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Home PF finds current constitution useful for oppressing people with divergent views-Former PF MP

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  1. @ Mrs Bredt,

    Unfortunately I don’t remember how you left PF. But if you left PF on your own accord because of the negatives you saw in the system then your statement is honourable. If you where sacked or forced to leave and now this great powerful economy is scratching your behind then you are shame and loss and not worth listening to because we all know this regime has kept the constitution in place and don’t need to be reminded by an empty stomach. Any way as Mushota says thanks for your contribution.

    • Cat Power, you sound like another victim of poor reading culture. Are you so lazy that you could not read up to the last paragraph?

    • Ms. Bredt

      You truly have difficulties understanding the PF govt position on the constitution making process. govt has not proffered any of what you have said

      in fact the PF has not refused to give the Zambian people a new constitution that will stand the test of time.

      All govt has said is that there is no constitutional crisis and will not be arm-twisted by the fragmented and ineffective opposition into rushing the constitution making process at the expense of delivering core development programs to the people.

      If you expected that you were going to have another money making venture like you did with NCC under Mwanawasa, it wont happen

    • @ Reading Culture, actually you’re right. I didn’t read through to see that she was an MP before PF came to power. Reason why I hadn’t heard of her. Please don’t blame me at the rate this Cobra is striking without even replenishing his poison one can be lost. It has bitten so many that it feels like a mosquito bite now.
      Mistake accepted and responsibility for the error acknowledged.

    • @Cat Power atleast you are honorable by accepting mistakes, I wish Sata can learn from you. But mudala Sata is stubborn, I thank God that he had given hi chance to rule Zambia at the slope of his life. If it was 15 years ago, Zambians would have suffered like

    • @Gen

      You have correctly focused on the root of the problem.

      The PF Government are now in no hurry to implement the wishes of the people of Zambia as it is not in their interests to do so. This sends a very clear message to us. Sata and his PF is saying ” I do not care what you, the people of Zambia, want. I am only interested in what I want!!”

      The CONSTITUTION making process is not new. It has been through successive administrations, and the will of the people has been distilled by the Technical Committee into a document that only needs adoption.

      Once before. and now again, Sata and his PF have blocked the ratification of the document for their own selfish interests. See through their LIES. The delay is just an excuse to DO NOTHING!

      If the PF cannot move forward with the…

    • CONSTITUTION and at the SAME TIME provide development, it is the ultimate proof of their incompetence and inability to run the affairs of the country! Then they are really USELESS.

      But we all know these are just MORE LIES!

      The people of Zambia must reject this attempt to hijack the country with the contempt it deserves. We cannot allow a degenerate bunch of crooks, criminals and liars to steal our country right from under our noses!

    • @Nostradamus, I agree with you. It’s good that the Cobra is ruling Zambia now when his life is about to end. Had it been 15 or 20 years ago, it would be another Amin or Mobutu. Good point there @Nostradamus.

    • @ Gen 1.2

      Of course PF wants to give to the People of Zambia Constitution “which will last test of times”.

      Of course Hon. Appointed Minister of Justice and PF GS has stated exactly that.

      The issue is exactly that. People of Zambia DO NOT WANT PF CONSTITUTION!!!

      Did you GOT IT???

      People of Zambia have voted PF in power to deliver PEOPLE DRIVEN CONSTITUTION!!!

      I hope you can see this tiny difference through black shades of pseudo-intelligentsia?

  2. mr sata has nothing to lose whether he leaves zed better or worse than he found it since he is in his evening in years and a Tanzanian. So forget about a better zed under this mwachusa from mbeya.

    • Sometimes I ask myself-how can a man who has been bad all along like sata be able to deceive the British.americans ,Catholics,vendors,graduates,even lozis who appear to be the most schooled in zed,even sharp bembas etc whose spirit was he using to deceive even after being warned by chanda chishimba 111?

    • The americans and british will support any frog that will talk against china. They are never interested in the development of zambia and africa at large. All they want is a st.u.pi.d leader who can sell his country’s resources to them for a song as they decieve you of helping you so much by giving you aid. As for Zambians, it was just the chicken memory syndrome.

  3. I think what we need more than anything else is amendment of all archaic, pre- and pseudo colonial clauses in this constitution. Nonsense such as examining people’s meeting places and deciding whether or not they are illegal or not; nonsense such as determining who should be chief over his traditional enclave – such amendments are required like yesterday. Let us also decentralize in the real sense and not just politically. We need each province to benefit directly from its resources while contributing to the center. Meantime, Mrs Bredt did her part as a rebel MP but I believe she has been quiet for too long before this.

  4. In zambia our stomachs come first before sensible and sound reasoning. It is only when we become former chitechi that we start thinking right.

  5. What Sata is doing over the constitution is adding to yhe contraditions and uncertains iabout his policies and government. No organisation survives with these two elements in it. The arrogant , illiterate & impotent guys MUST go. Shame on them.

  6. The theme of Mrs Bredt is ‘Failure by Mr Sata and PF govt to give Zambians a new Constitution’. To claim that there is no crisis to rush for a new constitution is total abrogation of the promises Sata made to Zambians. Mr Sata takes Zambians as fools, lazy and acts as a colonialist refusing to give independence to indigenous Zambians. Mr Sata is not only a danger to Zambia but a dictator who does not allow democracy in Zambia by cramping on all opposition parties to go round the country to exercise their democratic rights of interacting with Zambians. The police is used to harass and bar opposition from meeting Zambians.
    Zambians, let us free ourselves by voting out this divisive despot leader the nation has ever gone through. 2016 zwaa, swaa, chesee.

  7. This is the Sata I thought I knew. Not the one some other Zambians seemed excited about, before 2011. I couldn’t discern any depth of character in him. I could not even afford him the benefit of a doubt. I believe most other Zambians were equally skeptical regarding his dignity. Today, he is president. And we are all dancing to his tune! It is as though what we went through under Kaunda and UNIP, was not enough.

    But there is supposed to be enough men and women of integrity in PF, whom we could have counted on, to side with the people. That does not appear to be the case, however. PF is Sata and Sata is PF. There is no one in PF, who has the courage and moral fiber to oppose the president. Is the feeble opposition our only hope?

    • @ Mei
      You usedmy thoughts word for word. The current one also is the Sata I knew and I was really shocked to be on a line at a poling station in Munali to listen to the excitement of Munali voters on that fateful September afternoon. My heart bled for Zambia as I left the poling station as I reflected on the lack of seriousness Zambians displayed and the impending calamity we were about to face. 3 years down the line, my fears have come true. The pain continues, from the swearing in of relatives in diplomatic service to the oppression of divergent view and the denigration of Zambians at large, this is Sata for you and me,…. the real Sata.

  8. Zambians and all opposition parties must focus on ensuring the next elections are not rigged. Rigging is the only way Sata can stay in power in 2016. He will only win in Mchinga bcs most if these people have relatives in the diplomatic quo , so the dollars are making them immune from inflation, and they can do business by bringing in goods without paying tax

  9. PF also finds current ignorance in Zambia good to exploit for political purposes.Thanks Mrs Bredt for poking the devil in eyes.

  10. Sour grapes Mrs Bredt. If you knew that the current constitution is so bad why did you not ensure that we got a better one when you had the chance in the NCC? See what selling your soul to the devil does? Now that the money you ripped off the Zambian tax payers has finished you want to be seen to be a proponent of a better Constitution. What a load of rubbish!

  11. Why do you moderate comments that offer a counter argument? Should we just accept what is said by some of these chaps lying down?

  12. Reverend Sampa Bredt is just broke and wants to sound relevant. You had your chance to do right and you blow it for a few pieces of silver!

  13. Keep on speaking the truth over the constitution one day it will come to pass viva zambians 50 years after independence still been governed by colonial laws .For god shall bring to judgement every thought,Action ,pay day for PF is coming………….

  14. What’s wrong with black mentality,we had slavery on us,we had apartheid,and now in Zambia ,under kk and sata ,we have active public order act.all these evil acts have some effects on majority of our citizen ‘s mental reasoning.we blame Caucasians for lagging behind in economic development and our own leaders are doing nothing on social issues like the constitution.the argument that the pf is giving is total rubbish,the benefits of people driven constitution outweigh the infrastructure development done with borrowed money.

  15. During one of the by election sata said vote for pf so that we bring development and people voted for pf,but that just shows that Zambians don’t care of each other.that’s called bad parenting,selective parenting and dictator.

  16. when President Sata was campaining, we the people never asked for a new constitution He promised it, now that it has been made can we have it please as the present government has seen that they do not like the people driven constitution as it does not suit them; Please may we have the new constitution Sir:

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