Saturday, July 27, 2024

Find better replacement for Mweene, fans urge Chipolopolo technical bench


Zambia national Scoccer Team goalie Kennedy Mweene save Gyan's penalty during AFCON match
Zambia national Scoccer Team goalie Kennedy Mweene saves Gyan’s penalty during AFCON match

The Chipolopolo Soccer Fans Association has called on the national team technical bench to find the right replacement for suspended goal keeper Kennedy Mweene.

Association Chairman Yotam Mwanza said the technical bench should seriously intensify the search for a goal minder to replace Mweene ahead of the forthcoming two world cup qualifying games.

Mwanza explained that there was need for the technical bench to ensure that a right goalkeeper was identified to guard the posts during the two games which Mweene will miss due to the red card suspension he is serving.

In an interview with ZANIS Sports in Lusaka today, Mwanza said it was unfortunate that the technical bench did not foresee the need to train a second choice goalkeeper who can perform well just like the first choice goalkeeper.

He has since urged the technical bench to emulate the old national team which had the late Efford Chabala and Richard Mwanza who were both capable of handling the goal posts in the absence of the other.

And Mwanza has since urged the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) to organise a friendly match before the team takes on Lesotho on June 8 at the Levy Mwanawasa stadium in Ndola.

Mwanza said the team needs to win all the remaining matches for it to successfully secure a place at the Brazil 2014 world cup tournament.

He added that the supporters were more than ready to cheer the team.


  1. I dont want us to qualify! We will be embarrassed on the world stage. We have failed to beat teams like Lesotho,Zimbabwe, Sudan etc so we cant compete on the world stage. I am embarrassed enough already, I dont want a pile-on.

    • stop fantasizing about qualifying for the world cup in Brazil.

      Maybe helping eat army worms at mwanawasa stadium will be an achievable task than attempting to qualify for the world cup.

      We just cant qualify…sorry

  2. Didnt read properly I though it was a replacement for ferguson or makini kanshi niba zambia chipolopolo ohohooooo Mweeeeeneeeeeee

  3. Chipolopolo Soccer Fans Association must be compromised and on FAZ payroll or just a gullible lot…you don’t ask these things now…if you are asking that means you are and have been dealing with incompetent bunch of short-sighted empty suits at Football House.
    Wake up Chipolopolo Soccer Fans Association!!

  4. Who told you that when you lead the group you automatically qualify? Stop misleading people,there are still play offs or whatever you want to call it.This is just the first phase.

  5. we waste too much money on soccer? what is bola…..we need to re-direct our resources to urgent needs…quality ARV’s ….drainage, roads..not fi-bola…..continue supporting fi-bola ….kabili ba zambia mulya bola…western province stadium good example?

    • If we re-direct those resources new lodges will be built and perpetrators will be acquitted. Leave the money where it is – at least we might just get back into the African Cup winning – forget the World Cup for now.

  6. I have watched Joshua Titima 4 3 gud seasons now.And my opinion is that he is the right replacement for mweene.That goal lesotho scored was the fault of defenders especialy sunzu who was not fit.

  7. If they are searching for a replacement now then woe be upon us. I thought any team always already has a second and third choice goalkeeper always in waiting? Do these soccer fans know what they are talking about?

    • Umwina zed you are one of those bloggers who always impress me with you grammar. How come you now have ama “always” sululu in one sentence? Wake Up maan!

    • I’m sorry ba Ticha. Please dont put me in detention. I wont repeat this again. Oops sorry I wont repeat this.

  8. Its interesting to note that bloggers especially Mchingans are lamenting and missing Mweene who has origins from Southern Power. Since when did Tongas become important to you chaps? I thought they are all dim wits like their black/brown cows that eat green grass but produce white milk, yellow cheese and red meat, which incidentally you hate to eat? ‘Kitwe the cleanest town’, your comment?

  9. Joshua is fine can mind the goal better to be deputized by munyau and muchelenganga .dont judge titima by the equalizer by lessotho that go was coming even mwene could have been beaten by that cracker of a goal.


  11. Get a new replacement now and see how you will be massacred.The reserve goal minders are already there. Why are you so shortsighted?

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