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  1. I have always believed Zambian students are the smartest on this planet. Even though they are hampered by a poor learning environment and lack equipment and are taught by Kachasu drinking teachers they still manage to outshine the brightest on earth.

    • Absolutely! No wonder 95% of items in any Shoprite store in Zambia is from South Africa; whilst you will never find not even one item in Shoprite RSA- from Zambia!

  2. What a useless university… equivalent to Paul Mushindo University. The degrees are not even worth the paper the are printed on

    • And our dull Govt official at the high commission is there promoting private business as if this uni. is giving free scholarships…i wonder how fat his brown envelope was?

  3. Really?? is this about smarts or MONEY? unless this university is offering free education, go for it otherwise, keep the money in Zambia

  4. the so called engneer talk about things you know like university ranking not just condemning its not everything bad about Africa if you have brains all I know is people on this site postings coments ate not news makers we have zambian born at mps in Europe and you never hear them insult zambians you have to wait until things improve you are not the only one who want to come back life can be hard some times but dont be flustered there is God who comforts

    • Ba Africa, please spare us ur ignorance and luck of education. in this age and time, the least one would expect is a grown up writting without putting into consideration punctuation. it is sickening to read such nonsence from an adult. grow up, go to school and learn some more, please. nangula ama fulusitopu. natasha.

  5. Wake up….this has absolutely nothing to with brains. .. international students are big business to universities. …the pay the full price and in hard cash.. you ask the British universities who have benefited massively from them. When are you people going to wake up and read between the lines.

  6. Another money making venture by the south Africans.Wonder if that university is even in the top 5000 in the world.

  7. Who is Mrs Bweupe? She just suddenly sprung up in the article thanking the delegation… this is the usual LT crap I keep complaining about – disjointed, disconnected reporting! Very silly.

  8. Just googled this Uni.
    Web ranking: 5712
    Accreditation: Dept of Higher Ed and Training SA
    Yearly Fees Int’l students undergraduate: €14,700
    Membership: association of afr universities and SA dept of higher ed
    My view: Their website looks sub-standard. I would not spend my €60,000 to get an undergraduate degree. I would look somewhere else.

  9. The major Problem in SA is poor education standard despite world class infrastructures…Our Black fellows often go to the FET (Further Education Training Colleges) like PPC of UNIP time. As such top universities are left for foreigners, Indian and White SA…
    Zambians should enrol with top Universities and not formerly BANTU UNIVERSITIES still carrying the Negative tag. Limpopo University and Zululand University are such historically low class universities….

    • SA universities take the highest number in the top ten universities in Africa BUT this LIMPOPO THING is not one of the top ten. In fact most SAfricans shun formerly Bantu universities. They are all sending their children to Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Pretoria, Wits, Rhodes, and UKZN.


  11. South Africa has also just effected new immigration laws targeted to foreigners. Come 2015, many foreigners will be trekking back to their home countries. they have already started. Hon Gigaba (new home affairs minister) has made quite an entry. If u apply for permits do it in your home country which is fair but for spousal permit for our friends marrying south africans you also have to do it in your country ( which does not make sense). Good Luck to people going there….rather go to other countries

  12. The University of Limpopo is a significant University in SA because of its medical campus and also for many black economist, academics,lawyers, accountants,administrators etc.Many judges and prominent lawyers in South Africa are products of the University of limpopo.

  13. Facts about University of Limpopo part 1
    • Was a previously disadvantaged university founded to provide tertiary education to the Northern Sotho, Venda and Tsonga people
    • Has produced eminent black South Africans such as Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, wealthy entrepreneur and current deputy president of South Africa, Dr Tito Mboweni, former SA reserve bank governor. The Late great Tata Nelson Mandela was chancellor, succeeded by the current chancellor and Chairman of Nedbank, Dr RJ Khoza.
    • Offers Merit bursaries to deserving students, South African or not, where if your academic year average was above 75% for all your registered courses, the varsity pays the tuition fee and registration fee for you for the subsequent year. For Zambian Students, this is relatively easy with our brilliant minds

  14. Facts about University of Limpopo part 2
    • Has access to international scholarships such as the Rhodes scholarship, Mandela-Rhodes Foundation and Erasmsus-Mundus scholarships.
    • Ranked higher than CBU (6632) and Mulungushi University (9304) respectively
    • One of the biggest residential campuses in South Africa, with its own golf course among other recreational facilities.
    • Has a flexible fee arrangement, allowing SADC students to pay the same fee structure as South African students. Contrary to misleading statements that the fees are €14, 700 (which with the weak ZMW translates to Kr129, 982[129,982,000 old ZMK]), the yearly undergrad fees are an average of R25, 000[Kr 15,246.50 per annum, including accommodation, even lower than Mulungushi University!]

  15. Facts about University of Limpopo part 3
    • Is near the main route to Johannesburg by road from Zimbabwe, thereby making transportation to and from Zambia relatively easy. In addition, the cost of living is comparatively lower than in Zambia [the average cost per month on groceries ranges between K500-800]
    • Has a stable and organised academic calendar, rarely prone to labour unrest and unnecessary disruptions. The library has a wealth of literature, including eBooks on demand and loan schemes.
    • Most courses are recognised by professional bodies allowing graduates to be on an equal footing with other graduates from traditionally renowned varsities that enjoyed government advantage during the dark days of apartheid.

  16. Boma ni bwana wachosa data….many bloggers just blog for the sake of blogging i wont even say much…u have killed this topic. PLUS…WATCH OUT FOR MY ARTICLE ON MY DIRTY CITY OF LUSAKA PART 2.

  17. As zambians if we are to be the future leaders then these are initiatives we should take as well if we are to better our universities because most of them are not as good, they probably can’t even be compared to this university of limpopo. what then if Mulungshi university was to be advertised in other countries and it recieved this cynicism.

  18. Been in Mzansi for years and cant take my child to limpopo university..They want Zambians coz South Africans cant go there for they prefer,Cape Town University,Johnnaesburg University,Rhodes<Stellenbosch,Fort Hare or maybe Pretoria University

  19. The intersting observation here is that all the comments are coming from people that are currently NOT residing in Zambia. in the luxury of your offices,libraries,rooms,iPads e.t.c, ask yourself the million dollar question: why did you leave the big Zed? Different circumstances have led us to leave our motherland. It is easy for us to say all that we can say but at the end of the day, there are two things involved: there are little to no opportunities for us at home and our education system is on ARVs(now ranked 14 out of 15 SADC Countries). Let us spare a thought for our brethren back home who do not have the means to traverse frontiers in the quest for milk and honey but end up enrolling at quarter baked TEVETA mickey mouse colleges with names like Above and Beyond college.

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