Thursday, June 13, 2024
Home Changala re-submits writ of Mandamus

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  1. Changala please ! Sata is back, stop deluding yourself.I suggest you worry about maintaining your own failing immune system than worrying about Sata.People who live in glass houses should never throw stones

    • @Saulosi- You are letting me down- I though you are a wise fella until I am starting to realise your shallow and emotional arguments- there is what we call ad hominen arguments- us- who are truly educated- Why attack the man because of his HIV/AIDS status and not attack the argument? Scumbags will never stop to surprise me.

    • Spot on Saulosi.This chaps queues for ARV’s every month at Kalingalinga hospice lelo he wants to be tough on Sata’s health ? Kulibe

    • @Ola
      Come on be serious.Have i mentioned HIV anywhere? Don`t put words in my mouth.For your own information it is not just HIV that can reduce your immunity.Severe combined immunodeficiency(SCID) and infections like flu and measles can all lead to reduced immunity.

    • The biggest scumbag here is Ola.Dude you have just shown your ignorance.Saulosi you are the man.

  2. ba Changala bamudala ! with O du respect can we do somthn productv pliz,pliz can we stop these nonsese n concentrate on developmental isues afectn most us zambians.there ar many pipo out there who need such kind of services n wil apreciate if u came to their rescue as a civil rights activist,iam sure your services out there wil be apreciated.i think everything is said n done now we will apreciate if we diviated our atention making sure government reduced poverty as most of us zambians cant aford 3 meals in a day. u ar just waisting yo precious time,anyway we be suprised some of u,u ar hired guns paid by desperate,power hungry uder 5 n calculator boys politician who want to go to state housing the back door.

  3. in zambia today so many pipo are hullucinating and having slow punctured brains. So many have nothing to do. envy, petty jealous are centre stage. Sata formed pf alone took it thru 10yrs won elections. Today see the calibre of his main critics and what they have achieved. How can anyone worthy his salt be wishing someone dying for them to take over. Changala and your fellow lunatics find something else to talk sata wont be sick in next 20yrs.

  4. Mr Changala, I have realised you are MMD and have seen you all the time escorting all the MMD members appearing in courts of law. Surprisingly, you never demanded for a medical tribunal when Levy Mwanawasa was unwell. This is what makes some people think you have something personal with the current President. Please its his time and God made it so and that’s why Zambians voted for him. If God decides to take him, no one can stop it but it seems you are bent on ensuring that he is declared unfit. Supposed he was declared fit what will you do? Find another issue? Its a shame to celebrate other peoples conditions. Chiba. T. M. Lsk.

  5. While I agree that ba Changala is a free citizen and he is exercising his freedom to move the court to inquire into the decision of Cabinet to refuse or to neglect to constitute a medical board, I am with the view that he has no sufficient reasons to put forward. Arguing that a person looked healthy yesterday and he appears sick today is frivolous and actually it is vexatious. Changala is using appearance as a reason to insinuate that Sata is sick. Cabinet which is supposed to constitute a medical board meet with Sata on a regular basis and they know whether he is working or he is not working. So their decision of not appointing a medical board is based on fact.

    I therefore think that the court will throw out this application again. It lacks merit!!

  6. uadullmyfriend.itsnotaboutonesstatusbutreanoning.watourpresidentcandoissimplycomeoutstatehouseandapeartotheeepublicandshameallcritics.otherwisepipolikeuwillkeeponmisleadinthenation.uaremad

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