Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home Government to extend “operation Chibolya wipe out” to Don Carlos concerts

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  1. I and I vibration, please allow zambians to enjoy the stuff.They have been reduced to puppets by pf this is the only way they can forget their suffering

  2. There is nothing wrong with smoking the herb.Arrest people doing cocaine and other hard drugs but leave marijuana alone.This is our God given food.If you read genesis 1 vs 29 it clearly says “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” This is our food.

  3. ” ‘Operation Chibolya Wipeout’ ”

    Does anyone believe that can or should try to wipe out weed? It is a well known fact that drugs make people who hate them psychotic. 🙂

    Who is the world’s biggest opium dealer?

    Google: opium poppy history gsk

    Marijuana/hemp is huge competition to the farmaceutical industry, the petrochemical industry, and Big Alcohol.

  4. he came wit the messege of love and peace,their was love in woodlands stadium,its normal wen people gather to include the herb,u can stop it

  5. Blessed is he who respects and appreciates the works of JAH. Jah created the herb for the relaxation of the mind of man, upliftment…….

  6. protect my people………..from the unknown……what has been there is good…..what is to day could be bad…….what shall be here on earth and not from above shall be worse…..look in to the sky……

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