Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Week in Pictures



School leavers queuing up for police recruitment in Lusaka
School leavers queuing up for police recruitment in Lusaka


Police recruits queing up for recruitment in Lusaka
Police recruits queuing up for recruitment in Lusaka


Dora Siliya (far l) with officials from Ecobank at Kabulonga boys secondary school in Lusaka
Dora Siliya (far l) with officials from Ecobank at Kabulonga boys secondary school in Lusaka


Ms Masebo talking to reporters on the purchase of hearses
Ms Masebo talking to reporters on the purchase of hearses


Former Local government and Housing minister Sylvia Masebo addressing journalists during a press briefing in Lusaka
Former Local government and Housing minister Sylvia Masebo addressing journalists during a press briefing in Lusaka


Works and supply minister Mike Mlongoti (r) and his counterpart from Tourism Catherine Namugala during the launch of the national environment policy in Lusaka
Works and supply minister Mike Mlongoti (r) and his counterpart from Tourism Catherine Namugala during the launch of the national environment policy in Lusaka


Tourism minister Catherine Namugala scruitinise the national environment policy during the launch in Lusaka
Tourism minister Catherine Namugala scruitinise the national environment policy during the launch in Lusaka


Dzuwa ni Moto (the sun is fire) dance troupe performing at Mulungushi international conference centre
Dzuwa ni Moto (the sun is fire) dance troupe performing at Mulungushi international conference centre


Lands Minister Peter Daka (l) Zain managing director David Holiday after receiving a donation on behalf of Sonja Girls High School in Petauke district
Lands Minister Peter Daka (l) Zain managing director David Holiday after receiving a donation on behalf of Sonja Girls High School in Petauke district


Local government minister Benny Tetamashimba welcomes his counterpart from Rwanda Protais Musoni to his office in Lusaka
Local government minister Benny Tetamashimba welcomes his counterpart from Rwanda Protais Musoni to his office in Lusaka


Local government minister Benny Tetamashimba and his counterpart from Rwanda Protais Musoni in Lusaka
Local government minister Benny Tetamashimba and his counterpart from Rwanda Protais Musoni in Lusaka


Community Development and Social Services Minister Michael talking disabled people who went to protest at his office in Lusaka
Community Development and Social Services Minister Michael talking disabled people who went to protest at his office in Lusaka


Disabled people camped outside the ministry of community development and social services
Disabled people camped outside the ministry of community development and social services


Some striking nurses dispersing after a meeting in Ndola
Some striking nurses dispersing after a meeting in Ndola


Police in riot gear keep vigil at the Ndola central hospital
Police in riot gear keep vigil at the Ndola central hospital


Zambia Congress of Trade Unions president Leonard Hikaumba is flanked by striking nurses after a meeting the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
Zambia Congress of Trade Unions president Leonard Hikaumba is flanked by striking nurses after a meeting the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka


Zesco united striker Jonas Sakuwaha spotted walking into the Football House premises
Zesco united striker Jonas Sakuwaha spotted walking into the Football House premises


Zesco striker Jonas Sakuwaha ta Football House
Zesco striker Jonas Sakuwaha ta Football House


Konkola Blades' Maybin Chishimba plots his move against Red Arrows' Chiwanki Lyainga during the FAZ-KCM league rescheduled week three match played at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka
Konkola Blades' Maybin Chishimba plots his move against Red Arrows' Chiwanki Lyainga during the FAZ-KCM league rescheduled week three match played at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka


  1. Tetashimba looks smart for once from his usual ‘agona musanga’ look. I was thinking how come Police never go on strike like nurses ? is it because they side hustle money from bribes is too good

  2. #1…lol……….Nice pics..well average…. More police officers to live in the police camp ….its amazing that people are still so interested despite low LSM structure of our cops

  3. brothers and sisters in zambia have no choice for jobs, they will go for anything that comes their way, Not funny at all!

  4. #5 Miss Daisy: Uoneka bwino today is Friday, could we meet for some drinks supposing you are in Gauteng?

  5. MA MASEBO you a strong woman keep on keeping on dont, allow anyone to distabilise your achievements you are hardworking

  6. LT – overuse of the word ‘counterpart’ makes for mediocre captions.

    Pic#17,18 -The striker looks cute.

  7. buju oza kamba kusogolo lol one of my friends at school always said he can never be a teacher guess what he does for a leaving???
    I am guessing its the same situation for a lot of people on that que

  8. # 1 be grateful. umalipila zingati ku belenga news pa lusaka times. if u dnt dig it the dash off. go to the post pay then ponti at the end of the day.

  9. Hellllllo Breeze, howzit… mulishani ba Rich Zambiano….?…Hmm first pic… school levers in suits..interesting..our youth look bazamukad mwe…….Have a great weekend bloggers… Am off for my belly dancing classes……yay!….cheers!

  10. Pic #11. How did Benny Tetamashimba sustain the injury on his neck? His right Carotid Artery was almost ripped off from a sharp instrument.

  11. Interesting, Dora was at Ka-girls when when we were finishing at Kabulonga school for gentlemen, she was a good debater koma. I notice they have put ma burglar bars on the classroom windows, how do the guys dodge these days? Memories!

  12. #22, yea, its important that you shed off some of the fats on that tammy of yours! you look like some one carrying triplets each weighing 5kgs!!

  13. What is it with Women and scarfs in Zambia. See post editor who was being questioned and Dora Sillier. Has the climate changed or is it a novelty? Teta looks like he is not used to wearing suits, just looks wrong! Its Friday so indulge me my irrelevant comments. On a serious note seeing all those people queing up for jobs as police officers shows how bad the job market in Zambia is. Our successive governments have somehow managed to erode the value from very noble and formerly respected professions such as teaching, nursing and policing. I hope the future offers better prospects otherwise there will be chaos in our country.

  14. Pic #14 & Pic #16. Our nurses look dejected when they’re on strike. Has anyone of you seen how South Africans do their thing while on strike? Muleshanako banamayo, elyo chivuvuka nabwino.

  15. its sad i ve missed sweet MISS DAISY again, her pic is so refreshing beautiful cleaning the layers of mad from my eyes. Lets give Dora a chance, she better than most MPs and ministers especially aba mu PF, Thugs.

  16. Always happy to see the pics as usual, only that this time I don’t have much time to comment on them. I’ll be out and away ’til Sunday…wishing y’all a nice weekend!

  17. wonder how many in pic#1 are real thugs waiting to be given real guns and the green light terrorise people in broad daylight!?

  18. In Zambia Whenever you see a light at the end of the tunnel, it is of an approaching train! Nothing gets better.

  19. A pleasant change from the almost monotonous. If only for vanity reasons should RB not have give Mz Masebo a ministerial position? That woman looks good; even as a recepient of foreign guests should would indeed out illuminate them. It is at the least well with myself that our physically challenged families can protest and have a window on LT, question, how are we on this blog to assist them? For all things work for the good for those that love the Lord. Wow! Did any of you notice Mr. Mulongoti he has been humble as of late good!!!!!!!!!!!. Computers for Petauke ladies knowledge enhancement welcome, they shall be learned education started in their homes. Great weekend family remember to relax have fun and go to church; we all need Jesus seriously.

  20. #22 Miss Daisy, am jealous. Here belly dancing costs an arm and a leg. May be you could swap me some notes. Dora looks great for a change. #29 Simon, its winter in Zed. Explains the scarf thing.

  21. sakuwaha iwe… lets be serious.. do you see arsenal players walking around in bayern munich shirts? or man utd players walking around in ac milan kits? be proud and support your club.. I know you are an arsenal fan, but be professional.

  22. SlumDog # 2
    Ba police have no union to represent them so they cant go on strike. But they also benefit when nurses and teachers goes on strike.

  23. Guys and ladies forgive me who is Tetamashimbi in picture 10 and 11 is it the old chap on the left na ka oversize suit aka pakombo, thats a pathetic photo for a minister. I can do beta there. Bamufumishe kwi is this the chap who bought ama manda manda 100

  24. oh my god i am almost crying when i saw picture one..makes me appreciate what opportunity i have.. my country why?

  25. Pic #16 reminds me of the statement of my week: “I have told my colleagues that if you are made of wax don’t stand in the sun because you will melt” – Zambia Congress of Trade Union president L. Hikaumba Said.
    Enjoy your Sabbath Day you all.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Holy Bible

  26. Picture 19-check out the oversize long sleeved shirt.Ne minwe tashilemoneka !!!! And the other guy in blue was chasing another ball I guess.

  27. # 22 Shawade Daisy taumfwa, our most of our Zambian cops are former Lusaka-street traders, so they have money to buy suits. How was your Belly Dancing class, is it not the same as they were teaching you Banachimbusa?

  28. That boy in the second pic would make a very good corp Masebo’s beauty is slowly fading like a candle light ,she is looking very awful

    Namugala’s dental formular is not as good as I thought

    Teta cant even smile on such interesting meetings better become a military man or a chief

    Dora will not have her freedom until she lives with the reality Jonas Sakahuwa looks like is well paid

    Hikahumba is the worst Trade Union President ever -this may be the result of his poverty background and will need sometime to stabilise

  29. I miss Zambia – wish i could line up for a job like that and enjoy all that life has to give..”Pursuit of happiness”…

  30. ts zambian politics as usual, ugly teta pulling the strings, u guys are right he should be a bee keeper not minister. Nurses are on strike to earn at least &300 while politicians line their pockets and fatten themselves on state resources. Guys lets face it, the one credible person who could stop this rot is miyanda. enough is enough, i need my zambia back.

  31. Dora is making a statement in here.. ati muzadabwa maningi.., am back… looks hot and much better…

  32. Wen does Tete ever get to do some work on his desk, he is always on front page of newspapers doing nothing?

  33. Just a word on the football player Jonas Sakuwaha who has signed a contract with the French team Lorient.
    I wish him a nice career in France!

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