Monday, June 3, 2024
Home Chisamba man arrested for having sex with a Goat

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  1. This makes very sad reading. Th govt must appoint a commission of inquiry to investigate what has gone with TONGA sexual appetite. This is not acceptable to have such people in the country.

  2. this is sad, but let us not generalize this to our brothers, the tongas. If he was a bemba, maybe he would have been doing a monkey, or for easterner a bush mice, or a lamba a chicken (like one who was given 5 years prison sentence). This is the by product of a mixture of psychological, emotion and inferiority compounded by lack of having something meaningful to do and purposelessness view of life. what can the poor soul do?

  3. Amaule bushe no free. Poverty too much, next no muli crocodile elyo imo ha ka mumine. Zambia sex with anything that moves, fish, I nsoka, ifibata, cows, ifimbwi awe mwe

  4. What if the goat agreed to sex?

    These guys who want to have sex with things other people see as relish need serious counselling. Everytime I want to buy a village chicken I remember that and it really turns me off and I wak to a supermarket and buy a dressed chicken instead. It’s disgusting!

  5. Something has gone amiss back home, just a fortnight ago I read about show goers in copper belt scrambling for herbal boosters. Please can someone check with that sangoma the strength of his herbs before we lose all domestic animals to these mentals. Don’t if meat will be part of my menu when come. Please take that beast to the same judge who sentenced Nyerenda who raped a chicken , death penalty this time, and the goats where he was living should be slaughtered and incinerated I sure he defiled all of them

  6. The bible is very clear that all these activities will signal the end of the world,So dont make fun but prepare for his second coming.

  7. Where are bestiality rights? Where are America and EU which promotes homosexuality rights. They are both unnatural acts and condemned by the bible. They shouldnt talk about consent because when we slaughter animals for relish, there is equally no consent. All I’m saying is that there is nothing like homosexuality rights. They had better called it perversion rights. Then we can talk.

  8. One wonders if there was any penetration at all. However, that was extra sinful.

    @Mwembeshi what makes you so sure that the dressed chicken you opt for was slaughtered properly, it could have died from the pangs of rape. Be careful!!!

  9. Musiyeni, it was his chicken. Would arrest one if they killed their own chicken? He wanted to experiment if a chicken could be pregnant from human sperm. He is a researcher.

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