Saturday, July 27, 2024

Education Minister warns students, as President Sata orders him to expel protesting students and hand them over to Police



MINISTER of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education John Phiri has warned students in various public universities not to be used by disgruntled politicians as tools to cause confusion.

Dr Phiri was speaking after receiving a directive from President Michael Sata to expel University of Zambia Students protesting against the removal of subsidies.

“There are disgruntled Zambians out there, who want to use students in universities and colleges to cause confusion, as Minister in charge, I will not allow this and I want to warn students not to allow to be used as tools of confusion,” Dr Phiri said.

He said the students were also beneficiaries of the removal of the subsidies as some of the funds saved would be channeled to the education sector.

“I don’t want any of my students in all institutions to be at risk of arrest or expulsion ,the PF needs all the students to prepare them to be the leaders of tomorrow,” Dr Phiri said.

Dr Phiri also disclosed that despite two rooms being partially burnt due to teargas canisters, there were no serious casualties. Only a few students were being treated for minor injuries,

[pullquote]“Today some opposition leaders like HH are taking money to buy students from UNZA to start going to cause trouble at Arcades and on the Copperbelt. To this end, I ask you Minister of Education, identify those students, expel them from the university and hand them over to Ms Kasosa, who will arrest them,” he said.[/pullquote]

Dr Phiri also urged the Police to find the people who were advocating the declaration of the black Friday to ascertain what was behind it.

Earlier, President Sata directed that the unruly students should be expelled from UNZA with immediate effect.

He further said that he had information that opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema was behind the sponsoring of the students to engage in unruly behaviour.

“Today some opposition leaders like HH are taking money to buy students from UNZA to start going to cause trouble at Arcades and on the Copperbelt. To this end, I ask you Minister of Education, identify those students, expel them from the university and hand them over to Ms Kasosa, who will arrest them,” he said.

“It is immoral for us as a country to subsidise fuel when our children can’t even afford an education. I am appealing to all Zambians to trust me because our priority is to distribute national resources equitably,” he said.

He said it would cost the country, KR250 million to build five universities and that KR1.1 billion was being spent on subsidies, which was wrong.

He said Zambians sacrificed a lot during the privatisation process, when people like Mr Hichilema allegedly enriched themselves at the same time.

[pullquote]“It is immoral for us as a country to subsidise fuel when our children can’t even afford an education. I am appealing to all Zambians to trust me because our priority is to distribute national resources equitably,” he said.[/pullquote]

And University of Zambia (UNZA) Registrar Kavwanga Yambayamba has warned students that the Institution would not hesitate to expel students who would be found disrupting the normal academic functions of the University.

Dr Yambayamba said there were more peaceful ways of airing grievances and that management would not hesitate to expel anyone found wanting adding that students should focus on their academic studies.

“It has been observed that some students over the past few days have involved themselves in activities which have lead to the disruption of academic programmes,” Dr Yambayamba said.


  1. That money from politicians is sweet mwe.I had my share during my time at Evelyn Hone.In the evening we would go and use the PF money,get drunk and then come back mu college in the night around 02:00-03:00 hours in the morning to announce the demonstration.Those were sweet moments.Funny that despite always being one of the ring leaders of demos i used to run away with my group whenever we would see the police mobilizing themselves.I remember one time we were drinking using the same money while watching tear gassed fellow students running away for dear life.We were laughing forgetting that we started it in conjunction with our equally corrupt student union.

    • Your language is not different from Kadhaffi’s son who refused to accept the reality that Libyans have decided to remove Kadhaffi!

      What Sata is doing, are the last kicks of a dying horse! He wont last in Statehouse for sure, not this time!

      The Intelligence officers, Soldiers & Police Officers have Zambia relatives who are dying from HUNGER and preventable diseases!

      All Zambian security people will soon turn against Sata!

      Sata with all his corrupt govt will soon be HANGED and SHOT in front of State House!

      There is no justice in Zambia, as evil Dictator Sata has corrupted his relative Chief INJUSTICE Chibesakunda to deny Zambians fairness & justice.

      Sata & all his corrupt govt PF leaders needs to be shot in their heads HUNDRED times!

  2. but ciiii saaataaa,nicofuntha
    are we still in unip?let the stu
    dents demostrate,u have done
    a stupid move.m2v yanu ba pamafia.

    • Sata is hallucinating.
      These are the consequences of firing chiefs, we told Sata not to chess Chief Mwamba. And he followed by ordering to slaughter innocent dogs in Lusaka. The ghosts dogs are more haunting than balded men. The moon is rising, Sata napena.

    • I think Nostradamus nga tacenjele alapena nombalinefye pa mulandu wa kwa Sata. Mwana go to the village and and learn whether there is anyone who is living on GRZ subsidies of Mealie meal. The poor people have no access what so ever to what the ***** is mourning about.

      Meanwhile this same ***** called Nostradamus can afford to buy two six packs of alcohol per day at more that the price of mealie meal and he wants Sata to subsdies him. Bane fwayeni ibala mulelima. Thats what your colleagues in Uganda, Tanzania and Bostwana do.

    • @nostradamus
      i thinks you have a point there my bro, which people shouldnot take lightly… those dog ghosts haunting more balded men… and more important the moon is `out` shinning… now prepare yourselves for the worst from him when the moon `goes to the dark`yayayayaya,,,wait and see… ukupena! you want not seen anything yet!

      Notradamus… when are organsing a potato cut protest to state house,, until we see change.! we want to hear from you and others

  3. Expel them and blacklist the ungrateful bastards for at least 5 years from attending classes from both private and public colleges.

    • my bro this useless behavior from students calls for urgent reforms to our education.i expected them to suggest an alternative to what government has done instead of even surprised some bloggers are calling rioting a right!



    • @Msana Wanzili, PERTINENT and KAYA. These chaps at UNZA actually need a 3 month holiday back in the comfort of their homes to step back read, research and analyze what the government is doing then reflect on their actions over the past few days. When they return in August they themselves know what time it would be. If we do not instill discipline in these chaps now we will end up not only with chaps that can’t construct sentences on banners, but more Ndobo’s, Shaka OZ’s, MMD Chief Bootlickers, etc.

    • I agree with you Msana Wanzili. These guys see things from one perspective. Yes arrest them and they will only come to realise how wrong they were after they have turned into cabbages. Stupid students.

  4. I think the Key sentence in this story is

    “..I am appealing to all Zambians to trust me ..”

    The Big question is DO ZAMBIANS TRUST YOU MR PRESIDENT? Trust is Earned, You have been in power now for almost 3 years now and Have you EARNED their TRUST?

    The Answer is I DON’T KNOW

    • I totally agree with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      So this is the change people advocated for… Unfortunately, this is a backward change. Jobs are scarce, salaries are mediocre, prices of commodities are high, freedom of speech is suppressed: am sure this sounds familiar, “THE KAUNDA ERA”. In the two years these Professional Fools (PF) have been in power, our beloved country has slid 30 years into the past..
      People this is our country and we have the power to change it, come 2016 let us all go in large numbers to vote these professionally incompetent dweebs out of power.. HH for President..

    • How can you know when all you do is wait for GRZ to put food on your table?

      The only thing you know to do is alcohol consumption. Bwana no one owes you a life. Not even our former colonial masters.

      Forget about Sata and learn to stand on your own with or without Sata’s mealie meal.

    • @ MMD Chief Butt licker, but zoona iwe ndiwe chpuba chi mudala!! Your name itself speaks volumes about you!

      @ Shanachie, you make my day!! lLOL! Well summarised!! Another voice of reason!!

    • @Patriot Act, I concur with the Bootlicker so that makes the two of us but looking at the vote, I believe many are in our camp…..even AlaB was liked when he was in power.

  5. This president is so frail to have sleepless nights over students protests. This is how future leaders train all over the world. PF government should engange students through their leadership over prices of commodities. Remember these are young people widely read and government should offer rationale over price increases in the nation. Resorting to arbitrary arrests is to offer recipe for anarchy which the govt will shoulder the blame.

  6. The studies are demonstrating on our behalf as Zambians & I’m behind them.
    Guys we can’t be buying fuel a little at 10 kwacha in a nation where majority of its pipo leave on less than a dollar on a day. We buying a little at two dollars and I can tell u we have a crisis in this country. The students are being locked up & motorists are watching.Whts wrong with urs Zambians. Those students are speaking on behalf of our poor in villages and the majority of parents sending them to skool under harsh living conditions coz all commodities will go up we like it or not. Our students we behind u because u speaking for the voiceless. You are speaking for me

    • Fuel which you only use in the night picking and dropping prostitutes? stay home with your wife and children. You mean you cant do without alcohol and prostitutes?

    • Very little is understood as to who is benefiting most from the fuel subsidy. Our roads are flooded with foreign owned vehicles like those SA abnormal trucks we see every day. Should the government continue to subsidise their fuel? The rich driving V8 cars. Should the government continuing with the subsidy on fuel?

      The UNZA chaps should have supported the government on this one but then they should have asked the government what they will do for people in Mtendere, Misisi, Kalinganga who will be affected by the removal of subsidies. And UNZA allowances? Shame on you UNZA chaps.

    • You don’t produce any fuel in Zambia, what is your problem? You want to buying fuel at KR2.50 like a bottle of soft drink? Lear to see things from a broader perspective. I advise you to study some economics. We can’t heap all our expenditure on fuel in terms of subsidies when we have so many needy areas. We are simply shifting resources from some areas in order to invest in infrastructure which will spur development and create opportunities for emancipating this vast country.

  7. This minister of education is also stupid and idle!,, he should gone to the university to address the students along time ago!! … why did he wait until stones started flying? stupid..kupusa!

  8. These students re fools. We re subsdizing 4 there education and they seem not to appreciate. For our country to develop we need to sucrife nw for our children. I don’t unerstand why the govt should ask or explain to student on everything cabinets decide. Let’s think beyond today.

    • Even in homes when parents make a decision they sit and explain to their kids. Unless iwe wakulile mu mpanga.

  9. Chimbwi no plan! Is that the best solution he can come up with this time and age. From a democracy to an “Animal Farm!” Napolion Aka Ba Step Father, has really taken power to his Kidneys, no wonder he can’t use his head to address the issue at hand. He should pray that plot one keeps him because come 2016, Ngatwamifumyapo, i hope he has a back up plan….

    • Freedom of association does not exclude any one because they are Members of Parliament. If I find Nevers or HH to be too childish to lead me surely I cant wait for 5 years.

      Akupepeni ifyo fine mu tuntemba mu ma classrooms pa masukulu. ifwe twaba ku main line Churches.



    • Honestly to preside over black Africans you really have to be high handed. Otherwise you end up in zero option kind of situation.

      Do you think HH and nevers can ever accept to be ruled?

  11. Has any of these students ever heard of Ken ” bungwe ” Mweemba who fought for students meal allowances and ended up being expelled and blacklisted.

    The problem is not subsidies but poor salaries(even amongst educated workers) and high general unemployment levels. These are the things we should be protesting about

    • Some of these students are so stnpid that they don’t know 4 yrs fast forward they will be in the real world and will be on their own. Bursaries ought to be stopped altogether, let them get loans charged on their parents’ houses maybe that will make them wise up. They get themselves expelled, they lose out on all fronts because they will still need to pay up or lose their property. We are not a communist state.

    • Yes, Ken Bungwe is very confortable now; with the help of RB, in case you did not know. Had the MMD scooped the elections he could have become even more wealthier within a very short time.

    • You a MORON CHIMPANZEE with a low IQ like Sata & Kabimba!

      Surely u will be hanged & shot with Sata!

      Go u really know how we are suffering? U monkey!

    • #14.1 msana wanzili,

      U have to see from where we are coming from to where we are going!

      I have been predicting that Sata will be shot and hanged on display in front of Statehouse! If u are doubting look at the greatness of the current anger towards Sata & his PF corrupt leaders

      NO MATTER WHAT U WRITE HERE NOR YOUR PROPAGANDA, Sata wont be saved! Sata is already gone!

      Zambia is not Batroseland where he ordered soldiers to go & shoot people!

      Zambia is a land where evil UNIP Dictator Kaunda tried to use soldiers against Zambians but failed!

      If Sata had a high IQ & had intelligent advisers, he could have read mood of Zambians & what removed Kaunda!

      Sata & PF are goners! They are dead baba! He just cannot survive not this year!

      May be unless he apologise sincerely!

  12. A PRESIDENT SHOULD NEVER ASK FOR CITIZENS TO BE ARRESTED, this is unheard of….. Sata should start acting like a president,

  13. Ba Sata and PF nabafilwa completely!!! we should not be allowed to continue because they will destroy a lot of things. Ba Sata kwena….awe sure it was a mistake.

  14. Ba Sata and PF nabafilwa completely!!! they should not be allowed to continue because they will destroy a lot of things. Ba Sata kwena…awe sure it was a big mistake.

    • I doubt whether Andrew knows exactly what he wants. If mealie meal subsidies is all you want from a government then sad because even mu stone age people looked after their own bellies.

      Ngolefwaya Andrew uleya mu kulya ku nganda kwa Sata. Because even people in the village have known the benefits of mealie meal subsidies. They grow and meal their own maize.

  15. Bravo pf! Those stundents are just useless ones. They are not even widely read. Why can’t they just go round explain to pipo why they are against that. Hh u are worse than the demagogues themselves.

  16. Removing subsidies might be the right thing to do but the way it has been done leaves a lot to be desired. Government has a lot of technocrats who should have advised the President on the best way of going about it. For example, a phased approach would not have had the immediate and obvious impact that the big bang approach has had. Government is about people and the worst thing you would do is hit them where it hurts the most i.e. the belly. PF’s projects are like shooting from the hip with no clear direction. I suspect that the funds for the ambitious projects have run out, hence the rush to remove the subsidies. Tell people the truth because even the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) is going to soon start dwindling with all the unrest in the country.

  17. Zambian democracy at work. Only those students who have damaged property should be arrested the others should protest even though some of them don’t exactly know what they are protesting about. Some of us agree with the removal of subsidies but they will be others who for some reasons known to themselves don’t agree with this view point. Those that protest should be given the chance. In fact I will go as far as to say that there is no difference between the current administration and the colonialists in as far as allowing the freedom of people to protest. The administration needs to understand that Democracy comes with certain qualities and rights on the citizens. The right to demonstrate is one of them.

  18. The problem is that if they had asked for permission to demonstrate properly, the police state would have said no. In the western world students do demonstrate from time to time, mostly with pre-arranged routes and police escort. It is the duty of all persons going through the higher echelons of education to voice concerns about the ongoings in the nation. Education is not just about memorasing data for the sake of ending up with a job at the end of the day. It is about opening your horizons to all around you, critising, suggesting solutions, standing up for the down trodden and if need be, expressing yourselves in any other way that will draw attention. Debate the merits or de-merits of the removal of subsidies, without supressing other means of showing disatisfaction.

  19. MMD left 2 million in reserve , i know its has disappeared by now.

    F,,ukers when to dance to town naked ..

    I have never seen such madness where a major decision is done midway during the budget cycle..

    The question to PF cadres, Useful *****s is the minister of Finance Normal.

    how does the Sata pronounce Universities which are not even in the budget..

    Next time please dont waste our time listening to the F.,.ucking budget whuch you dont follow yourselves . we already have alot of universities,

    what we need are factories for our people to be employed .. i HATE AFRICAS AND THEIR DECISIONS

    • Blind follower “Bette” sure boyi, can you vote for for Lupiya and his sons Henry and Andrew if they were to recontest the presidency?

      I resign being a Zambian.

  20. we have a Hitler type of government, whats are our parliament for , these are things
    you have to debate and not allow one fool to decide for the masses, something that has been in place for a long time and just wake up one day no more. and nothing is being done to boost agriculture . besides this is causing a lot of confusion every one wants to increase their prices and workers will soon start demanding more money. this is going to be a big circus

    • Chimbwi go find your own meat. No one owes you a life. If you cant put food on your table then you better die you and your cubs. I personally dont need Sata’s subsidies to put nshima on my table…not even my old people back in the village. Ukafwapofye boyi na Sata akashale.

    • Agony is when you want Sata to put food on your table for you, your wife and children but instead he chooses to remove subsidies. Wafwa ku nsala iwe na bana bobe.

  21. The problems in Zambia is that UNZA students feel they are too educated to know everything. UNZA is ranked 60 in Africa. This shows how backwards students are and the institution itself. Demonstrate peaceful rather burning hostels. Paramilitary wing since its establishment has never failed to control the situation. Those how are going to miss out are definitely the poor students than those hired. Even when they finish their. Courses they are unemployable due to bad records

  22. There’s no empirical evidence showing that subsidies have caused poverty in this country this ailing dictator is lying. He needs money for by elections

  23. Viva Unzasu! Viva!! Anyone remember Arafat from the Ruins in 1989? Ladies and Gentleman, this PIG does not listen and does not care, so the only true language they will understand is a REVOLUTION! He was deported to Lebanon and well as students, we revolted and ushered in the multi-party system that all Zambians are enjoying now. To start demonizing the rioting students is nothing but an insult to some of us who used the same tactic to make UNIP concede and bow out of power. Can a sane mind surely be in support of removing subsidies on agriculture. The USA, which profess capitalism subsidize health, agriculture and education and yet a poor nation like ours would with impunity remove the only life line for the poor in the name of redistribution of resources? What Nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Any way you cant discipline a child for behaving childish. UNZA students are only being childish.

      Imagine what would become of the USA or UK if each time government makes an unpopular decision they all run to the streets???

  24. C’mon guys…. It has now become an offence to exercise free speech? Government officials need to get down to real work, not these petty threats on young kids. These are just students who want their voices to be heard, old people need to be wiser and listen without beating them up. I think Zambia is quite backward in the way we handle situations. People demonstrate everyday all over the world for one reason or another. you do, however, not hear such vicious threats from the Government who are elected by the same people.. Very lazy thinkers!

  25. Lmao this guy is going to blame the opposition for the riots when he is the one increasing things he says people should sacrifice when he gets so much money and hes ministers those accusations on hh are dull accept zambians dont want you the most educated people in the land dont want you just step down its not there fault you guys are grade sevens leave the kids alone police you ll pay also

  26. Useless students lekeni tukuleko ama university ya new why this bush behavior and to all those uneducated or bitter people advocating for riots mulifipuba tamwakwata amano.

  27. Ati “Trust me”. My foot! The only way I can trust you is if you publicly admit and apologise for lying all the way to State House in your infamous “90 day don’t kubeba” clap trap. You won through lies! Ever watched ‘the last King of Scotland’ where Amin was dancing while Uganda was on the brink? Or aptly put, have you heard of an adage of Nero the Emperor of Rome dancing while his city was ablaze? That’s what I saw on TV yesterday when Sata was dancing in Chongwe.

    • Sorry Sata is in the seat. I did not vote for him but for subsidies I think I will vote for the man. He is a courageous leader.

    • HRH dude, if bene Sata are paying u i am glad to say u have earned your buck well! U have managed to respond to almost every anti-government comment. Too bad no one’s taking u seriously, wat with everyone being annoyed and all, totally diminishes the relevance of your excellent and naive comments! Soldier on brother!!

    • dudelove wat makes u think no one is taking HRH did u assess that everyone is annoyed bcoz some of us are supporting GOVT move on this one.pls learn to speak for yourself.

    • @ The rock, you know what is in this paper because its your favourite newspaper! Actually, you don’t miss a single copy every day, you foo.l! Don’t pretend…

  28. I think it would have been better to dialogue and address the problems that affect the majority of Zambians, than issuing threats and warnings. We are a nation of many tribes, races and languages hence we should put our heads together for the betterment of our nation. May God bless mother Zambia.

  29. Lets not point fingers to opposition leaders as sponsors of the demonstrations in Universities and Colleges. I look to a time when people will protest peacefully, without police blocking them. WARNING: No destroying of property, then whoever is found violating the law is severely dealt with. Democracy calls for protests (Kulihoola).

  30. With all the contentious issues in the country, he chooses to go and commission the building of a new University. Doesn’t this say a lot about his lack of judgment and misplaced priorities? On top of this, he has continued to address issues using wrong platforms e.g. instructing Kasosa during the ceremony to go and arrest any protesting students. This man does not have a clue on how to run government and is a coward despite giving people the impression otherwise. Where is the “seleni tubombeko” gang? I would really like to pick their brains on what is happening as they seem to have lost their voices.

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