Sunday, January 19, 2025

More eye MMD vice presidency


MMD Cadres

The vacant Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) vice presidency has attracted interest from a number of senior party members.

Following yesterday’s announcement by Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti that he will contest the vice presidency, party Legal committee chairperson Bwalya Chiti is said to be the latest member to show interest.

Sources told QFM that Mr. Chiti has also expressed interest in vying for the ruling party’s vice presidency.

Others said to be interested for vacant position since the party’s last convention in 2006 are MMD committee member Walisiku Lisulo, and foreign affairs minister who is also party deputy national chairman Kabinga Pande.

The MMD has set April 5th to 7th as the dates for the national convention.

Meanwhile MMD in Lusaka Central constituency have challenged party chairman for elections Mike Mulongoti to tell the nation what he has done for the MMD for him to contest the vacant position of party vice president.

Constituency chairman Chilekwa Munkonge says as much as the party constitution allows MMD members to contest for various positions of their choice, the vice presidential position requires someone who has contributed to the welfare of the general membership of the party.

Mr. Munkonge added that his constituency has resolved to rally behind Republican Vice President George Kunda for the party vice presidency ahead of the forthcoming convention slated for Kabwe in April.

He says Mr. Kunda has is the suitable candidate for the position as he has contributed to the welfare of the party and the general membership.

And Mr. Munkonge has further said that the majority of the MMD members have endorsed the candidature of Mr. Kunda as a preferred candidate at the convention daring Mr. Mulongoti to go ahead with his ambitions if he is able to withstand the pressure.

[ QFM ]


  1. Chilekwa Munkonge, Can you tell the nation what George Kunda has contributed to the general “welfare” of the party.We know you are eating with both hands, from GBM PF and MMD!

  2. this is what happens when you intimidate people. all these guys eyeing the VP position would have loved to compete with BR but he wouldn’t let them do it. he has pushed all of them to compete with red lips. lets wait and see. don’t forget, the same RB has promised 4 provinces the position of VP if they vote for him.

  3. gk is not fit to be veep..he has made alot of blunders..we need open minds and Bwalya chiti..this ka chilekwa a useless cader afraid of his shadow..he shot at a woman in Kabwata some few years ago..

  4. Bwalya Chiti more objective than these other embeciles like Red Lips,Mulongoti and the rest vying for the VIP position. No one is man enough to challenge Vasco da Banda the explorer?

  5. What have you done yourself Munkonge? You have nothing else to do but try to frustrate others. Let those that have the ambitions to run for veep do so. You are simply pathetic!

  6. Lazo ni Lazo, elo ba Lazo twalibeshiba, abakashi babo ni balazo, abana ni balazo, business bakwata yabulazo, imitontokanishe yabulazo, Bulazo tabwakapwe muyayaya and we know which Party has Balazo and which Prezido was a Lazo and he is still a Lazo, akafwafye na bulazo

  7. MMD Veep !=COUNTRY Veep

    By the way, I just learnt that short form from my educated programming colleagues. It simply means MMD Veep is NOT Equal to COUNTRY Veep. There is a difference. Think about that while you debate this issue.

  8. this is stratege that who ever will be vice president is likely to be presented as a presidential candidate in 2016 so this the fight you are seeing those asking what is special with the VP position. some senior member are failing to comeout that Kunda is sick so his death may cause trouble with his position, munkonge does not understand all these happening is just talking suppoting tribalmate without brains for future

  9. Munkonge Chilekwa depends on GBM for his livelihood..I know this chap from CSO..very dull chap who was literally doing nothing and being paid for it!!

  10. The problem with current MMD is that it has been infiltrated and contaminated by former UNIP rubbish characters,who would have thought 10 years ago that william Banda would be a factor or headline news in modern Zambian multi party politics.The only achievment the red lipped serpent has scored is to embrace criminals ans charlatans

  11. # 11, I love your comment, you truly made my day, ha ha ha! Bulozo pa Zed bwafulisha saana. Just hope can we hope to develop a country when chila bushiku na akasuba ifili mumutwe tapali nangu cimo kano bulazo?

  12. Middle age in men is when broadness of the dick and narrowness of the forefinger swap places. Mark my word, Mulongoti will curve a ridiculous number of votes in this bid of his. For all the silly monkey things like some people deserve not to be sent to prison etc, does he think any sane Zambian can root for such an imbacile to be the ruling party No. 2?

  13. Vernon Mwaanga was riding his Donkey when he sees Pretty Musimbi about to jump off the Kariba dam so he stops. “What are you doing?” he asks. “I’m going to commit a suicide,” she says. Knowing his addiction to fimo fimo, he did not want to appear insensitive, but he couldn’t afford to miss an opportunity he asked “Well, before you jump, why don’t you give me a Kiss?” So, she does.
    After she’s finished, VJ says, “Wow! That was the best Kiss I have ever had. That’s a real talent you are wasting. You could be famous Why are you committing suicide?” “My parents don’t like me dressing up like a girl……” The withered Ila buru fell off the Kariba damn in shame when M’Membe materialized from the corner with a front page pic of the “best kiss”.

  14. Lelo Red Lips George Junda has really ruffled a lot of feathers to MMD and Non MMD members alike. He’s being in the Fore-Front to aquire questionable FTJ aquitals, these are catching up with HIM. MMD Veep is a powerful post to use to campaign within MMD to finally take over from Sinking RB. NOW wait until Austin Chewe the Capt also throws in his hat. It will be like a CAT thrown amongets the pigeons.

    He He Red Lips Kuya bebele…

  15. when someone eyes vice presidency it means they have ideas of being republican president. can mike mulongoti the one who failed to run a four roomed brothel named milleneum lodge run affairs of the country. I dont know much about bwalya chiti except he once owned telecel then kabinga was once floated as VP by mwanawasa. I think mulongoti has overrated himself he can be a liability to MMD. GK will trounce all these ambitious men

  16. capt austin chewe is the only threat to GK but chances are that he may not be allowed to stand due reasons best known to my party

  17. Okey okey!! I am not MMD, but if I was, I could have given it to Bwalya Chiti. He sounds like a good candidate on paper; some one to breathe a hresh lease of fresh air in the seemingly unbeatable MMD, what with the current confusion in the opposition camp.

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