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Home Prof Chirwa still waiting for response on his request to join plane accident probe team

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  1. It is ok for Clive to let known of his willingness to volunteer, however, he must not go beyond that wanting to engage ZAF into a legal battle with him directly or indirectly. ZAF has laws which they follow to conduct their operations. When one enlists with the defence forces, they swear to be governed by the prevailing laws of the entity. One Zambia One Nation.

    • Whatever his intentions, his specialty is Crashworthiness! He is surely qualified to talk about it. However, the only reason, ZAF won’t let him on the investigations team is they are scared of their own shadows! PAYOUT!

  2. Is this man Prof Chirwa threatening somebody or what? Indirect blackmail? What kind of request is this? Whats going on??

  3. Prof you honestly think these people will allow you? they know your credentials in aircraft crashiness and worthiness will bring them into issues of government being sued. i think even before you sat down to write that letter you knew it would not happen. not because you are not the right person currently in zambia to head such an investigation, but because even if you were in right books with the powers be, they wouldnt have allowed you unless they compromised you. everyone knows there is something wrong with those planes that we havent known as yet because we dont have the capacity in our country to know what it is exactly that is bringing our gallant men in uniform down.

  4. Clive should have written to ministry of defence not ZAF.

    The accident involved military men using military equipment and on military duty so investigations are within the
    Military realm.

    Clive is at liberty to engage the deceased’s families but must remember that on engagement in the military the officers signed certain ‘oaths’ surrounding the discharge of their duties and consequential injury to their persons….

    Only a lawyer may wish to take the steps Clive seems to thinking about.

  5. Why now? As there is already acrimony between him and the Government he should just stay quietly in his little corner and watch. ZAF will surely not be given clearance to accept his overtures.

  6. Chirwa should remember that he is dealing with military planes and not commercial planes. He may be over stepping his boundaries.

  7. I think Clive Chirwa has brains. The only issue for me is that he seems not to understand procedure. How do you start issuing threats of engaging the families directly if you are not accepted on the investigations team. Such utterances should come in if there is an impasse. Could also be a background issue like HH and Sata’s conduct

  8. Zambia can be rubbish when it come to people with knowledge. Besides his requests to help which of course cannot happen. Why has this man with enormous knowledge and credential treated like a scammer, dragged in the mad for those simple charges? We need to over this nonsense of treating fellow Zambian like dirty especially us in diaspora. We can learn a lot by hornessing zambia as a melting port. Divergence views is the core value to any development

  9. Professor Chirwa is a man with a bigger agenda masquerading as ZRL CEO initially, now as an aviation investigation expert (no disrespect this is his area of expertise) and soon as a legal champion of the deceased’s family. And all this the world needs to know. The term ‘International conman’. Has it got any bearing on all this or is the man unfairly judged.

  10. ZAF should accommodate Clive lookinjg at the vast experience he has. The more the heads they put together the better the results. What is ZAf afraid of? There are just too many plane accidents in ZAF and we need to get to the bottom of this.

  11. I think this man is Presidential material. I believe and trust he is in good books with President Sata and the president knows what this man is capable of doing.
    I kindly suggest to the president to appoint this man vice president and groom him to take over. He is the man the country needs after the hard working H.E. Sata to take our country forward. and he will be a fair person to even bring the different functions in PF together. The country needs this man!

  12. Clive Chirwa was included in the team that investigated the tragic accident that killed princess Diana and other major crashes too: let us not belittle our own country men without reason; chine chine, a prophet is never recognized in his own country: the families of the two officers need closure and it is their right to know what really happened; lets not politicise everything:

    • Please quote your source of this information regarding Princess Diana’s accident. Otherwise, you are emoting over hearsay.

  13. Clive Chirwa the conman at it AGAIN! Ba Clive Chirwa, PLEASE, muleishiba apakwangalila. Pafula. Stop behaving like a monkey. Ninshi mulelwisha pantu? Some of us who know your data extremely well, we know that you are a fraud, a conman, a dangerously egoistic maniac, and dangerously daft. Even at the time of employing you as Zambia Railways Chief Executive we repeatedly warned the government about you but no one listened until you f.u.c.k.e.d up on your own. Leave the bereaving families to mourn their departed ones with dignity; don’t involve them in your psychotic egotism and conflict with government. That is a grown man behaving s.t.u.p.i.dly…but that is exactly like Chirwa. He has absolutely no regard for anybody else but himself. Bakakupwishobubi ba government nga uleangala.

  14. Prof. as if you didn’t have enough of your plate already…this is not a civilian aircraft here….which makes it cumbersome especially with your dual nationality!!

  15. The crush of a military plane is usually classified let alone the causes,ba prof understand your bounberies,you should hav asked to help check the remaining planes to avoid further lose of life otherthan trying to expose military shortcoming.Check your approval rating before exposing yourself.

  16. Time is gone for secrecy.let the man help .u still need to hire expert advice.wake up and let zàmbians handle issues with wisdom.

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