Saturday, June 8, 2024

Increased illicit sex in villages located along the Chingola-Solwezi road worries Taskforce


Solwezi District Aids Taskforce (SDATF) says it is concerned with the increase in illicit sexual activities that are happening in villages located along the Chingola-Solwezi road.

SDATF Chairperson David Manda said villages around St. Dorothy and Kabisapi have become sleep over stations for local and international truck drivers.

He noted that the situation is alarming because girls as young 11 years old and young women are actively exposing themselves to risky sexual behaviours.

Mr Manda said this in an interview with ZANIS during the commemoration of the Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) day held today at ST. Dorothy community.

Mr Manda said this is a challenge that the District AIDS Taskforce is facing in realizing HIV and AIDS prevention interventions in the district.

He also said the affected areas are under serviced in terms of VCT services as there are only Corridors of Hope that are conducting periodic mobile services.

And District Commissioner Crispin Likando in a speech read for him by the District Administrative Officer, Chipawa Chipawa said Solwezi district is rapidly being ravaged by the effects of HIV and AIDS following the population increase caused by the opening of the mines.

Mr Likando urged traditional and political leaders to encourage the people to go for VCT and obtain their results so that they can help to control the spread of the HIV virus.

The national VCT day was commemorated on June 30, under the theme “Reaching everyone, everywhere with Voluntary Counselling and Testing Services”




      Sometimes bad news catches us totally off guard and reduces us to tears. We hurt so badly that we need time to nurse the hurt; we need time away from distractions; we shun even physical sustenance. News about the destruction of Nehemiah’s beloved homeland evoked such a response in him. His feelings of patriotism, of concern for the Jews in Jerusalem, made him heartsick. As a royal cupbearer, Nehemiah was living a comfortable life in the palace of the king of Persia, far away from the strife and violence that ripped Jerusalem. Yet, he chose not to ignore the situation. He did not turn a deaf ear nor shrug his shoulders at the news. In his distress he wept bitterly and went to God in prayer for solace.

      We don’t have to search the media for bad news about our city…

    • It is there, up front and personal, all around us. God expects us to be concerned. He wants our hearts to be broken as we consider those who are less fortunate and are experiencing pain and suffering. God wants us to act, but he desires that we come to him first, in prayer, for guidance and direction.
      What is your typical reaction to bad news or news that involves harm or danger to your loved ones? Think about your city. Have you ever felt particularly moved by its conditions? What situations triggered this feeling and how did you respond? Did you pray?
      Ask God to direct you to a particular troubling issue in your city. Spend time praying and fasting for its resolution. Pray: Lord, thank you that I can come boldly to your throne of grace. Make me sensitive to the needs of others, and…

  1. what kind of taskforce are you?,,, learn from sata`s tackforce… that is illicit sex you talking about,,its illegal,,, arrest them… if its not illicit sex force condoms on them if they refuse arrest them….otherwise disband you are not taskforce… or change to taskservice

  2. This is sad nabali under 11 years bonse, mamamama the situation is terrible!!! Abaice aba tabatina ifyabakulu. Mwebaice imwe…..!!!!!!!

  3. What about the client? what are you doing about that, arrest the customer and let the prostitute go free, you will have dealt with the problem because there will be no one to buy.

  4. Since the beginning of time, there has been illicit s.e.x. Give people the necessary education and distribute condoms. You can worry all you want but people wont stop shagging.

  5. What the hell is illicit sex? Kano fye nga ebo. Who the hell are you to “police” other people’s privacy? Grow the phuck up, all of you.

  6. these are economic problems…the jobs in 90 days…there are always those street vendors selling ground nuts…but they do not wear underpants…and do heavy make ups to suggest that they are not just selling ground nuts…

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