Monday, June 3, 2024
Home Kalaba inspires Mazembe to victory

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  1. Lusaka Times do your editing properly. How can he lead them to their second successive defeat after scoring the only go of the game and by wining 1-0?

    • @Mwenya…..u are right man. I was also wondering about that. I think the writer was looking forward to using those words some day and unfortunately wrong timing. Secondly, Kalaba didn’t play 90 minutes. He was substituted in the second half. I watched the game on sabc 1.

  2. You are busy attcking each other , very tipical of Zambians, instead of inquring why Kalaba was left out of the Zambia- japan game! Inthe recent past there has not been any good news about Zambia apart the Rainfold goal! no wonder africa will be third world for life,

    • i read all Zambian footballers with club continental commitments (i.e Mazembe Boys) this past weekend were excused from national duties.

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