Sunday, June 16, 2024
Home Church threaten never to officiate at Church Services where political cadres are present

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    • “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”
      (Matthew 5:44, NKJV)

  1. This why some people suffer from headaches after thinking. How can a Church inspect how people are dressed? Is the church going to form its own Police force to tear gas the sinners and PF’s Sata-nic members?
    I wonder what Fr. Bwalya or Rev. Shikapwasha will think about this kind of Church’s judgement day.

  2. PF should take a lead in bringing this issue which they created while in opposition.There was nothing like this till PF came into existance.The church should stand strong on this issue. Till the days of John the baptist the church has suffered violence and the violent take by force.

  3. PF should take a lead in bringing this issue TO AN END which they created while in opposition.There was nothing like this till PF came into existance.The church should stand strong on this issue. Till the days of John the baptist the church has suffered violence and the violent take it by force.

  4. Well done at last will have some sanity at these funerals. You should have gone a step further as to ban Politicians from giving Political speeches and campaigning inside the house of GOD.
    there should be a time and place for everything not all the time politics. And to the Police you ought to be ashamed of yourselves especially the Rev JERE, Man of God you are a let down to the faith, the money and power has blinded you, you no longer a man of God to many, you should be ex communicated from your church for your action, i hope one day you realise this particalar sin you commiting. You should repent Jere modern day JUDAS.

  5. all the three PF propaganda machines (the post, times and daily mail) have not carried anything about this joint statement from the three church mother bodies. what are they hiding? they don’t want people to know how brutal the regime they support have become. thank GOD we have online publications and few non partisan radio stations who report the truth

  6. So be it, who gets the appearance fee that these guys pay you when officiating at such functions? You are paid, its not like you do it for free.

  7. only fools will want to kill more people at a funeral,not long from now,i see a situation where political funerals wil be lead by hired pastors for a lump-some fee.Shame on the stupid *****s who cause violency in exchange for a 50 pin,thats what povery does anywonly fools will want to kill more people at a funeral,not long from now,i see a situation where political funerals wil be lead by hired pastors for a lump-some fee.Shame on the stupid *****s who cause violency in exchange for a 50 pin,thats what povery does anyway

  8. papers are ready by 20:30 hrs hrs and u expect miracles to happen for the headline

  9. The problem we have in Zambia is that of political prostituism. The violent ones migrated from UNIP to MMD and later to PF. Those who have been denied space by their violent colleagues are the remnants in MMD and UPND. I therefore, appeal to any ruling party to deny entry to any party cadre with a track record of violence. Let violent cadres remain in the opposition so that the police can deal with them squarely. A ruling party should be beyond reproach and always set a good example.

  10. The violence at churches is a result of mixing politics and religion. Only the separation of religion and politics will stop this nonsense. Those of us who can read the history of Arabia, Europe, America and Asia will realize that in Africa you really do not want religion and politics to mix.

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