Sunday, June 16, 2024
Home Young woman brutally murdered in Chisamba

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  1. Sad reading indeed…how to people walk all over a murder scene, wasn’t his ‘home’ surely not declared a crime scene…or do i watch too much TV? What is happening to Zed please??

  2. Where is Solo Jere here is serious matter which neaad your expertise to fish out the alleged ritual killers. Please move in with same zeal you applied to bring the late Ruth Mabndu’s alleged killers. Move Move Solomo Jere and team.

  3. Oh what is going on in the world? Please Police arrest these thugs as soon as possible.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  4. We should start by closing all Pentecostal Churches and make moslims illigal in Zambia. Secondly all these people that have been murdered are found alone! Where are the neighbors and when did women start living alone and move at night alone?

    • What will closing Pentecoastal churches and making Muslims illegal do? Or how does it relate to this story?  I’m interested in hearing your logic..

  5. Is she christine kaseba ‘s sister? why the same surname? did they cut the private parts too? How can one identify someone from the cut legs atleast private parts and the face one can identify a relative or a sweet heart, Police must bring these bastards to book and in such cases no need of taking them to court, instant justice. kill them too , by cutting them into pieces while alive

  6. The Christian nation in denial. This has little to do with foreigners; just investigate your own primitive behaviors! Look at rival party cadres stoning each other, spousal battery at its height in both directions (yes, even the women are battering husbands), church leaders committing all manner of crime! Leave the foreigners alone!!! Look in the mirror and work hard; rituals do not produce any wealth!!

  7. Find out if satanic movements, in all their disguised forms, are gaing ground in the country. This is very unfortunate.Apart from a psychopathic problem or a proper surgical operation, how do you explain the removal of human parts? Where are you taking them?Who has sent you?What has happened to the Christian conscience? This is Satanism proper.They are in somekind of kind of negative oath.My advice is that, inasmuch as proper investigations are essential, there is need for a serious spiritual approach.All well-meaning churches must be involved to attend to this problem.

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