Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Home Kenyan Deputy President admires Zambia’s tourism

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  1. Don’t be deceived by the PF rally crowds, people are only going to see the visionless Edgar Lungu who again lying to his charlatan cadres how he will capsize their sinking canoe.
    Voting for Lungu is suicide and therefore endorse a Hero of Humanity to economically, democratically, politically, socially and culturally govern the country. This Hero of Humanity is HH. Hope and Health for the nation and not the visionless Lungu.
    Satas vision was confusion,tribalism and violence, 19 days left till PF is democratically kicked off.
    The Skeleton Key

  2. Don’t be deceived by Ruto. Kenya attracts way more tourists+airlines yet he wants us to believe Zambia has a better tourist product?

    Lesson is-don’t be afraid of your enemies,be afraid of fake friends like Ruto who give you a kiss of death.

    • What is wrong with him encouraging us. Suppose he said, Zambia’s tourism potential is nothing and way far below Kenya, You the same people will call him all sorts of names. This is the problem with UPND cadres, they are good for nothing. GBM in PF is a fat useless cadre with no brains, the same GBM after endorsing HH is now an angel. Masebo joining PF is a wule, but when she endorses HH she is brilliant lady.

    • Use a little sense and realise that when you visit somebody’s house you have to be polite and say the proper things. Everybody knows Zambia cannot compare to Kenya. Can Lusaka be compared to Nairobi? Can KK intnl A/prt be compared to whatever they have? The man was being polite that’s all.

  3. Is this the man who murdered Kikuyus and sold his people so souls to politics? Is he teaching our leaders on how to be violent? Shame

    The hague must step-up its efforts

    • i assume you have evidence coz the same Kikuyus you say he murdered are now his comrades in government. Kenya’s president is Kikuyu.

  4. I am a kenyan and I am suprised that My Ruto, can use state funds to go on holiday in Zambia, donate $20000/- to an orphanage , and tell Zambians that he will be their ambassador to market their country. Our economy is in the woods, and the man can boastfully go down there, tell Zambians that he has got lots of money,and yet in his back yard, he has never donated such to an orphanage back home. How can he fly to Zambia using a Kenya Airforce Jet when the other day, he was criticizing county government for wasteful spending on unnecessary travels? Is this not arrogancy at the highest order? This makes me mad honestly. Does his trip add any value to our economy? He is only wasting the much needed foreign exchange money for
    unnecessary trips. Instead of poverty alleviation, they creating…

    • 1. Never make a judgement with what is on the media, it is oftn wrong. The DP is on a working trip, check his website.
      2. As the second in command of the repulic, he is entitled to protection by the state. Such protection includes, but is not limited to, protection by our national defence forces.
      3. Your argument that he used state funds to donate 20000 USD is assumptive and frankly defamatory as u have absolutely no proof of the same.
      4. He has donated more than 20000 USD. Visit Eldoret North constituency and ask how JOYWO women group was started.
      5. Quite interesting you are raising your ‘complaints’ while in the US. Stop suffering ‘virtualy’. Let us who are on the ground in KE cmplain. Happy NEW YEAR.

    • T.I.A do as i say not as I do. In any case Kenya may have poverty just like Zambia, but its rising and there is always positive news. Hence why he said and did what he did. The shilling in comparison to the Kwacha is better, your economy, telecoms industry, tourism and innovation far outweigh ours. The west assume Victoria falls is in SA OR ZIMBABWE (Partly), because they have managed to package their holidays not just on flights, but the beauty of their countries. Advice is just that, you don’t have to do it. Now we have no direct flights to Zambia from Europe or anywhere because BA left due to it being unprofitable yet emirates entered the market. Despite the conflict in Kenya from terrorist or extremist groups, people have not stopped flying to Nairobi.

  5. Don’t be so judgemental and only speak if you understand sustainable tourism on the economic, social and environmental aspects. He is right that we have an added advantage because of the iconic Victoria Falls for example. Zambia has never had any wars or terrorist attacks or Ebola cases and if we had the right people managing instead of Jean Kapata we would have capitalized in terms of revenue maximization. The problem is we have Felix Chaila who has no clue of what he’s doing and should be fired from the Tourism Board because he does nothing in terms of promoting Zambia. Hire the right people in these jobs and you will see how fast the industry will grow. We can compete with Kenya and any other African country because we are the one and only Zambia.

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