Sunday, June 16, 2024
Home China injects $39m into TAZARA operations

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  1. Tazara already owes the chinese govt US$500m. Non payment of this loan was attributed to poor management. I hope the minister has changed the management of Tazara to ensure that at least the US$39m is paid back. I doubt its even an interest free loan, I’m sure its inbuilt in the US$39m

  2. “….apart from reviving operations, would be for the procurement of six new locomotive engines, four wagons and the repairing of 120 wagons and US$9m will be for me and my family”

  3. Good news, but there is nothing free. Maybe chinese cargo will have to be given priority. I agree there is need to improve management. Anyway this is positive news

  4. How did Tazara end up in this position. Why did the Zambian and Tanzanian govts and managers of Tazara allow the company to deteriorate so much. It is shameful. $39m is not a lot of money given the dire state of Tazara.

    We really must be ashamed of ourselves, we seem to ruin everything. Cant we surely manage something properly. Unless we improve even this $39m will amount to nothing because the problem is not financial, but management of assets and business management. Both Govts and Tazara management have failed lamentably all these years. Money cant solve everything.

    If you give money to a fool, he will simply become more foolish. But give it to a wise man, he will prosper. The difference is in the head – the grey matter between the ears. Plus wisdom.

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  5. Wondering why not spend half of the $64m (K290b) RB intends to spend on that pointless road that passes by his farm to the game park, on repaying some of the $500m loan and then use the otehr half $32m for revamping TAZARA operations including sweeping Mgt changes.

  6. UK-Observer, there is nothing really wrong with us. From your comment it would be an honour for myself to work as your assistant vice president, or for you to be the CEO of my corporation. Zambians not all but a good number are Lazy, then there are the bootlickers and procrastinators. If we could put the wise ones with operational gray matter all would be well. Also ones love for alcohol should be a deciding factor on promotion in Zambia; the more sober the faster your promotion catch my drift.

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