going to analysis this story better since you know Lubinda better, especially after Friday night out.
      but ine I want to Katongo to rule atleast 10 yrs, compare that to the 90 yr-old Mugabe’s 34 years in power and even looking fitter than Sata. Ba Sata ikoseleniko, umubili ni kukuboko Yama.

    • I used to tell people that this half-Mwenye half-muntu Lubinda
      chap is in fact not as smart as he made most people believe. He drinks too much gin and tonic which explains his wired thinking. He has been rejected out right in Public ****up but he keeps holding on. What infrastructure development has he seen that we normal Zambians can’t see. Employment of party careers in civil and diplomatic service is not job creation bo Libinda. Kabwata constituency is being prepared for Mulenga Sata. You are history bwana.

  2. Lubinda needs his head examined, he is seriously just seeking for a position, Mushota find him a job so he can make himself useful instead of this we are going to win, we can win, I hope he is not implying that Sata is dying

  3. If you are so sure Mr. Lubinda, then why waiting for 2016? Make President dissolve Parliament now and call for General Election.
    No? Why?
    Because without Sata, PF will be clobbered back to no-existence.
    Sata is PF and PF is Sata. All the rest of PF are just there to make numbers.

  4. Mr. Lubinda sir,if infrastructural development alone was the only issue during elections then PF may have such a chance.However,and unfortunately there are other issues such as skyrocketing cost of living, lack of freedom of speech and association,rampant corruption,inability to enact a people driven constitution.These are paramount come elections.
    The infrastructure development or the country is your obligation as a govt. in power.It is not money from your pockets.It is taxpayers money and nkongole from Europe and China .
    Oh! Sir these are signs of your desperation to be accepted back to PF.Wish you luck

    • Well said. A party is not elected based on one issue. Unfortunately, in this case that issue is based on heavy borrowing. If the people were to realize that there is a linkage between the debt due to the infrastructure building and high cost of living, the people would not applaud the PF govt. Finally, if bo Lubinda believes that PF is that strong, why is it that you won’t allow opposition parties to hold meetings and go around the country to meet their supporters?

  5. The man is level headed,thus why most can understand his thinking. He’s trying to stree the point that his party is strong even without Sata. I don’t think he wishes Sata anything. Am sure most of you people expected him to resign but the man is loyal to his party and I can assure you he will be rewarded because us who elected him are watching. Given please don’t mind these low thinking people who only think about hate. Viva Lubinda…’you can never reach your destination when you throw a stone on each dog that barks’….

  6. Problem upnd a Tonga party is only popular kuma comments yapa lusakatimes but pa grass root generally PF is more outstretched. Don’t know why pipo keep cheating themselves there’s still a lot of homework for that Tonga party to ascend to power

  7. Tupac you and your party need to stop this popularity context, you are costing us our economy, how can you be bragging about popularity when your people are barely making it, people are not getting paid on time, businesses are having a tough time.
    we need PF to focus on real issues not these selfish issues which don’t benefit our country as a whole not just one party.

    • Peter since you seem to have insight into the operations of your beloved paya farmer party (so-called PF) who do you think if today Sata dropped dead would take over PF and unite them the way Sata has? In fact he has managed to manipulate them into submission where they MPs and Ministers work like Zombies.

  8. Why is Lubinda, yapping rubbish all of a sudden? It’s only Fools and a few of those benefiting from the current leadership that still have the audacity to utter such useless statements such this coming from Given Lubinda. Tell us the performance of the kwacha against other currencies, cost of living, citizens’ freedoms etc., other than just barking from without.

  9. Tupa,c is recommending UPND as a serious contender. However, Tupac must know that MMD and FDD and even NAREP can do what MMD did in 1991. So, continue concentrating on UPND and you will not know what may hit PF from the back of the head.

    Yes, PF is a strong party but with its strategy of “chasing” the opposition from wherever they go to meet their members while the ruling PF meets anywhere, anytime, in spite of the Public Order Act is slowly chipping away at the solid support.

  10. Zambia is the only country in the world which is blessed with numerous useful i.d.i.o.t.s like Given Lubinda, visionless and miopic, what a shame. It’ s very unfortunate to have such comments coming from Given, because he sees things his own way. These are the vultures around Chumbu Munshololwa who make sure they shout with the loudest voice in order to be heard that they exist and then continue eating the taxpayers’ money in the name of development which is just on paper. Ba fi Colour mukatole lyauma, 2016 is just around the corner. Don’ t think people are f.o.o.l.s the way you tend to take them. Under your nonsensical PF prices of commodities and the cost of living is skyrocketing every day and you say everything is fine.If you are popular, why do you restrict rallies for the…

  11. It’s dictatorial for PF gvt to keep denying their frends ba opposition the right to assemble. It also sends out bad signals to the international community. Upnd is the only opposition party in Zambia but needs to tell electorates what they will do for them like sata did

  12. I cannot imagine political denial make people become all this dull and fulling. Who would imagine Lubinda wouldbe made all this amount of a full by pf politics. What Lubinda is doing is standing on an anthill seeking attention of dying pf! The sooner Bo Lubinda realises hat pf is dead, the better for his pf inflicted troubled personal life.

  13. Gbm. Winter. Lubinda. Singing the same chorus hoping to charm the cobra for a midnight call. Unfortunately non of you will be anointed to take over. Gbm fell. Winter wont survive the pf cadres. Lubinda now trying his luck.

  14. Mr. Lubinda does not know what he is talking about. I wish he knew what people are talking about his party. If he thinks that people are stupid, let him wait for 2016 just around the corner. He is not even a presidential material. Look at Malawi where the President was so certain of winning but what are the results. People who were persecuted are in state house and then? Nobody can vote for PF in Zambia today. Agriculture is now history in Zambia, freedom of speech we fought for in 1991 is taken away, people are killed like dogs suffering from rabies. There are no medicine in health institutions, maize marketing is not there and above all ,our farmers are suffering and you continue cheating yourself that things are ok.Please sir, you party has been the waste than UNIP.

  15. Bluahblaheueshabu….. what?

    Where did Lubinda say all of this? Maybe in his sleep, under hypnosis, at the bar, to a meeting of party cadres, to prospective investors, local business people at a PF fundraising event, during a radio interview, to foreign diplomats?

    …..who knows where and incredible that LT doesn’t tell us. Hello, journalism! Who, what, when, where, right? It’s really not that hard!

  16. It is sad to see Lubinda finishing himself off politically by aligning himself too much with this kaponya party called PF. Comrade Lubinda, if elections where held today, very few current crop of PF MPs would survive-u inclusive. I can foresee PF coming out 3rd in the next election……..Sata is indeed going to lose!

  17. Zambia is blessed with a lot of dunderheads, the likes of Given Lubinda. He speaks with the loudest tone in order to be heard so that he can be offered with a portifolio. The problem with Zambian politics is that, they are politics of the belly and not politics of cardinal issues that affect every native Zambian. Not until there is a change in the way the majority of Zambians think and understand the major reason why governments are elected, they shall continue to suffer the way they shall now suffer following their ushering the PF into power.

  18. This man is disloyal to pf and he’s merely seeking employment he’snt loyal what he says clearly has no substance, no facts at all!

  19. Whether Pathetic Failures (PF) want it or not change is coming…..we are a Zambia of today and cant wait for 20 years….just like football no performance its zwaaaaaaaaa…..kuya bebele….bufi…kubeja…makuli…bubela …wenye…makudi…..faka pressure HH….azitundila wina

    Development is not only infrastructure using Eurobond ya nkongole which we will have to pay back long gone when the PF is the late.

  20. PF can will never win any elections again unless people are actually more docile than they are already.

  21. And You Given, continue bootlicking and singing all the remaining choruses but you shall never ever become a cabinet minister/ Minister of Foreign Affairs again. Very soon you and your party shall become history. Just wait and see for the plain truth to come. Have you ever visited and shop or market to see how skyrocketing the cost of living has become and do you know the culprits behind this nonsnse ?

  22. If there is an increase in employment, what is tax collected by government not increasing? are these jobs casual or what?

  23. Leave Given alone, he has stated a lot of facts on infrastructure development, only those in the diaspora who dont visit Zambia can deny that. Infrastructure development under PF is massive and a lot of that development was initiated by it, just refer to their budgets from the time they took over. They have been very brave to embarked on projects which have been avoided all along by previous government, for instance the Kit-Chng dual road, Bottom Road, Monze-Nico Road, building new universities, improving prisons, upgrading international airports, repairing township roads etc. These, the opposition will always try to condemn but will yield a lot of benefits in the near future. Give credit where its due mwebantu even KK during his recent interview on the SAfrican business channel agreed

  24. A dog that is about to die does not hear the call of its master. This saying is true about PF and Lubinda in particular. Lubinda wants to restore his depreciated image by singing praises to his gods (PF), unfortunately, he has further offended the entire party and the president in particular by insinuating that HEMCS is no longer important to PF. Mr Lubinda is already naked and can not mislead any more people that he has clothes on him.

  25. Dear Hon Lubinda, How are you my man? In terms of road network, I do agree with you that PF is trying but it is doing so using borrowed funds whose repayment period will soon begin. Since these roads do not generate funds, where will the money for repayment come from? Repayment of these loans will make Zambians suffer. Secondly, yo party has introduced a thuggerly culture of pangas. Zambians hate this culture to the core. Thirdly, yo party is largely interested in appointing old people into positions of authority at the expense of young, intelligent & hardworking youths. Youths are the ones that put PF into power. Fourthly your Govt has denied the Zambian pipo their constitution after spending colossal sums of money. Fifthly you are seriously abusing Public Order Act. Based on these,…

  26. DEC must visit Lubinda and search his house thoroughly because whatever he is smoking is definitely dangerous and illegal.

  27. Given, this infrastructure development talk is now starting to grate on our eardrums, please stop it. The government has a multitude of things to do for its people and all you sing about is infrastructure development and winning elections! Really? In your mind, this is the only thing worth talking about? The following issues among many still need to be done: a]getting value for money for our copper so that we reduce on borrowing b]unifying all the tribes in this great country c]strengthening and respecting good governance institutions d]respecting chiefdoms and citizens in general e]ensuring appointments to jobs are on merit and not on friendship or family tree basis f]ensuring diversification of the economy through agriculture and tourism g]beefing up the education system. PF, kuya bebele

    • You a joker and a true underfive in politics. What governance? The ordinary guy on the streets voted for INFRASTRUCURE period. Business people like me voted for roads and power regardless of cost. Yopu think ordinary man on the street cares if Mumbaor HH dontare strangled? Dumb strategy or even the pointless constitution? Well see who wins 2016 is INFRASTRUCTURE + well paid Civil Servants vs bitter prophets of doom. Well see who wins. Mulelila futi

  28. What needs urgent fixing in the politics of Zambia is the thinking of the electorate. Due to their ignorance, Zambian voters are capable of anything. Indeed, they have surprised themselves time and again.

    The thinking of the average blogger on this site does not represent the thinking level and analytical skill of the average Zambian voter. Nor are those now vying for this or that party to win the next presidential elections, willing to go out there, confront the situation and all the police brutality that is out there; and educate the ignorant electorate.

    Indeed the average blogger on this site is like the Greek philosophers of old. We seem to specialize in discussion ideas. Good though this is, it does not translate into votes for any party or candidate.

    • @digga, it is obvious that you are a died in the wool kaponya who is unable to understand how a country is governed. For heavens sake, infrastructure development cannot stand alone, it is just a subset of the big package required to run a country successfully. You want to trivialize good governance? This is laughable. All nations on earth treasure this, it is a sign of independence which should be felt by all citizens. Why do you think we fought for liberation? All countries with bad governance records eventually slide into dictatorships which also leads to financial incapacity. Zambia is the second largest copper producer in Africa, but due to lack of proper planning, we keep on being short changed by outsiders and end up with heavy debts. Wake up digga or else go and dig your own grave!

  29. Lubinda is Comical Ali shouting that the Americans (PF’s failures in this case) are being beaten back.

  30. I will not be surprised if Lubinda recommends Winter. I suspect he has leaked the Winter boot especially with the cold front approaching. Somebody bring a meteorologist we find out the geographical position of Lubinda in relation to Winter

  31. That is the beauty of democracy. You can dream and dream as much as you like. But you pathetic failures (PF) are trying to erode our hard earned freedom of speech, assembly and association (civil liberties). This is the most defamed party on earth (PF). To discount SATA as the soul catalyst of this party is being naive. Sata is PF and PF is SATA. If you remove SATA from the equation then there is no PF, only the cartel that has betrayed and are reaping from Sata’s fortunes. Michael while in opposition set a very very bad example of how politics are supposed to be conducted. He brought insolence, rudeness, no respect for others. As long as he had a crowd following him he would insult anybody at will.
    Our hope is that God will raise a moses to stir us away from this mess.

  32. What Lubinda is saying is that , I am announcing my availability as candidate for PF president since it looks like Sata will not make it to 2016. Since he may not even survive now , I Lubinda am available we are not short of Leaders inPF

  33. The infiltration of SELF-ADULATING POLITICOS from ZWD on this site has become so obvious these days. It is so depressing visiting this site nowadays because it has become so predictable in terms of comments.

    If the popularity of some opposition parties on blogs was as real on the ground (i.e., the city streets and the highways and byways of the countryside), 2016 elections would be a cakewalk—BUT IT AIN’T THAT SIMPLE! The sad part about all this is that the leadership of these Parties take the on-line popularity too seriously, forgetting where the real electoral battles are fought and won—which is definitely NOT on-line!

    Lubinda’s statement is very true for as long as the majority of voters in Zambia today live in rural and peri-urban areas with NO ACCESS to the Internet.

  34. I can see the confusion with the people in the diaspora, that PF is working because you see construction …
    Truth be told is that 99.9% of all construction is all from the previous administration whether you admit it or not.
    PF has also lost a lot of popularity and cannot win a general election without rigging or manipulating the electorate again.
    Come 2016, we are voting PF OUT!!


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  36. Call for the elections even in kabwata see if you will not lose why have you remained silent even when you are called a rebel why ? have you ever eaten Roads,Building just sit and wait for gratuity soon you will be out bwana lubinda.Talk may be wynter can identify you .Fuel ,m/meal is expensive and you are busy defending each other just sleep,you we cry last.

  37. No way Jose, in your dreams! Unless this double speak to test the water and decide whether or not to throw the hat in the ring. But you are going about it the wrong way because you are discrediting yourself. Another of the clowns we thought was smart, but just had spurts of brilliance at that time. Shameful way to fall from grace, when he could have bide his time and built on public symphathy he enjoyed when he was unceremoniously kicked out of cabinet by the “clown” president.

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